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Message from the Plejarans regarding Morgellons Syndrome (NOT from the Grays)

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posted on May, 12 2008 @ 11:35 AM
I've never bought into the whole "chanelling" thing..
I always thought it was a bunch of BS.. people making things up.

Though, after seeing the "Silent Revolution of Truth" John Hurt Documentary on Billy Meier, I decided to look for Pleiadian material on YouTube.

I found Barbara Marciniak's 1992 channeling of Bringers of the Dawn - "Teachings from the Pleiades".. and found so many exact parallels to what I have been going through, while suffering with Morgellons, that it was just uncanny.

So, I edited her narrative, and put some images to it using images of the Morgellons fibers and hexagon / pyramid /spherical shapes that come out of our bodies.

Barbara's Full 18 part chanelling

All in all...
I've come to the conclusion that everybody is or will be going through this change..
and that people who have "morgellons" ... don't really "have anything" ..
we're just people who's body can't take it for whatever reason...
I'm pretty damn unhealthy and out of shape myself... and so are many of the sufferers.. all except a few.. (thousands) .. smoke cigarettes.

It's all just about personal hygiene and emotional / physical wellness.

i had previously written in the vid, to only share with people you trust...
because who knows....
if you're not disciplined and responsible .. with 12 helixes worth of ability... things could get a bit out of control.

but i couldn't help thinking of all the sufferers out there that might get a ray of hope from this.

hope you can get something out of this too.

if not..

o well. to the gym.


[edit on 12-5-2008 by prevenge]

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by prevenge

I don't know why but for some reason I believe Barabara. I have no proof of why. If that makes me a sucker, I really don't care. I dig her.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 01:00 PM
Very interesting!

Did I hear tool in the background!?

You did a very good job, food for thought, I love it.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 01:00 PM
I really liked the video, too.

I had that book a while back and wasn't too impressed but the video is cool.

Thanks for sharing it with the rest of us...

She uses alot of the symbolization I am drawn too.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 01:23 PM
Here's an interview with Barbara. Pretty rare...1st video interview on over a decade.

Google Video Link

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 01:37 PM
Didn't catch the Tool, but Alex Gray's art was unmistakeable.

Will catch the interview video later.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by interestedalways
Didn't catch the Tool, but Alex Gray's art was unmistakeable.

Will catch the interview video later.

its very very very faint in the background. For the non-tool listener, they might not catch the songs, I know I cought Parabol and Disposition...Very mood-enhancing and fitting for the video, I think

and Alex Gray's art is amazing.

(sorry for OT lol)

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by VisionQuest
reply to post by prevenge

I don't know why but for some reason I believe Barabara. I have no proof of why. If that makes me a sucker, I really don't care. I dig her.

I too always liked Barbara, I used to buy copies of her books and give then to people. I have not heard anything from her recently, I will checkout the video's when not at work. Thanks!

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 01:49 PM
Right.....i am not sure i buy this. Why all of a sudden are our DNA codes being switched on? If they have been here from the beginning why now and not say a few thousand years ago???? This sounds very much like a glorified yoga lesson to me. I do want to explore my spirtual side more and indeed i have been fed up with the state of the planet for many years now. Actually i've been aware from a young age that the planet was in a mess. So if this is all for real how does one start the process off? Aside from joining a yoga class that is....

Would it not be simpler if the Pleadians land on the white house lawn and say hi and explain all of this??? Why all the cloak and dagger stuff?

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 01:59 PM
Yep, Tool and Alex Gray (Grey?).

Awesome. It explained the sensations I have been having - a sort of tingling from head to toe, and my grasp of so much, my sense of vibrational truths and lies...

Thank you for posting this!

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 02:11 PM
I read about this a few years ago. Very strange indeed. Maybe Morgellons Syndrome is some kind of nano tech god awry.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 02:25 PM
Could be part of the Living Language mentioned in the Georgia Guidestones, as well.

Tool is the shiznik, aren't they? And I believe that Alex Gray is Alex Grey.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by Wirral Bagpuss
Why all of a sudden are our DNA codes being switched on?

It has to do with the planetary resonance moving upward in Fibonacci sequence from around 8 to 13 Hz.

I hope that answered your question.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 02:39 PM
thanks guys.

yeah.. well on the "why is our DNA changing all of a sudden" ...
only thing I can say to that is "it's about time" ??
possibly the solar system coming through the exact center of the photon belt of the galactic plane /disc.. interfering with our DNA.. and channeling it's info through the filaments... into our DNA..

and believe me.. living with what's called "Morgellons " for over 2 years has been a living hell.. only because.. I haven't known what it is and got no help from doctors.

If i only had KNOWN.. then I wouldn't have been on the brink of insanity / suicide ..

You'll never believe it until your body starts changing.. you feeeel it in your bones.. in your nerves... i can feeel the center of my head ... change.. it's UNREAL.
the filaments are all over your skin.. feels like spider webbing all the time...
and the octagon glitter and the cubes and grains that come out..

