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Message from the Plejarans regarding Morgellons Syndrome (NOT from the Grays)

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posted on May, 15 2008 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by NephraTari
reply to post by VisionQuest

fair enough. there is no harm in believing her as I said before she is not bad.. she is just a new age guru using a new method of getting people to listen to her message. Nothing wrong with it.. its not a bad message it is just my opinion that its unethical to lie to get people to do something good for themselves.. whatever the motives.. dishonesty is not necessary.

just my opinion as I have no way to PROVE that she is not "channeling" the words of my ancestors white brother.

k i understand how you're suspicious of people that use a specific tone to implement their message more efficiently.

but this is in no way an anomaly in communication.

every tone you use in your own voice.. to whatever degree you use.. is used to accentuate the meaning behind it.
use a sad tone or sympathetic tone, and you'll be more likely to have your listener feel as if they're being sympathized to.
use an angry tone, and you're listener will feel threatened or alarmed.
to whatever degree.

I mean.. if you "suspect" you're being "hypnotized" and manipulated into things that you don't wish to be manipulated into.. then once you hear that technique .. RUN far away and never listen to it again. or press stop

I think that if people can't discern the degree of intonation behind people's communication..and can't discern for themselves that they may be pulled into believing things that they shouldn't be believing.. then if they can't discern that for themselves, then they should just close the magazine, turn off the TV, and turn off the computer.

you're being exposed to manipulation no matter where you go.

even now as you read this.. the method of my typing. .my canter my grammar.. you're being communicated to in the way that I deem necessary for you to receive the message, as efficiently as possibly.

we all practice this technique to whatever degree necessary subconciously in the manner that we speak with people every day.

hell .. I've used brainwave phasing to entrain listeners into a relaxed and "receptive" mode hen i encoded the music for the soundtrack to some other videos i did. presenting my work for class back in school years ago.

did i slip in subliminal waveforms like "give me an "A"" .. or "you there in the back row with the high heels.. you want to sleep with me tonight"


i just used a phasing that's been shown to (within a bell curve average) .. shown to produce more theta waves, and be more receptive to the material presented.

and I'm sure that's going to be .(if it's not already on a mass scale) .. used in many many methods of communication when it creates more efficiency in the project.

all in all...

it doesn't matter if she was contacted or not.

what matters is that... someone in 1992..
was saying that because of electromagnetic radiation from our sun and the photon band.. that light-encoded filaments and hexagon/cube/pyramid structures would be activated and change our DNA. and that some people wouldnt take it and come down with a disease..

and that's LITERALLY exactly what's happening ... now.


also there is a doctor Fox who has stated in 2004 that many people's dna is being changed as we speak.. through studies...
and described the process fo change as being EVERY OTHER SYMPTOM that morgellons sufferers go through physiologically (sans fibers cubes and lesions)

obviously as with any uncoverer of truth or whistleblower she was smeared and locked up in jail and hasn't been heard from..
so take that with a gain of salt..
believe the authorities.. or
correlate the data .. yet still wanting more.

again... you can argue over whether "she is telling the truth" or whatever...
you're NOT going to understand ANY of this... of even be able to make the SLIIIIIGHTEST bit of conclusive opinion on this subject until it happens to you.

if you're healthy .. you wont get the lesions and severe body symptoms...
but either way when this happens to you.. you'll feel the filaments on you like spider webbing.. moving.. and you'll feel your new nervous system growing within.

its just as simple as that.

untill then.. you're just going to have to remain your happy skeptical self, confident that reality is the way you choose it tobe, comfortable and proud of not buying into the "hoaxes" or "manipulative liars" that were out to get you to fool you.

so just dont mind it until it happens.

like i said.. you're lucky that you have someone like me to let you know in advance. i've spared you from getting caught into the whirlpool of fear and paranoia and insanity that comes from not knowing what this is.

so think of it as just an anomaly.. somethin'' "weird" on the 'net.. ya know?

for now.. and just forget about it.

just remember this thread when it happens to you


[edit on 15-5-2008 by prevenge]

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by prevenge

My apologies, I misinterpreted your post. I thought you were someone that wanted relief.

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 12:14 AM
Thank you prevenge for that alternative perspective on Morgellons. It is an ongoing study.

NephraTari, how the hell are ya doin'? Joy to see you again!

And you, interestedalways, you have me always interested, like these surprises! I had no idea you were experiencing some facet of this...

Gotta go to work, I'll be back to check up for new developments!

