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If New Free Country existed would you move?

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posted on May, 17 2008 @ 07:53 AM
I'm for taking our freedom back in this country (U.S.A.) I'm voting third party, time to fire all the professional politicians. I email my congress reps frequently, and generally make my opinions known. We can get our country back if enough people are willing to stand up for it. With as much force as needed.

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 10:53 AM
A call around the world for scholars and dedicated settlers to be the founding Fathers and Mothers and help in the writing of the New Constitution for a country called Freedom Land, a mythical Free country, that is forming a limited free government that is in the process of being established.

All input appreciated, The Grand Constitutional Convention will be held in the mythical location called Independence City on July 1st, 2008. Come one come all to help in the construction of this Great Nation called Freedom Land and after an individual makes application for citizenship and acceptance is consummated, stake your claim to the 100 acre parcels of land given to new qualified citizens between the ages of 20 and 70 one parcel per family living together while they last.
Rik Riley

[edit on 17-5-2008 by rikriley]

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 11:44 AM
Guns = control = less freedom.

Perfect opportunity I believe.

America gets all socialist and jumps (your fantasy island doesn’t exist) back to something it never was and the dastardly British turn up with their new barely paid for Aircraft Carriers and saves Virginia and maybe Maine because it looks nice, from the nasty Saudis and Caliphatists who want your money and the taxes on your side, while you wrap Jane in her veil for a Wal-Mart trip.

Then what? You’ve denounced war so I will be expecting an open discussion. You’re weak, so with a little help from my friends you’re screwed because you won’t fight. Not for the right or the wrong because all war is bad. Shame your enemies don’t agree.

My apologies to all Americans who believe they live in a good county worth fighting for. I personally don’t do self destruction in the face of the enemy. Does that make me a minority?

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 11:45 AM
Guns = control = less freedom.

Perfect opportunity I believe.

America gets all socialist and jumps (your fantasy island doesn’t exist) back to something it never was and the dastardly British turn up with their new barely paid for Aircraft Carriers and saves Virginia and maybe Maine because it looks nice, from the nasty Saudis and Caliphatists who want your money and the taxes on your side, while you wrap Jane in her veil for a Wal-Mart trip.

Then what? You’ve denounced war so I will be expecting an open discussion. You’re weak, so with a little help from my friends you’re screwed because you won’t fight. Not for the right or the wrong because all war is bad. Shame your enemies don’t agree.

My apologies to all Americans who believe they live in a good county worth fighting for. I personally don’t do self destruction in the face of the enemy. Does that make me a minority?

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by Infidel 101

Infidel thanks for your input, you are correct this is a mythical country being formed and if you will read the thread we are covered by Tesla's particle beam weapons 200 miles in any direction land, air or sea. Our settlers will have the right to bear arms and an armed force will be installed to protect Freedom Land. Rik Riley

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by Infidel 101

Infidel thanks for your input, you are correct this is a mythical country being formed and if you will read the thread we are covered by Tesla's particle beam weapons 200 miles in any direction land, air or sea. Our settlers will have the right to bear arms and an armed force will be installed to protect Freedom Land. Rik Riley

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 12:59 PM
So in effect you are using weapons of mass destruction to defend your new plot of free land. Aren’t you just rewinding so you can start again with all the toys and not the thought needed to bring you to those toys?

Your imaginary utopia is just a liberal wet dream. (Let’s keep the toys to make us safe while we live on another planet and ignore those pesky humans who don’t agree).

So instead of sailing our British still fictional carriers and bombing you, we send in “Them” to do a Malaya style operation on your arsse. What then? Kill the dissidents who are prepared to agree and claim subversive elements are spoiling your day?

How would you deal with the thin red line wearing green and persuading your people your utopia is sour?

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by rikriley
Remember each person of the age of 20 thru the age of 70 that is accepted into Freedom Land shall be given one parcel of 100 acres of land per family living together while they last. Another stipulation is that the land given to new citizen can not lay vacant and it must be utilized and worked to help grow the new economy.

