posted on May, 13 2008 @ 12:55 AM
I hate to sound like a jerk to you, but you said you were fired for your political beliefs. I mean, that's kind of true, but kind of not. Do you
believe 100% that everyone in the GOP is gay, old AND a pedophile? You might have been fired for your sense of humor, but not for your beliefs.
Also, it is kind of silly to have a bumper sticker like that and want to work for a day care. I understand where you are coming from, but if you need
the job bad enough, tell them you will remove the joke because you understand it's in bad taste. Pedophiles are no laughing matter, neither is
racism or the holocaust. I do think America is TOTALLY too sensitive now and too politically correct. But then again, what are your priorities?
Making fun of the GOP or making a living? To be completely honest, I don't think those bumper stickers really help the cause against those
politicians. I think exposing the truth in positive ways, through intelligent means is the way to go. Jokes like that really just make us all look
silly. I'm sorry you lost your job though. I should have mentioned this first. I just wanted to share my 2 cents. I didn't look at your profile,
but maybe you are young? Not sure, but that sounds right. I'm not young anymore, or all that old yet, but I remember wanting to speak for the truth
and fight the evil. I never had a bumper sticker like this, but it would have been something I might have done at that time. Now, I just try and
find ways to talk to the herd about opening their minds just a little and look at all the facts and all the discrepancies with stuff the gov is
telling us. I think the point I might be trying to make, is if you want to fight the good fight, try and find the most efficient way. Do you think
that bumper sticker does this in an efficient way? Does it make regular people question the story the gov gives us for 9/11? Does it make people
question why there are so many pharmaceuticals around right now and why flouride in the water can actually be bad for us? Does this bumper sticker
make them question ANYTHING in all reality? I would say no. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think I've shown at least a few decent examples. What stinks
about all of this is this... the bumper sticker is ineffective AND you got fired!! So, hopefully this can be a learning experience and you can figure
a better way to express yourself that really makes people think and not offends them. Do you know what I mean? I reread this post and it sounds like
I'm bitching at you and I'm sorry for that. If you heard me speak, you would hear a much happier and lively tone and POSITIVE tone. Internet is
what it is. Lastly, again, I'm sorry you got fired. Being low on money is not fun, funny and makes for a stressful life.
[edit on 13-5-2008 by justpassingthrough]
I need to learn how to spell@@!!
[edit on 13-5-2008 by justpassingthrough]