May the blessing of 801 be on you all!

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 04:58 AM

Originally posted by prevenge

Interested Always ... I read on another Morgellons thread.. that you had seen the "holographic images" on your skin .. of hooded men and the man with the flowing hair in the wind...

That's been something many many Morgellons sufferers see... historic events.. prehistoric creatures.. etc... literally "the history of the universe and man" ... unfolding through holograms around them.

I didn't believe them.. and it's never happened to me..
but it makes so much sense with what she's saying... "it will show itself to you" etc..

thanks for the input guys.

I have seen this...I've never heard of anybody else seeing "the man with flowing hair". I have also seen holographic images of dinosaurs walking around my neighborhood as well as images cast on my skin. I have a question for Interested Always, when you have seen the "man", does he appear to be, not to sound silly but, Dancing? Not only does his hair flow, which it does like a womans hair traversing under water, but his whole body flows when I have seen him. He forms out of dots of light, like pin pricks in the air and skin...curious as to the similarities. Also curious as to how many see hands? Peace

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 06:41 AM

Originally posted by 2believeor0
I did some research on the Barbara lady. seems like she was claiming stuff would happen around Y2K that would bring people together ...

Did I miss something?

9/11 maybe? See 2000 wasn't actually the y2k, The new millenia started in 2001. So I would say 9/11 had a good part to play in at least people pooling information with the internet starting to gain prominence. I would have to say that the internet has drawn people together in ways never seen before in our current age. Peace

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by prevenge

If you knew me at all.. you would not be brushing me off as your typical skeptic.
I am not saying that magellons is not real. nor am I saying that she may be passing on useful real information. I am saying .. she is not who she says she is.
Simply because she has aquired this info and is passing it on does not mean she is channeling the Pleiadeans. The contact people directly btw. If they wanted to show someone something this in depth they would come get you and have a little chat. Its not because I believe all channeling to be bunk either that I say this.. but rather that they are known for doing things in a more direct manner and she just does not ring true. However that is a personal assessment. It is my opinion which i am welcome to, just as you are welcome to believe her.
as I have stated repeatedly. I don't argue her message is good or bad, I just disagree with the dishonesty of how she came by it. She is misrepresenting.
You can choose to believe what you like. I am not stopping you, I just gave my view of her.

You have yours. I have mine. simple as that.

reply to post by Matyas

Matyas! long time no see. It is good to see you as well dear friend.

My activity has heightened once again as it seems needed at this time. There is much going on right now... and not alot of people shedding LIGHT on things.

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 03:20 PM
This is the first time ive heard of morgellons, ive watched the OP's video, and the interview, both quite fascinating.... some things are still a bit confusing, and i need to do a little more research of my own..... but is it thought that we shall all experience morgellons?? when we start to evolve... and are there sufferers worldwide? as ive never heard of anything like it hear in the uk..... with the OP's posts it seems the morgellons is a 'good' thing because it means we are evolving, but other things ive read say its a disease of sorts..... which one is it thought to be?..... thanks

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by cosmicstorm
This is the first time ive heard of morgellons, ive watched the OP's video, and the interview, both quite fascinating.... some things are still a bit confusing, and i need to do a little more research of my own..... but is it thought that we shall all experience morgellons?? when we start to evolve... and are there sufferers worldwide? as ive never heard of anything like it hear in the uk..... with the OP's posts it seems the morgellons is a 'good' thing because it means we are evolving, but other things ive read say its a disease of sorts..... which one is it thought to be?..... thanks

in my opinion
morgellons = all the symptoms of our DNA naturally changing with it's built-in nano-bio-tech "upgrade kits" ..
but people are continually poisning themselves with all these medications trying to "kill" whatever it is..
people need to let themselves go through this and drink tons of water.
Lesions = people picking their skin open because they think the sensation of new nerves is "bugs" in their skin. or them just bumping themselves and their skin breaking open because your kin can go through a "thin" phase during this.

i recommend you read the entire thread.
thanks for your interest.
no doubt this concerns you as well.