...So in Freedom, the state tells you what to do with your land? I couldn't decide I want to live in a tent and keep my other 99.99 acres as my personal nature preserve? One must work the land and contribute to the benefit of the state? Freedom is sounding a little like Fascism.

If an individual needs collateral to start a new business or enterprise this is a start using the land or portion there of as their leverage.

So in other words, you have to either have the wealth needed to start yourself off, or you have to mortgage yourself to the state, in order to work for the state.

Yup, Fascism. The ultimate end of the libertarian dream.

I think I'll stay in Oregon, thanks.

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 01:58 PM
I’m your potential enemy Rik,

I have no reason to like you, you have done nothing for me has the President of Freeland and I see you has weak. You’re a target, unless your land is small and devoid of anything that makes wealth of course. Otherwise I’m going to try my hardest to make you see it my way, and you will eventually because I’m playing the long game. I think in long decades, while you think in terms. I will win, you will lose.

My first action is to wait and watch for division in your group and exploit it. Then my people will demonstrate their prowess at pursuance, and guarantee their superiority through a combination of being properly good blokes and great in a fight. We are British after all (only the Americans dismiss us). Your rule will be slowly eroded by my offer because you’re offering nothing but retreat.

I win, you lose and the cycle goes round has you fight for the Freeland you threw away. It’s not a new story.

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

These are issues I have yet to bring up in Council, though they are things needing work. Issuing your land as Nature, in a way, would be working the land. You would be required to run it as a Forrester. There should be access to the Land, and Protection of the Land. Again, this also is not set in stone, merely one direction that should be discussed.

As for not contributing to society, then why would society contribute to you? If you raise not a finger for Freedom, do you then truly deserve Freedom?

Let me get a tad personel (on my side, not yours). I serve in the U.S. Army. I volunteer my LIFE so others my have the freedoms Americans have. Obviously, then, I would give my life for a truer Freedom than the ones we currently have. That is the Ultimate Sacrifice. So saying, I will say with no shame, that if a man does nothing for his Country his Country should do nothing for him. That 100 acres, or what ever is given out, comes at a cost. All Freedom does. If you want a tent in the woods, nothing stops you from doing that where ever you are now. Please, do so if so inclined.

In Freedom, we work for the betterment of society AND the individual. Those who wish for neither need not apply.

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox

Originally posted by rikriley
Remember each person of the age of 20 thru the age of 70 that is accepted into Freedom Land shall be given one parcel of 100 acres of land per family living together while they last. Another stipulation is that the land given to new citizen can not lay vacant and it must be utilized and worked to help grow the new economy.

...So in Freedom, the state tells you what to do with your land? I couldn't decide I want to live in a tent and keep my other 99.99 acres as my personal nature preserve? One must work the land and contribute to the benefit of the state? Freedom is sounding a little like Fascism.

If an individual needs collateral to start a new business or enterprise this is a start using the land or portion there of as their leverage.

So in other words, you have to either have the wealth needed to start yourself off, or you have to mortgage yourself to the state, in order to work for the state.

Yup, Fascism. The ultimate end of the libertarian dream.

I think I'll stay in Oregon, thanks.

Buy more land yourself and do what ever you wish as long as it is zoned properly. This land is given to the settlers that become citizens and are willing to work the land to help grow the country. You have a choice to take the land or not and no one is twisting your arm. You have title and deed to your land given to you and Freedom Land has to start somewhere to jump start the economy or you will be catering to a bunch of belly achers and free loaders. Live in a tent your choice but we would hope in the future you would build a dwelling. To start with Freedom Land asks you to build a sanitized outhouse or a septic system or buy or rent a portable sanitized potty on your land and also respect the rights of your neighbor.

Wrong your brain power and education can also be your collateral read the thread. You do not have to mortgage land or yourself to the state this will be a limited government and will be set up as a Republic. If individuals see fit to hold your mortgage, not banks so be it. If you want to barter or trade your land to purchase a business so be it.

