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I Was Fired Today, For My Bumperstickers!!!

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posted on May, 13 2008 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by hotbakedtater

I'm sorry to say, your gonna have to suck it up and move on. Calling a lawyer on a job that you didn't even have for a full day is not only vindictive, but useless. The daycare's judgment call on this one is personality and I feel they made the correct choice. What were you thinking?? Not only do you take pedophiles lightly enough to display the joke on your car while working with kids, you want to call a freaking lawyer? You need to remember, first impressions are everything and you don't get a second chance.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 08:54 PM
sorry, but i cannot fathom the stupidity of what you did or what you were thinking, putting pedophile stickers on a vehicle while working at a day care? do you honestly blame them for firing you, word would have got around that a pedophile was working in the daycare the daycare would have lost most customers if the parents found out.
im not accusing you of being a pedophile im just saying that is what everybody else would have seen/heard.
seriously that is fully and soley your own fault.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 08:56 PM
This may have been covered already but remember the text of the 1st amendment says "Congress will Make no Law....." what this means is that you can say whatever you want and you will not be prosecuted but if you shoot your mouth off at a privately owned company that you are employed by and get fired for it you cant go running to the first amendment for help. The First only protects you from the government not from anyone else. It sucks but... thats the sad truth of it.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by Mirthful Me

Inappropriate maybe, but still no reason to be fired. Assholes of evil is quite appropriate.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 09:13 PM
Here's the thing: Last I checked, KY was still a part of the so-called "bible belt". 'Nuff said.

Additionally, KY is a Commonwealth state... they make their own rules and move to the beat of a different drummer. As "W" has said before: "The Constitution is just a G*@dammed piece of paper!" That goes doubly for Commonwealths.

Lick your wounds, take off the bumper sticker, and find a new job. Forget the shysters- you'd be wasting time and effort that would better serve you hunting down new employment. If you were qualified enough to get this job, you can get another.

Good luck, and please temper your humor with some common sense and decorum. If you're old enough to have a child of your own, you already know this.

Not chiding you, trying to help provide motivation. Again, good luck in your job hunt!

[edit on 13/5/08 by cbianchi513]

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 09:20 PM
Personally, I think it's 'bout time to cease raking the thread author over the coals. Made a mistake, regrets it.....

The thread author probably has the message by now..

[edit on 13-5-2008 by MrPenny]

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by hotbakedtater

You have just become a victim of Political Correctness, and it was enforced by "Holier than Thou" thought police...

This is what we have coming. Gestapo like thugs, rounding up
"Subversive Types", like you?,Like us, who question everything, flaunt and thumb our noses at everyone, and believe NOTHING!

You will be endoctrinated to the NEW WORLD ORDER REICH, or you will be sent to a "CAMP CHENEY" nearest you, for a little R&R. LOL

The only Sticker I have on my vehicle is a very small" Harley Davidson" winged decal. I almost got a personal license plate that would have read;
PHUKQUE, but I decided it was to risky . I wouldn't want all those good little catholic girls knocking on my windows and saying "YES PLEASE!"

[edit on 13-5-2008 by UFOBountyHunter]

[edit on 13-5-2008 by UFOBountyHunter]

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by UFOBountyHunter
I almost got a personal license plate that would have read;
PHUKQUE, but I decided it was to risky . I wouldn't want all those good little catholic girls knocking on my windows and saying "YES PLEASE!"

[edit on 13-5-2008 by UFOBountyHunter]

Not to burst your bubble, but the DOT in your state would never issue that vanity tag. Most, but not all state workers are lazy inattentive drones. Way too obvious.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 09:31 PM
You better look through your papers that you signed. I have been under contracts that clearly state that they can terminate me at any time for any reason. There may be no recourse for you to sue or anything.

Besides, when you work closely with people's kids you have to present a very wholesome and "normal" presence because you are now part of their early developement.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 09:36 PM
reply to post by Aaron_Justin

Well said. This isn't a Free Speech issue, it's an ignorance issue.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 09:38 PM
I think it stinks that the OP wasn't questioned about her bumpersticker or given the chance to remove it, but the word pedophile, no matter how humurous its intent, doesn't work with parents of young children EVER.

I once took my first child to a daycare center for an interview. I talked to the woman for a few minutes and realized I wouldn't ever consider this person someone I'd want to be friends with and it dawned on me that I'd be leaving my child with her for 8 hours a day. I left and became a stay-at-home mom. I haven't regretted this decision yet -- 16 years later.

[edit on 13-5-2008 by Seeker Mom]

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 09:49 PM
Wow - most of these responses are way over the top.