[edit on 16-5-2008 by prevenge]

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by NephraTari
reply to post by prevenge

If you knew me at all.. you would not be brushing me off as your typical skeptic.
I am not saying that magellons is not real. nor am I saying that she may be passing on useful real information. I am saying .. she is not who she says she is.
Simply because she has aquired this info and is passing it on does not mean she is channeling the Pleiadeans. The contact people directly btw. If they wanted to show someone something this in depth they would come get you and have a little chat. Its not because I believe all channeling to be bunk either that I say this.. but rather that they are known for doing things in a more direct manner and she just does not ring true. However that is a personal assessment. It is my opinion which i am welcome to, just as you are welcome to believe her.
as I have stated repeatedly. I don't argue her message is good or bad, I just disagree with the dishonesty of how she came by it. She is misrepresenting.
You can choose to believe what you like. I am not stopping you, I just gave my view of her.

You have yours. I have mine. simple as that.

reply to post by Matyas

Matyas! long time no see. It is good to see you as well dear friend.

My activity has heightened once again as it seems needed at this time. There is much going on right now... and not alot of people shedding LIGHT on things.

right i understood that.

who do YOU think she is, if she's not who she says she is....

and on a side note

do YOU believe that while approaching 2012, our DNA will change and we will achieve ascended conciousness?


posted on May, 17 2008 @ 04:56 AM
reply to post by prevenge

thanks prevenge!.....i did read the whole thread but i was still a bit confused! sorry!

when you google morgellons images, you get a bunch of very gruesome and frightening photos, but as you said people wouldnt have the lesions if they left it alone, could someone go through morgellons without anyone else noticing? are there any outside effects..... and what symptoms do you go through? are there any 'warning' signs?...... im asking all this as i feel i am evolving, ive always felt different but the last few years its been intenese, the only weird thing i have happen to me is a moving/tingling/pressured sensation on the left side of my head, this has been happening on and off for about 6 months? thats why id like to understand the symptoms better, thanks again

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 07:42 AM

Originally posted by cosmicstorm
reply to post by prevenge

thanks prevenge!.....i did read the whole thread but i was still a bit confused! sorry!

when you google morgellons images, you get a bunch of very gruesome and frightening photos, but as you said people wouldnt have the lesions if they left it alone, could someone go through morgellons without anyone else noticing? are there any outside effects..... and what symptoms do you go through? are there any 'warning' signs?...... im asking all this as i feel i am evolving, ive always felt different but the last few years its been intenese, the only weird thing i have happen to me is a moving/tingling/pressured sensation on the left side of my head, this has been happening on and off for about 6 months? thats why id like to understand the symptoms better, thanks again

first of all .. i'm starting to really dislike the title "morgellons" its just such a nasty sounding word
i don't consider what I'm going through to be called "morgellons"
so .. i don't think you have anything to really "watch out for" .
but... more .. thigns to "observe" and take notice of as you change.. just as you have been.

things i've gone through..
I don't want to call them symptoms unless they're negative..
I'll stick to .. um.... "

massive crawling sensation.. as new nerves grow..
in the beginning i got alot of brain-fog.. memory issues.. though i have come to get less and less of that as i've taken much better care of myself since this began.
always notice the clear filaments. it's nonstop all the time.. feel them on your skin.. etc.. like spider webbing
mostly you feel them on the tiny hairs on your hands/face etc..
sometimes you'll feel a bunch of hairs on yoru arim"pop" like.. they're popping apart or together?
one time i saw a hair on my knuckle area rotate in it's follicle
same thing happened to my eyebrow once
in the very very beginning the crawling was so intense.. it was like a massive attack the onset is so fast..
feels like (and probably is so)
every hair in your body got "replaced"
you REALLY notice it in the beginning in all the follicle areas
then about a year into it.. i started feeling thie massive swelling sensaiton in my nose/foreheadand midbrain
and can feel my skull completely shifting/growing
feels like branches of .. silica.. or crystal is growing into certain areas of the brain..
maybe they're partially filling up the areas that produce spinal fluid.. forgot the name.. the empty areas within your brain.
( i read a long time ago - during a "gray" autopsy.. they found a large crystalline structure within the brain cavity.. and noted that this may have functioned as part of the telepathic communication biotechnology they had designed for themselves to have within their brains)

my finger and toe nails have accelerated their rate of growth like 3 times normal, and the skin of all my fingertips and toes peels madly layer after layer unendingly.. never sore or painful though.
also i have a more.. "iridescent" silver/mother-of-pearl type rainbow sheen to my skin IF you catch the sun on it at the right angle.
same with my arm/leg hair.. that iridescence.