My best friend lives in the Great State of Oregon what a beautiful place to live and sounds like you need to stay put and thank you for the input. Rik Riley

[edit on 17-5-2008 by rikriley]

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by Infidel 101

It's a bit cliche' and the same old song and dance. However, what you tear apart now is merely an opening. If we were to move to lands now, under what we have, you are most assuredly correct we would fall. This is why I have stated we need patience in growing this Idea of Freedom.

There are certian mishaps that have occurred in past Governments, we must study these and make sure our committments lead away from such paths.

Security and Saftey are of key importance. That being Military and Police. I envision a Defensive Military. We are not interested in conquest, merely protecting our soil. I'm not sure about any Telsa Beams (I would object to such things, but the will of the People is stronger than my voice alone and would concede to such an idea if the Council could fund the worth of it) but we would protect ourselves as any just would do.

It's a new way of doing an old thing that we are trying to achieve. An old thing (idea) never properly implimented and protected. This is our aim, to put it properly in use while protecting it from corruption.

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by Infidel 101
I’m your potential enemy Rik,

I have no reason to like you, you have done nothing for me has the President of Freeland and I see you has weak. You’re a target, unless your land is small and devoid of anything that makes wealth of course. Otherwise I’m going to try my hardest to make you see it my way, and you will eventually because I’m playing the long game. I think in long decades, while you think in terms. I will win, you will lose.

My first action is to wait and watch for division in your group and exploit it. Then my people will demonstrate their prowess at pursuance, and guarantee their superiority through a combination of being properly good blokes and great in a fight. We are British after all (only the Americans dismiss us). Your rule will be slowly eroded by my offer because you’re offering nothing but retreat.

I win, you lose and the cycle goes round has you fight for the Freeland you threw away. It’s not a new story.

I hate to break it to you but I am not the President of Freedom Land and at this point we are formulating ideas on how to run and operate an organized country. We have not had our Grand Constitutional Convention as of yet and I want to become a settler and citizen foremost.

A target is but a circle and we will have a strong defensive military second to none. We are a peaceful nation and we offer peace to the world but strike us to kill Freedom Land, its people, and our precious Freedoms and Liberty we will respond accordingly. You think in terms of decades we think in terms of many many lifetimes of Freedom, life, Liberty, achievement, families and the pursuit of happiness. Rik Riley

[edit on 17-5-2008 by rikriley]

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 05:19 PM
You claim to have no governmental ambition yet you have instigated the idea of Freedom land. Are you looking to implement a collective? Are you a communist?

It matters little really; a land without leaders is always ripe for exploitation.

My first action will be to attach extra taxation to your exports while offering generous terms to farmers in your land who are prepared to deal with me to make more than their neighbours.

Secondly I will make ties with those and foment dissatisfaction amongst others by claiming your land is corrupt because it bans my trade and my wealth in favour of keeping everybody a bit Amish.

Then I’ll eventually take you over and years later you’ll get upset and kick me out.

If you want to see what your freedom land looks like after a spell, and then point your nose at the floor now and study the ground at your feet because that is freedom land. Your country is new and despite your desire to move to imaginary freedom land, this is the best you’ll get.

I wasn’t playing British bogeyman for a laugh; I wanted to play it to get a reaction. I was pointing out that on this rock there is nowhere that won’t be exploited unless they who hold it are strong. Has a Brit with Roman ancestors I’m genetically predisposed for it! My Great Grandma was Romany Gypsy, her name was Alice White. By default I am a traveller. So I’ll invade your country and tarmac your roads, for a price of course.

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by Infidel 101

Ah, Infidel! A good laugh I got from that. Of course the foundatin is weak as yet, it hasn't even been laid.

Of course there must be a power structure, esle nothing moves and gets accomplished.

It's finding a style of leadership (Government) that fits well for the people, offering Safety, Security, and Freedom. A tall task, I agree.

At this point, Freedom can not be attacked unless those uniting to build the idea are weak and allow for corruption in the framework.

You can save your attacks on soveriegn soil for when we actually have soil. Though I do love hearing about them. Knowledge of how one would attack is a great way to prepare for such things, which in a world of greed inevitably happen.

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 06:30 PM
Sounds like a deal to me.

My imaginary troops are pulling back and having tea and biscuits.

