posted on May, 19 2008 @ 12:17 AM
To say the least God is sending his signs to awake the world as a whole. God does not have respect of a person, which mean, everything that happens,
he has his hands on his people, if you are in his will, regardless of what happens you will be protected.Everything that is happening in the world is
foretold in the bible, just like in Noah days, the world ignored him, and God is sending his warnings, but some are not taking heed, this world will
soon pass away, and if we continue to look towards men for protection, we will be lost also. The only person we need to look towards is God and not
deny his warnings. I can only say is that things in this world are only going to get worse, and there isnt anything we can do about it, but to live
right, and give our lives over to God to protect, The person that is proud to say things about hell doesnt really know that it is real as you are
reading this email, and if the world doesnt turn to the person that cteated it, they will clinch their teeth in the end, when their resting place
isn't in God's hand. I am scared to see what all will happen to this world, but I would gladly leave the cares of this world to live peaceful with