The OP says she has a GOP sticker on her car that reads, "Gay Old Pedophiles," and that her car was parked in the employee parking lot and not the drop off/pick up point or general public parking lot, so what's really the problem here?

It's a bumper sticker, people. The OP isn't a pedophile, has not been arrested for pedophilia, nor has she done anything illegal.

Back in the 70's when America was still free, I worked at McDonalds and was a strict vegetarian. I had a bumper sticker on my car that said eating meat was sinful - and I worked there for 3 years. If you want to eat meat, that's your choice, but I got paid and that's all that mattered. It's not my place to tell you eating meat is wrong. Do what you want.

Back then, we would never have even considered firing anybody for a bumper sticker that some might have thought was "offensive." Offensive to whom? Just because two or three employees find it offensive means what? It's offensive to everybody? Please.

It's absolutely ridiculous, but it's a new world now and your "freedom" is no longer free.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 10:03 PM
Most of the negative responses are christian/republican, and they agree with authority whether it's right or wrong because that's how they've been raised. The fact is, alot of people can't take a joke, most don't think you should have free thought, and most are abused by there priests or uncles or aunts, especially christians and conservatives thats why they speak out about it so much, theres a huge two face aspect to them and if they see that it triggers there own fear so they lose perspective. The fact is, you have to be conservative in the work place, and if you aren't then you have to at work no matter what, and at home you can be yourself again, always remember that for the next job you get, CONFORM OR DIE thats what it comes down too.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 10:40 PM
May not have been 'poor judgement' and instead the OP just wasn't thinking about bumperstickers and was instead thinking about the new job.

Daycare folks would instinctively react badly to the term pedophile - for the safety of the kids and out of fear of how some parents might react.

The daycare should have discussed it with her instead of having a 'knee-jerk' - 'you're fired' reaction.

To the OP: you really don't want to work with people who react so badly: today it's a bumpersticker, what will be the 'offense Du jour' tomorrow?

Clearly from the way they handled this, the daycare folks are not people who think before they act.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 10:49 PM
The USA has never been a democracy. The USA has always been a fascistic dictatorship since 1776. Good thing that with the internet, americans are waking up, and with 9-11 done by israeli mossad agents, most americans are waking up (albeit slowly) but waking up to the fact that this country is a jail, not a democracy


Originally posted by hotbakedtater
I consider this post to be about a conspiracy, against me, and my politics. Also, I simply cannot believe what happened to me is legal, or could happen in the USA. Yes, I was Fired from my brand new job today, because of my bumperstickers, this is not a joke.

I was hired Thursday at the daycare, and began this morning, Monday, at 8 a.m. Got there early, filled out paperwork, was given the passcode to the doors, and was told who I would be training with. "Jenny" and I worked in the toddler room, and after we got them down for nap, I went to lunch, then, Jenny went to lunch. When Jenny came back, this fat redheaded girl peeks her head in my door, and crooks her finger, and said, come here.

So, I do, and Redhead says,

"The staff are all gossiping about your bumperstickers."

"So, I am , "Why?"

Redhead asks me what "Goop" means.

I said, "Its GOP, which stands for Grand Old Party". She had no idea what I meant. So, as the bumpersticker says, GOP=Gay Old Pedophiles, I explained the political joke to her.

Redhead says, Well it says gay pediphile, and I have my son in this daycare..."

To which I repeated, well, its just a joke.

I thought that was the end of it, until Redhead shouts at a coworker across the hall for me to explain it to her.

Finally, I go sit back by the cribs, as it is still naptime.

No sooner than had I sat down, then here comes my boss, the owner of the daycare, who had parked next to my car Thursday before she interviewed me, and from the door, she says,

"I wont be able to use you." To which I say, gobsmacked, "WHY??"

"Because of your bumperstickers."

I was told to leave immediately, and a full days pay will be sent to me.

I am in shock that I was fired for my bumperstickers. I want to discuss the conspiracy against me as a liberal, I reckon. The GOP bumpersticker is on the top of my trunk hiding a rust spot. I was parked in the middle of three rows of employee parking BEHIND the building, and the only way the GOP bumper sticker could be seen is by someone standing over my trunk. The employee parking lot is where people smoke(I dont).

Like I said, I am in shock and wondering if this has happened to anyone else before, and is it not a violation of my civil rights? What does bumperstickers have to do with my job performance? Was I targeted because I dared to flaunt my political ideals from my bumper?

I told the owner I could remove them, or cover them up,and I could drive my sisters car, but she said she was sorry, I had to go.

I will answer any questions anyone has, and here is the link to my pictures of my car and the bumperstickers. The pics are too big to post here, I think. Thanks for anyone who reads my story, I cannot believe I was fired for my political bumperstickers.

