posted on May, 13 2008 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by MareNostra
Hiyah MareNostra,
Thanks for your post I was just going to post about a friend of mine who lives in Canada, the poor man has needed his gallbladder out for 16 months
now, he's scheduled to have it out in June sometime he told me.
Meanwhile he has painful gallbladder attacks where he has to go lie down for 3 hours until the pain passes. And here your post pops up! Thanks for
giving us an inside look at the Canadian system!
Could you please elaborate as well on how much you and your Canadian counterparts are taxed on average for your Canadian dollar? I find this
Also, if you have 6 hour waits in the ER for non-life threatening things, and it takes you a month to get into a family doctor, and most likely a year
or more to get into a specialist, and according to my Canadian friend with the bad gallbladder, who's been waiting for his operation for almost a
year and a half....I wonder which system is truly better then?
I pay $76.00 a month through my job, have way lower taxes then you all...and can get into my family doctor 98% of of the time the day I call or the
next day for sure unless he's out of town, then I still get in to one of his associates... that day or the next...Now the emergency room is jammed
and depending on what shape you're in I have waited for 3 hours to get stitches in my head from a car probably depending on how big of
a city you live in here or there, that's probably the same.
my MRI's and C.A.T scans are all free as well...and I have a $10 co-pay on prescriptions which I could care less about since I am not being
prescribed anything right now....
The government here, I don't know about there, is ridiculously inept, no matter the party in power, and they don't spend the money they take from
our taxes with any sort of fiscal responsibility as it is, and I see no reason to give them more to finance the HUGE fiasco that would ensue, if they
were to get their hands on the health care system and the huge tax revenues that would supposedly go to pay for it.