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White Guilt

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posted on May, 8 2008 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by greeneyedleo

Yeah, I am still mad at them for inventing HAGGIS!

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 09:56 PM

Originally posted by jerico65

Originally posted by bobafett1972
I'm Irish?

My point will be missed.

Find me a group of humanity that wasn't at some point, someone elses slave.

I'll have to agree with that. Why do I have to feel any guilt? My family came over here during the Famine. They got treated like crap. Don't see too many people crying real tears over them.

"No Irish need apply" were the signs outside of shops and businesses during that time. They were dirt farmers and probably lived worse off than some slaves in the South.

Aye, Lads, we here Irish have no need to consider reparations. We just worked through it and made sure our kids spoke the language and could be understood. We didn't alow our youngsters to makeup a language that became so ingrained that no one could understand or care that they needed to learn. Bill Cosby said it best, " Time for us to move on and prosper"! Ahmen Mr. Cosby!!

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 09:57 PM

Originally posted by greeneyedleo
Well, im Scottish, and my people were brutally raped and slaughtered at one time in history

I have a friend in Scotland that said she'd take me to Culloden, but won't step foot on that battlefield because of the feelings she and her family still have.

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by jerico65

I have a question... Why is it that people fail to realize that the residue of slavery had/has a profound impact?

I have another question... Why is it that people fail to acknowledge mental slavery as a legit problem?

Sorry for the sudden burst of inquiry.

[edit on 8-5-2008 by ChronMan]

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by bobafett1972

Yeah, 400 years is a long time. But what about the last 50? And even now? People say Obama shouldn't be president because he is black. Isn't that a little shallow? I live amongst a vast ammount of 'rednecks' and the racism never ends. Yeah, white people carry the blame, but when times go wrong, the blame is placed on someone.

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by ChronMan
I have a question... Why is it that people fail to realize that the residue of slavery had/has a profound impact?

I have another question... Why is it that people fail to acknowledge mental slavery as a legit problem?

Why is the slavery issued used as a crutch and excuse for everything?

A lot of people complain about Jews using the concentration camps as an excuse for their behavior at times, yet blacks are given a free ride to use slavery as their excuse for bad behavior, poverty, crime etc.

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by ChronMan
reply to post by jerico65

I have a question... Why is it that people fail to realize that the residue of slavery had/has a profound impact?

I have another question... Why is it that people fail to acknowledge mental slavery as a legit problem?

Sorry for the sudden burst of inquiry.

[edit on 8-5-2008 by ChronMan]

The people crying SLAVERY were NEVER SLAVES! They do not know what slavery is from experience.

Time to live in the here and now. Dont like the now, make changes. Dont like the past. Well, reflect on it and try not to repeat it.

Excuses. Excuses. Excuses. They need to stop.

[edit on 8-5-2008 by greeneyedleo]

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by greeneyedleo

I agree wholeheartedly. It's time for people of every race to take responsibility for what they do in their lifetimes. Excuses will get someone very little in life, except maybe a free trip to the unemployment line, or the social security office.

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by wisefoolishness
reply to post by bobafett1972

Yeah, 400 years is a long time. But what about the last 50? And even now? People say Obama shouldn't be president because he is black. Isn't that a little shallow? I live amongst a vast ammount of 'rednecks' and the racism never ends. Yeah, white people carry the blame, but when times go wrong, the blame is placed on someone.

Who is saying he should not be president because he is black?
People say he should not be president because he has no experience and cant offer anything for this country. Not because he is black

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by jerico65

I don't use slavery as an excuse for anything.
In fact, my people (Haiti) defeated slave owners in battle so I don't have any excuses to make.

The residue of slavery affects both white and black.

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by greeneyedleo

Please, direct me to where I made an excuse for anything... Please!

Assumptions won't get people anywhere. You can't have one decent debate without people misinterpretting and ridiculing these days.

Assumptions, Assumptions, Assumptions.

*Waits to be directed to these alleged excuses*

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 10:14 PM
I am white and I dont feel guilty for any of those things in the OP. Why should I? I did not have a thing to do with them happening, nor can I do anything about any other aspects of this. Why should white people have guilt? I have residual catholic guilt from my childhood indoctrination, but guilt because I am white? Not.

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 10:14 PM
I want to try to help you understand how offensive your post is. The only way I can do that is to turn it around.

Originally posted by crazyashdenton15

1) during the (400) years that black people were enslaved for some strange reason a general dislike of the white man came about and trust me you'd be surprised what can be passed down through genetics alone.

