reply to post by The_Modulus
Actually, everything you've asked has been answered, albeit not in a direct manner.
In particular I would like to know if anyone, or if there is any documentation, of whether it is effective in treating illness. Although it may
be a self-interested desire to be healed, would the tides of karma flow this way?
In the video, Grant actually talks about how he made himself sick and then fixed himself using his Comic book sigils. Using sigils to heal yourself or
others is very real.
Trying to think back, I remember doing a mental sigil after my knee surgery. I went through Arthroscopic surgery, but never did any follow-up visits
for physical therapy. To this day the knee I had surgery on is more reliable than any other joint in my body. That is one of the times I did a mental
sigil, and a couple weeks later the sigil appeared a couple times around me, and I knew that it had come to fruition. I think I made that sigil when I
got stuck laying on my side on the couch and couldn't move enough to get up because of the pain (had to call my friend down to lift my leg out of
it's akward position, lol!)
The other question I have concerns forgetting about the sigil. What exactly is required here, should one forget the wish one made, or merely forget
the immediate symbol of the sigil?
Just to clarify why I think forgetting would be a serious issue, if one is meditating on something very serious in ones life, something that
normally consumes much of your thoughts, and you turn to this as a possible solution to those problems, how could you forget such a serious
there really isn't a way for a person to completely put it out of their minds. It's hard to put it out of your mind, say if you were living on the
street and wished for a job and home...
Originally posted by _Phoenix_
But It would be nice for someone who knows to make a very simple step by step guide to what you do, because this thread is like a maze, it would be
nice to have it simple and easy.
Take care of both at the same time...
Ok, you write down your wishes, as simply as you can, but careful of your wording... there was an episode of The Twilight Zone where an antique store
owner came across a genie in a lamp. The guy wished for a million dollars. The money appeared on the floor, so he started giving money out to all in
the community... then the tax guy showed up and took the rest. Then he wished that he was ruler of a great nation, a wealthy nation, and he appeared
as Hitler, and his officer was handing him a bottle of cyanide. I just use that as illustration... be careful of your wishes and desires.
[bI wish to have a job and home
Now, remove all vowels. (I believe this comes from the fact that ancient alphabets didn't have vowels... they are just sounds between consanats)
Now remove repeating letters and we come up with:
Now, take thos letters and overlap them to create your sigil. There is no set rules for creating your sigil. From what I understand, you can take and
draw a circle, or in this case, lets say a 10 pointed star (10 letters) and write one of the letters to each point of the star. In earlier posts, I
warned against using significant numbers, however... I would probably choose a circle with the idea that the circle encompasses the entire wish and
keeps it bound. The circle is representation of cycles, that everything is bound together as one, and that we are one with nature... we ARE nature.
The sigil talked about in this thread, the one Grant talks about, is made by overlapping the letters... H, N and M share 2 upright elements that can
overlap. a small loop connecting the bottom of those three would be the J, etc etc. There are no set rules involved in the sigil... the most important
part is that you concentrate on your wish or desire WHILE you are making it. Focus on it, not with just your conscious mind, but with your soul. This
is the reason for having a spiritually clean space, and reason why people prescribe different rituals... whatever works for them to create that
After you have created the sigil, you need to avtivate it, or charge it. It is my belief that you are charging it while you create it, but I can
readily clear my head with no problem... I think it's a self defense mechanism (I'm admittedly an Empath). That is the reason for the maturbation
techniques or whatnot. Like I said, I like to listen to select music. If you can find a song that just resonates in your mind and seems to make all
the cares of the world melt away, I'd suggest listening to it. Have your sigil ready, and while you are listening your thoughts will clear and
nothing but the music in your head, you imprint that sigil. Look at it, and don't think about it's meaning, just stare at the lines you created. If
you do the music, you can stare at the sigil and let the shapes and lines float around freely in your head with the music. (btw, careful of what music
you listen to... I said earlier Pink Floyd and Incubus... Incubus is REALLY good, they have such powerful positive vibes to the music and lyurics).
Once you are ready, you can do many things with the sigil. What I find works best is what you immediatly want to do with it. Sometimes you wil feel
inclined to burn it, sometimes you will feel inclined to treat it as a keepsake. Or maybe you create the sigil in the sand while you are on the beach
and wipe it clean. Basically it's all contextual to your purpose. Sometimes you may write your sigil on cloth and bury it because you feel that it
will prolong the effects, but it will eventually fade out in time. Some sigils are made permanent in stone.
Now you've done your 'ceremony', and it's time to clear your head. In this instance, we hypothetically asked for a job and home. Don't go out
looking for a home. If you have been looking for a job, go follow up on it, it's fine. Seriously, you are living on the streets, I doubt you are
gonna forget that. The purpose is that you don't want to delude yourself into accepting false 'gifts'. In my case, I usually see the sigil again,
interpretting at the time whether it is a sign that it's still working on it, or it is done. You basically don't want to just take some small random
temp job as the sigil's work... if you clear your head of it, you wil absolutely know when it has been done.
Hope this helps!