I also get "growing pains" .. in my joints .. like they're growing..haven't felt that since puberty. back in the DAY.
and i'm pretty sapped of energy alot of the time... a different kind of tired.

my coccyx and sternum and clavicle's all have "popped" alot and cracked and crunched a ton since this started. .. same with my back/ribcage.. i mean .. like with every movement.. crunch crunch crunch..

but that's gotten less so since i've been stretching /yoga /drinking more water.

being SUPER speculative here so roll with me.. but..
i honestly hope that 10 new helixes of dna will at least give us some incredible "ability" .. whatever that could be imagined as..
some kind of skill that others can't do..
so that i can be of extreme service to helping people in pain and in need of help when this country REALLY hits bottom.

i mean maybe theres some kind of "healing" that could be accomplished.
that would be the most valuable tool i think.
like touching someone's wound and have it heal up.
i'm sure that somewhere in time.. somewhere theres then kowledge of how to speed up the signaling process that cells send to one another during the normal healing process.
or maybe the rate at which we heal normally.. isn't really "normal" .. maybe it's super-slowed down.. and 12 helixes would heal ourselves super fast. like in seconds.

just re-read this post and my eyes are bugging out at how outlandish it sounds lol... it's pretty damn amazing.. and yeah.. there are people that no doubt thumb through posts and see this and chuckle.. then go back to watching fox news or whatever..

but.... /shrug//

it's happening.

and people are reacting worse to not knowing what it is.. than if they did know.
they're killing themselves.

i'd start reading about chakras / meditation / vedic medicine, /yoga /tai chi /
anyone should.. but especially if you're going through these things.

it's only going to escalate in rapidity from now on.


posted on May, 17 2008 @ 08:31 AM
Prevenge..... thanks so much for sharing, im guessing you are the minority of people dealing with 'morgellons' that believes its the dna change, and the majority have headed straight to medication and thinking its a 'disease' route..
Can i ask what led you to believe its the dna change, and how you changed your way of life after accepting it.... do you know how long til the process is complete? .....sorry for all the questions, its only because every word you say about it, and would like to be fully aware if/when it happens to me, thanks..

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by cosmicstorm
Prevenge..... thanks so much for sharing, im guessing you are the minority of people dealing with 'morgellons' that believes its the dna change, and the majority have headed straight to medication and thinking its a 'disease' route..
Can i ask what led you to believe its the dna change, and how you changed your way of life after accepting it.... do you know how long til the process is complete? .....sorry for all the questions, its only because every word you say about it, and would like to be fully aware if/when it happens to me, thanks..

I have always known about all the hype surrounding 2012, and "the big awakening" etc..
So having done a ton of research in that area, I came to alot of sites laying out the details of what symptoms to look for "during the change"..
obviously our DNA would change if we were able to conceive of higher levels of thought.
the hardware (body) needs different blueprints before the software(mind) can be more complex, no?

this was all along time ago.. and had pretty much been not too focussed on 2012 for a long time.

then after having MANY VERY STRANGE things go on with my body for the past 2 years... and never have ever had any issues with my body before then..

I thought i would put two dots together .. that should have been connected long long ago.. when these bodily changes started happening in the first place.

everyone's saying"dna change in 2012" but... you wont feel anything and it just happens all at once ON 2012 pop...
no.. it's a gradual ramp-up towards then

and i don't think the process will be complete until then.
just a safe guess
i mean thats the point when the sun will be most active on our path through the galactic equator. thats when we'd have the highest exposure to sun flares .. EM blasts.. gamma waves and x rays and photons from the photon band.

after 2013.. its all downhill from there.. less and less.. and as perceivable relative time speeds up towards 2012.. i'd think it would decrease as we move away from that date.

then of course you have someone in 1992 describing exactly what's happening and telling you everything about it...

then it happens.

but i'm kind of getting this disingenuous feeling like i'm talking about this like i'm the know all on it.

i'm not really.. i am just living through it. .. reporting on it.. etc...

and yeah.. my life's done a complete 180 from feeling completely hopeless and confused and alone.. thinking it was a disease.. called delusional by doctors etc...

to being incredibly excited about life.. and what the future holds.. no matter what hurdles are in for us as a species.

seeing "existence in a completely different light" .. where i never bought FULLY into the new age ideas.. i thought they were fun to think about.. but thought there were too many floaty-fleeting-pothead types with ideals and things that were way too out there for me.. without anything to scientifically support it.
then i experience THIS.. and connect to the fact hat DNA's changing.. upgrading.. and that all these"out there ideas" .. CAN hold a grain of POSSIBILITY.. that the HARDWARE (body) could actually do things that are marvelous... levitate.. heal.. telepathy.. project holographic images.. etc.. expanded methods of communication etc..