I wasn’t trying to spam posts, just pointing out how quickly you can gain an enemy. I hope I haven’t spoiled your evening.

We all want to live in a perfect place, but the land shortage says your better making where you live a better place.

Has for Freedom Land…. If you ever create it I promise I won’t invade.

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 06:31 PM
Sounds like a deal to me.

My imaginary troops are pulling back and having tea and biscuits.

I wasn’t trying to spam posts, just pointing out how quickly you can gain an enemy. I hope I haven’t spoiled your evening.

We all want to live in a perfect place, but the land shortage says your better making where you live a better place.

Has for Freedom Land…. If you ever create it I promise I won’t invade.

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by rikriley

I think the reason that they do not and will not ever exist is that they are inherently flawed in the model. Also, I find it hilarious the bit about 100 acres of free land. Take that part out and how many would go? I think the whole idea is FOS but I would go for the land...

Also, i find it very unlikely having conversed with so many 'free' minded people that they would last more than a year. If posters could shoot at each other over the internet the still living population would come to about

[edit on 17-5-2008 by wytworm]

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by BradKell

You would be required to run it as a Forrester.

Thus ends the dream of liberty strangled as an infant by its imbecile parent...

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by Infidel 101
You claim to have no governmental ambition yet you have instigated the idea of Freedom land. Are you looking to implement a collective? Are you a communist?

It matters little really; a land without leaders is always ripe for exploitation.

My first action will be to attach extra taxation to your exports while offering generous terms to farmers in your land who are prepared to deal with me to make more than their neighbours.

Secondly I will make ties with those and foment dissatisfaction amongst others by claiming your land is corrupt because it bans my trade and my wealth in favour of keeping everybody a bit Amish.

Then I’ll eventually take you over and years later you’ll get upset and kick me out.

If you want to see what your freedom land looks like after a spell, and then point your nose at the floor now and study the ground at your feet because that is freedom land. Your country is new and despite your desire to move to imaginary freedom land, this is the best you’ll get.

I wasn’t playing British bogeyman for a laugh; I wanted to play it to get a reaction. I was pointing out that on this rock there is nowhere that won’t be exploited unless they who hold it are strong. Has a Brit with Roman ancestors I’m genetically predisposed for it! My Great Grandma was Romany Gypsy, her name was Alice White. By default I am a traveller. So I’ll invade your country and tarmac your roads, for a price of course.

I did not say I do not want to be involved in setting up a limited government I want to be a settler and citizen of this great Land Freedom as others. I prefer to have a Republic but there are others preferring to have a different form of government or a combination of the very best of limited governments.

Leaders? We the citizens will build Freedom Land and they will come. Strong leadership to start is imperative to deal with the bullies of the world and negotiate with the other Nations, but we are a peaceful nation, but do not perceive or be deceived that this peaceful Nation, Freedom Land, will be a weak Nation. We will recruit from around the world the best military money can buy to train our military for defensive measures against those bent on aggression against our Peoples Nation.

A survey team looking for minerals in Freedom Land has been commissioned by a private individual unknown to everyone for a year. The survey team just reported the discovery of the richest veins of gold every discovered. The estimate of the gold discoveries is in the Trillions of dollars.

We will pay our farmers handsomely for the crops that they harvest. A happy and free farmer will not be easily bribed or turned against their neighbor when he or she is paid well. This is why people will be screened and submit application to Freedom Land to become a citizen.

This will be a free Nation and dissension at times can be a good thing if it is channeled in a peaceful manner. Protests they are allowed and undermining a Nation to cripple or destroy the peoples Freedom Land is not. The best part of Freedom Land is yet to come and with great people with Freedom come great ideas. We in Freedom Land do not have to look at the floor or our feet to be Free, but we the people will look toward the sky and thank our Creator everyday that we are free Men and Women.

I respect the Amish but we will be the most modern country on this planet and equal trade practices will be practiced without taxing the people out of business. If pirates try to tax our people for the right of passage or steal their possessions or cargo they will be dealt with severely. Rik Riley

[edit on 17-5-2008 by rikriley]

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