thanks guys.
yeah.. well on the "why is our DNA changing all of a sudden" ...
only thing I can say to that is "it's about time" ??
possibly the solar system coming through the exact center of the photon belt of the galactic plane /disc.. interfering with our DNA.. and channeling
it's info through the filaments... into our DNA..
and believe me.. living with what's called "Morgellons " for over 2 years has been a living hell.. only because.. I haven't known what it is and
got no help from doctors.
If i only had KNOWN.. then I wouldn't have been on the brink of insanity / suicide ..
You'll never believe it until your body starts changing.. you feeeel it in your bones.. in your nerves... i can feeel the center of my head ...
change.. it's UNREAL.
the filaments are all over your skin.. feels like spider webbing all the time...
and the octagon glitter and the cubes and grains that come out..
I mean why would i have fibers and clear filaments comin out of my nose and mouth and eyes and eares.. and skin..filaments that sparkle and move on
their own.. and hexagonal pyramid cubes coming out .. and massive nervous system spasms...
and this woman predicted it back in 92! .. Morgellons was never reported until 2000.
you LITERALLY will not understand .. until you go through it.
how VERY VERY REAL this phenomena IS...
in which case.. if you're healthy... you WONT thank god.
so I'm aiming to turn myself into a full fledged health nut.
and yeah that's Tool with " 46 & 2 " during the beginning. .. meaning 46 chromosomes .. jumping to 48.. like all the rest of the primates on the
planet... the ones that don't kill for no reason.
and Interested Always ... I read on another Morgellons thread.. that you had seen the "holographic images" on your skin .. of hooded men and the man
with the flowing hair in the wind...
That's been something many many Morgellons sufferers see... historic events.. prehistoric creatures.. etc... literally "the history of the universe
and man" ... unfolding through holograms around them.
I didn't believe them.. and it's never happened to me..
but it makes so much sense with what she's saying... "it will show itself to you" etc..
thanks for the input guys.