Only in America.

[edit on 12-5-2008 by hotbakedtater]

[edit on 12-5-2008 by hotbakedtater]

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 10:54 PM
Just throw a rock at the daycare, or do something against it like cat #. Don't get mad, get even


Originally posted by hotbakedtater
I consider this post to be about a conspiracy, against me, and my politics. Also, I simply cannot believe what happened to me is legal, or could happen in the USA. Yes, I was Fired from my brand new job today, because of my bumperstickers, this is not a joke.

I was hired Thursday at the daycare, and began this morning, Monday, at 8 a.m. Got there early, filled out paperwork, was given the passcode to the doors, and was told who I would be training with. "Jenny" and I worked in the toddler room, and after we got them down for nap, I went to lunch, then, Jenny went to lunch. When Jenny came back, this fat redheaded girl peeks her head in my door, and crooks her finger, and said, come here.

So, I do, and Redhead says,

"The staff are all gossiping about your bumperstickers."

"So, I am , "Why?"

Redhead asks me what "Goop" means.

I said, "Its GOP, which stands for Grand Old Party". She had no idea what I meant. So, as the bumpersticker says, GOP=Gay Old Pedophiles, I explained the political joke to her.

Redhead says, Well it says gay pediphile, and I have my son in this daycare..."

To which I repeated, well, its just a joke.

I thought that was the end of it, until Redhead shouts at a coworker across the hall for me to explain it to her.

Finally, I go sit back by the cribs, as it is still naptime.

No sooner than had I sat down, then here comes my boss, the owner of the daycare, who had parked next to my car Thursday before she interviewed me, and from the door, she says,

"I wont be able to use you." To which I say, gobsmacked, "WHY??"

"Because of your bumperstickers."

I was told to leave immediately, and a full days pay will be sent to me.

I am in shock that I was fired for my bumperstickers. I want to discuss the conspiracy against me as a liberal, I reckon. The GOP bumpersticker is on the top of my trunk hiding a rust spot. I was parked in the middle of three rows of employee parking BEHIND the building, and the only way the GOP bumper sticker could be seen is by someone standing over my trunk. The employee parking lot is where people smoke(I dont).

Like I said, I am in shock and wondering if this has happened to anyone else before, and is it not a violation of my civil rights? What does bumperstickers have to do with my job performance? Was I targeted because I dared to flaunt my political ideals from my bumper?

I told the owner I could remove them, or cover them up,and I could drive my sisters car, but she said she was sorry, I had to go.

I will answer any questions anyone has, and here is the link to my pictures of my car and the bumperstickers. The pics are too big to post here, I think. Thanks for anyone who reads my story, I cannot believe I was fired for my political bumperstickers.

Only in America.

[edit on 12-5-2008 by hotbakedtater]

[edit on 12-5-2008 by hotbakedtater]

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 10:56 PM
If you hadn't tried to make a pedophile joke (are those ever funny? yours wasn't) at a daycare center, you wouldn't have lost your job. That was just plain dumb. Blame your mouth, not a bumpersticker. You cost yourself that job by acting like a fool.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 11:03 PM
Consider the skills you have but undervalue.You can drive? You can make over 10 bucks an hour doing many driving jobs. Push a lawn mower? 30 bucks an hour. Talk on a telephone? Prepare food? Clean houses? Hundred bucks a day....if you work. Three hundred if you work hard. Consider the jobs some people(old folks) can't do themselves,or rich folks don't have time to do.Make your own hours,be your own boss.
Do they have couches on Mars? Hmmm,I wonder.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by nanovapor

Yes, great idea. Get fired for having the word "Pedophile" on your car, when trying to work at a daycare facility, and take it out on them, because it's obviouse that it's their fault for firing you sinceyou had something you considered funny.
Look, pedophiles and day cares don't mix. This had nothing to do with the government, this is a private business. Sure, they could have handled it better, but you just don't go into a daycare with that on your car.
But no, go ahead. Brak a few windows or something to rebel against a system that you think is wrong.
I mean, sure they'd loose business, and have to pay for repairs, and probably get sued by some lawyer happy parent who's kid got cut on the glass from the broken window. But hey, that's their fault right? just because you had a stupid bumpersticker.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 11:14 PM
reply to post by hotbakedtater

I love your stickers. They are hilarious! Anyways, I got one on my vehicle that is a green ribbon that says "Support Legalization". I just put it on less than a week ago, but no one has said anything about it yet. BTW, I don't smoke anything or do any illegal drugs. There are violent persons running around, while they throw the book at somebody for mere possession. This society is jacked up big time.

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