i don think it should take THIS to lead you to loving life though.
i did before i had it.. but theres alot about life that i dont take for granted that i did before i went into the "bad side of this"

and i don't think it should take something like this to bring you into a spiritual mindset about life...
but it was necessary for me.. because i'm not someone that has faith in things he can't really logically scrutinize a hypothesis for it's existence.
i neeed to experience it before i can know it's completely real.
and this is.

and eyah.. i'm alone in this way of seeing what this is.... as far as sufferers go..
everyone else is on the other side of the fence going through a living hell.. literally.

there are some though. that are opening their mind to it.
i've talked to plenty of people that aren't "sufferers" that completely understand what i'm saying.. rationally.
it's just the people that get sucked into the whole dark depressed "whats happening to me?!!!" "WHATS IN ME?!!!" .. "WHO'S RESPONSIBLE FOR DOING THIS TO ME?!!" mentality... that many times ends up in suicide... it's really sad.. especially when you know these people that are dropping like flies off the sufferers message boards just because they don't understand whats going on.

but there are alot of people that go see this doctor in LA.. Dr hildy.. she treats them with light therapy.. and they all shed skin and get MUCH BETTER.

glad someone like that is out there helping people with the right method of helping them.... light.

the main think I'm concerned about... is any powers that be that see this as an opportunity to spread more fear and panic around the world..
and a method of quarantining people...
and possibly doing away with them
either intentionally..
or mistakenly because they don't understand it.
i would be more wise towards the former...


[edit on 17-5-2008 by prevenge]

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 10:39 AM
another thing CosmicStorm...

that according to the message the narrarator of the audio i made the video to..

you can "call these geometric forms into activation"
once you have "requested alignment"

scroll in the video until you see blackness with just a blue MRI image of a human head from the side.. with 4 yellow beams of light going through it.
listen to that part.

this is of course "according to the message sent to the narrarator"
i'm unsure about what EXACTLY "alignment" means.. though.

try to open yourself up to unconditional love while meditating.. and make a request.. and "tell " these things in you that you are available for them to help you change into something more than what you are.. in order for you to help others.

do that... every night or so ...
and just keep living and enjoying your life..

just a suggestion... since you're unsure about "when or if it will happen" etc...
i'm just hypothesizing based on the info that's there is all..

I don't remember exactly "requesting" this though.. i just did a hardcore class of Bikram Yoga (this is yoga in a very very hot room. and the next day it began with me.


posted on May, 17 2008 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by prevenge to the gym.


[edit on 12-5-2008 by prevenge]

Hmm, so you think you have a disease that cannot be scientifically proven nor is it recognized by scientists *Morgellons disease is only recognized in the scientific community as being delusional parasitosis.. that should tell you everything you need to know* , and you think this disease is related to your body's inability to handle the ..... transformation that every human is currently experiencing?

You have formed this theory based on the insane ramblings of a woman who claims to be channeling this information from an alien species known as Pleiadeans?

Is there anything you WON'T believe?

If you knew anything about Frequency Modulation you would know within 20secs of listening to the lady you linked in the original post that this is pure bologna. The very fact that this lady just said (and I'm paraphrasing) that light tubes in our body that carry information have been activated for the overall purpose of us humans to shift our FREQUENCY MODULATION......... this is nonsense! Frequency modulation does not even fit or make sense there. Anyone with any experience with RF (radio frequency) will tell you that what she just said was hogwash.

If she had said we are changing our Frequency, or Vibration, or Resonance then fine..... but the fact that she said changing our Frequency Modulation shows that she has not one freaking clue of what she is talking about.

I'm sure you won't believe me as you seem to want to believe a lady who strings together technical terms without knowing what they mean for the sole purpose of tricking someone like you into believing they know what they are saying.

Listening to her talk is like listening to a poorly written episode of Star trek where all hope seems lost until someone in the engine room has an epiphany ...... all they have to do is activate the reverse anti-matter pulse beam modulator and everyone will be saved!!!! Are they real words? Sure. Does it make any sense at all.....hell, no.

I am continually amazed by the amount of crap some of you are willing to swallow.

