I haven't read all the pages of posts, so forgive me if this has been stated already; I just felt I needed to weigh in here, because there's a
bigger issue at stake.
As far as the bumper stickers themselves, I actually like the one about 'coexist', thought it had a good message. The GOP one was kinda funny, as
was the 'A**** of Evil'. Where I think you got into trouble was having the word 'pedophile' on your car parked in a day-care center.
Think about it: you're employed in a place where people bring their children for long-term care. If I was taking my kids to a day-care center, I
would probably get real nervous if I saw
anything with the word pedophile on it. These nervous parents pay the bills (your salary included),
and could probably get more nervous after seeing that sticker... maybe nervous enough to find another center to give their business to?
Also, in the shot of the cars, yours stood out. You have several stickers arranged sort of haphazardly across the back, whereas the others do not.
That means anyone walking by will be drawn to yours.
In short, you are not the victim of some sort of anti-liberal conspiracy, but you are the victim of your own actions. The day-care center exists to
serve the parents of children; not to serve you. As an employee, it is you who is expected to do the serving. Your reward is the salary (which you
This is the bigger problem I mentioned earlier. We all have the right to make political/social statements, and we cannot (according to the
Constitution) be imprisoned for it, nor can we have our individual rights removed because of it. Nowhere does the Constitution say that you have the
right to work at a day-care, or anywhere else for that matter. Freedom of speech is a restriction on the government, not on the rest of society. There
will still be consequences for actions or words, and it is up to each of us to determine if we are willing to experience those consequences.
If I were you, and wanted to work in a day-care center, I would immediately either get another car without the stickers for work, or sand all those
stickers off and put new ones somewhere else (and I don't mean the front bumper
). Next job, look at the impression you're before you go in,
and remember that you will be dealing
in a position of servitude with other people who may disagree with your views. Present an air of
neutrality when at work, and leave the openly flamboyant personna for your own time. Your employer owns the time you sell to him.