posted on May, 13 2008 @ 10:19 AM
You are definitely not alone. I consider myself a conservative, yet I think the present 'War on Drugs' is a scam and marijuana should be treated no
differently from alcohol. I believe we do need a welfare system, just one that actually helps people to regain economic footing, not just gives them a
nice easy way to pay a few bills at everyone's expense. Those are more liberal views, but somehow I just can't stand by everything 'conservatives'
preach. There has to be a balance.
I have never seen a Presidential election so un-balanced. McCain is a continuation of Bush, unapologetically and openly. I believe Hillary is a
continuation of Bush, as in running against his policies in order to continue them. And I'm not exactly trusting of Obama, as he has a very liberal
background on all the issues.
If the truth be known, I liked Duncan Hunter. He lasted a few months. I liked Tom Tancredo, ditto for him. Except that he scared me about the Iraqi
War, I liked Ron Paul. He's still technically running, but has about the changes of a snowball in a turbocharged microwave right now. Of all the
Republican candidates, McCain took it?!?
I'm like you, Skyfloating. I wish there was someone, anyone, who could represent my values. Isn't that what democracy is about? A choice between
different ideals? We have no choice.
The only way this country can ever return to the policies that made it great (i.e., freedom and tolerance and diversity) is for there to be an armed
revolt. That will remove the present regime, but will cause an untold amount of suffering, especially when one compares this society to the great ones
of the Revolution, Civil War, and WWII. I fear we as a whole are simply not up to the task.
I can only look at the-country-formally-known-as-Burma and say thank God we're not them... yet.