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 11:24 AM
The video makes so much more sense the second time round

.......Im assuming what barbara is saying is that some bodies will just not cope with the dna change and thats where 'morgellons' come into it.. ive been having such odd episodes at night, at that point where your inbetween awake and nodding off.... its very hard to explain, its images and some talking, and whilst its happening im thinking, 'yes i know this happened' or 'i know what that means' and then i will fully wake up and think 'what the hell was that'? and within 10-20 seconds i forget what it was, even though i know that when i was half asleep it all made perfect sense?? its a very odd feeling and quite scary, i often get the feeling of pressure in my skull, sometimes just on the left, like something is moving..... its very odd and hard to put in words without making me sound crazy (i have been doctors and told im not crazy!)
i definitely feel something within me changing, i have always been/felt different but the last few years have been quite intense in that way.... thanks for enlightening me on the subject, and im sure you will help many people going through this feel better and gain some hope

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by letthereaderunderstand

Originally posted by prevenge

Interested Always ... I read on another Morgellons thread.. that you had seen the "holographic images" on your skin .. of hooded men and the man with the flowing hair in the wind...

That's been something many many Morgellons sufferers see... historic events.. prehistoric creatures.. etc... literally "the history of the universe and man" ... unfolding through holograms around them.

I didn't believe them.. and it's never happened to me..
but it makes so much sense with what she's saying... "it will show itself to you" etc..

thanks for the input guys.

I have seen this...I've never heard of anybody else seeing "the man with flowing hair". I have also seen holographic images of dinosaurs walking around my neighborhood as well as images cast on my skin. I have a question for Interested Always, when you have seen the "man", does he appear to be, not to sound silly but, Dancing? Not only does his hair flow, which it does like a womans hair traversing under water, but his whole body flows when I have seen him. He forms out of dots of light, like pin pricks in the air and skin...curious as to the similarities. Also curious as to how many see hands? Peace

These two quotes are very disturbing. I would seriously be afraid for my safety if I knew someone that actually believed this to be true were standing next to me.

If you see holographic dinosaurs walking through your neighborhood then how the hell do I know that you don't think I am a giant #ing steak that you will eat???


posted on May, 17 2008 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by ~~~PURE EVIL~~~

If you see holographic dinosaurs walking through your neighborhood then how the hell do I know that you don't think I am a giant #ing steak that you will eat???


You know.... there are people out there suffering with this and im very sure they wouldnt appreciate your silly pointless immature jokes ^see above^ you have your own opinion on the matter, great, why dont you present your argument in a more constructive and factual manner so not to offend or derail the thread..... have you done any research on the subject? are you even interested in this subject, cos there are thousands of other threads you could inflict your knowledge on....

I see you signed up today, great way to introduce yourself PURE EVIL

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by letthereaderunderstand

I have seen this...I've never heard of anybody else seeing "the man with flowing hair". I have also seen holographic images of dinosaurs walking around my neighborhood as well as images cast on my skin. I have a question for Interested Always, when you have seen the "man", does he appear to be, not to sound silly but, Dancing? Not only does his hair flow, which it does like a womans hair traversing under water, but his whole body flows when I have seen him. He forms out of dots of light, like pin pricks in the air and skin...curious as to the similarities. Also curious as to how many see hands? Peace

Sorry it took me a minute to reply. You know as well as I do how awesome it can be to feel a bit validated when something happens that has no logical explaination.

Actually the image of the man I saw didn't have parts moving seperate from other parts it was an image that waved all sideways back and forth. Yes like you said the whole body was "waving or flowing" the underwater movement was a good example yet it was interesting how the second image imposed on the "chippy"/"glitter" was smaller and moving faster as if there were two frequencies involved.

I wonder if somehow history is recorded in our DNA and it somehow can encode itself on certain substances in the form of images?

There is so much to learn. Thank you for sharing your experience.

Edit to add:

I have not had anything odd happen since the glitters in the hot humid (sweaty) summer last year. I still have the high pitch noise in the middle of my head, but other than that I am not experiencing abnormality at this time! I think those of you (like the OP) can still manage this thing somehow to where it will leave your body without symptoms. Really I do. It would have to have the ability to correct it's own malfunction, wouldn't you think?

[edit on 17-5-2008 by interestedalways]

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by ~~~PURE EVIL~~~

I am continually amazed by the amount of crap some of you are willing to swallow.

hmm maybe it's the people sending her the message that failed their vocational RF class, and it's just her reporting their error.

Or maybe it's our misunderstanding, and how all in existence IS purely energy at different frequencies being modulated in different patterns.

Who are YOU channelling today, Pure?

we love you, Purey!



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