I mean why would i have fibers and clear filaments comin out of my nose and mouth and eyes and eares.. and skin..filaments that sparkle and move on their own.. and hexagonal pyramid cubes coming out .. and massive nervous system spasms...

and this woman predicted it back in 92! .. Morgellons was never reported until 2000.

you LITERALLY will not understand .. until you go through it.

how VERY VERY REAL this phenomena IS...

in which case.. if you're healthy... you WONT thank god.

so I'm aiming to turn myself into a full fledged health nut.

and yeah that's Tool with " 46 & 2 " during the beginning. .. meaning 46 chromosomes .. jumping to 48.. like all the rest of the primates on the planet... the ones that don't kill for no reason.

and Interested Always ... I read on another Morgellons thread.. that you had seen the "holographic images" on your skin .. of hooded men and the man with the flowing hair in the wind...

That's been something many many Morgellons sufferers see... historic events.. prehistoric creatures.. etc... literally "the history of the universe and man" ... unfolding through holograms around them.

I didn't believe them.. and it's never happened to me..
but it makes so much sense with what she's saying... "it will show itself to you" etc..

thanks for the input guys.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by Amaterasu

It has to do with the planetary resonance moving upward in Fibonacci sequence from around 8 to 13 Hz.

I hope that answered your question.

What?!! You do know that Fibonacci created his sequence to model the breeding habits of rabbits, right?

If it's the Schumann resonances you're talking about, then these are due to the electromagnetic field of the ionosphere and vary widely by time and location with a lowest frequency of 7.8 Hertz.

It's the wide variety of the spectrum that allows us to track disturbances in the ionosphere.

Sorry that I'm off topic, but these post's about the Schumann resonances increasing in average frequency are a fallacy.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 07:10 PM
This is total hogwash. I guess if anyone uses the words "frequency", "energy", "quantum" or "DNA", fools will believe everything that follows. It just amazes me people are willing to accept such nonsense from others who clearly have no respect in any fields of science.

Barbara = Fail

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by prevenge

Very bizarre indeed. Can you tell me more about the holographic images? Where can I read about this?

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by FlySolo
reply to post by prevenge

Very bizarre indeed. Can you tell me more about the holographic images? Where can I read about this?

ask " Interestedalways " about the ones she saw a year or so ago on her arm..

and search

for postings about a year ago also by a poster with the name moe in their name.. morgellonsmoe i think it was.

I have not seen any. but let me tell you .. the artifacts.. the hexagon and cube silica mica type looking shapes that come out of our skin.. are very very unusual.

also our hair has changed to be more.. gold.. or coppery.. I'm talking .. arm hair.. leg hair ..etc.. skin takes on a different texture..
sounds crazy.. and I'd give anybody a cocked eyebrow if I hadn't been through this myself.. if they told me about it.

But you go through it.. and it.. it is happening.


I can see the CDC making a national emergency out of this with a quarantine.. and somehow tying it into the "greys created us" myth.. whereas they actually degraded us from 12 helixed beings to 2 helixed limited beings..

and somehow.. they've contaminated morgellons people.. so run run run. .and if you have fibers in /on you.. you're quarantines too! "education" camps rather.. can't have millions of people running around wildly manipulating reality with their minds from elevated capacity yet untrained undeveloped conciousness now can you.

and actually.. everyone DOES...

just people with severely unhealthy lifestyles.. or people with Lyme disease (about 85% of morgellons "sufferers" have Lyme..

so meanwhile.. everyones taking the big "step" ...

and they can whirl it up into whatever they want to.. and the unknowing public will follow the lead gullibly.. praising the grays who have been working hand and hand with our gov..

curing diseases they helped our gov create.. giving us energy tech to solve our artificially induce energy crisis and global warming etc...

big a$$ scam.

get super healthy.. drink tons of water.. get rest.. open your body up through yoga.. meditate...

dont let yourself fall victim to your body not being able to "take" it.

anyway.. about the holograms... i think it's the "revelation" .. where all is "seen" ...
and the "guilty" had better be underground when the masses "see" what they really have done.
alot of people will loose their freaking mind when it goes into full effect as well.

it's talked of in the higher echelons ... as "IT" .. a .. "segway" of sorts.. to a higher "kingdom" ... of reality .. pun intended.

ie: "you just wait till "IT" happens" .. etc..



posted on May, 12 2008 @ 09:44 PM
Prevenge, check your U2U's I have sent you two.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 10:04 PM
I was first drawn to Barbra's 'Bringers of the Dawn' book by an interesting group of friends....

I fully resonated with the message and bought and read all her following books.
the information I gained from the books has helped me to understand all kinds of things that our planet is going through....and what we as humans are going through.
Those who do not understand never will, as they have a different path to follow. Those who are heralding in the new energies seem know things are changing on a very deep level, but the ones who are not a part of this 'change' will argue until death that the other people are imagining things.....and that its all a bunch of crap and they KNOW this blah blah blah..
.....those of us on the other side just smile, and wish there was a way to let them in on is very much like trying to describe a color to a blind person.

Mind you I have NOT been diagnosed with morgellons and I am not showing symptoms of such......but there ARE other changes that Im experiencing and have not been shocked by, from reading Barbra's work.

[edit on 12-5-2008 by theRiverGoddess]

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