People are not born hating someone. Hate is not passed through your genes. It is passed in the way you are raised. If your parents hate some group of people, chances are their kids will too, but it has nothing to do with genes.

2) The amount of gold and jewels stolen from our home land our infrastructure in Africa destroyed.

Would you be offended if I said blacks should feel guilty because of the damage they have done to America?

3) Next time your sitting with a black person ask them to go onto and see what comes up when they type in their name they were separated from family and most black people will never be able to trace their root any further than a few generations and some cant even do that.

That goes for just about all of the population, not just blacks.

4) 40 years is not a long time the father of a teenager today could be 40 years old or 60 for that matter as a young person my dad could still sit me down and tell me of the segregation he had to go through 40 years ago and do you think that as soon as the laws were changed that white people just started letting us hop on the bus beside them overnight.

You keep saying "us" like it happened to you. Things change. Sometimes change takes a little time. People hanging on to the past and starting threads like,"Reasons white people should feel guilt" really doesn't help put the past in the past, now does it?

5) For 400 years black men were encouraged to (breed) with as many black women as possible without marrying them in order to replenish the slave trade and black people also did not try to be close to each other in fear that they would get too attached and feel it more when their child or loved on was sold and it is still carried in us today.

6) Yes we may need more encouragement to learn after 4oo years of being told that you're people are stupid and trust me after 400 years you'd start to believe it especially when you weren't allowed to go to school while the white kids were and even now it's still believed among some black people due to things being passed down in families.

Again the words "we" and "us". You can go to school. Your kids can go to school. If people could only let the wrong things that happened in the past AND WERE CORRECTED, we may actually be able to move on to some real problems.

7) They lost their languages and their names. ( I'm sure they weren't in Africa calling each other Jonathen and Alex)

So? Why the hell should I feel guilty because someone 300 years ago had their name changed?

8) anyone who fails to see that black people who are just as much or even more educated than certain white people have a harder time gaining recognition in the corporate world.

I can easily turn this around thanks to the way you worded it.
Anyone who fails to see that white people who are just as much or even more educated then certain black people have a harder time gaining recognition in the corporate world.

9) All other races except white are labeled in America mexican-american, latin-american, african-american even native american but only the white man is just American why not European-american ?

Actually, I whole-heartedly agree with you on that. I believe political correctness has become absurd.

10) It's still okay for countries in Europe to have grudges against each other for centuries because of an old war but black people cant be a bit stung.

Countries still exist as an entity. This is the very same country that seceeded from the very same England that exists today. You are not the same person your great-grandfather was. When you show me one man who was a slave 300 years ago because he was black and is still alive, I'll show you someone who has a reason to hold a grudge.

11) Now white people are complaining about BET and how black people are racist and causing segregation and conflict when a black police officer that went to school and studied just as hard as the white ones just 40 years ago wasn't allowed into the police station or allowed to arrest a white suspect.

Have you watched BET? Have you heard the lyrics that encourage racism and segregation are played almost non-stop? Again, about the black cop vs white cop, that was the past. We should feel no guilt for that just as someone should feel no guilt because his great grandpa was a murderer.

12) This may be a new generation btu im sure Rosa Parks grandchildren weren't too chuffed when their grandmother told them of how how she was thrown off the buss for not giving up her seat to a white lady.

And thus the hate gets passed on to another generation because some people can't try to move on.

13) And just like how there are still people alive from the 60's who were segregated and thrown off buses the segregators are still alive too a black performer may go to an old folks home and sing now and it's all jolly but 40 years ago they were stoning your mama in the streets its hard to look past.

14) Our identity has been altered more that any other race on earth most black people today have 28% European DNA even the dark skinned ones and you can look at the light skinned ones and remember that once upon a time no black person had skin that light in tone unless they chose to marry outside of their color group.

Now this is probably the most racist thing I have see posted on this site.
Are you actually saying we should feel guilt for thinning out your DNA?
Would you be offended if I said blacks should feel guilty for muddying up our pure white DNA?

15) Unlike the chinese and other enslaved people black people lost alot of their their culture also but managed to keep food and music and dance which are things that can easily be kept unlike religious activities.

Whats stopping you? There is nobody saying you can't worship any way you want to. For some reason, you seem to think that since they couldn't, you can't.

[edit on 8-5-2008 by Tiloke]

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by ChronMan
*Waits to be directed to these alleged excuses*

She wasn't busting your chops, but making a general statement, like I was.

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by ChronMan

The residue of slavery affects both white and black.

And why is that? Because a some of a certain race REFUSES to let it go and move on and be accountable for their actions TODAY. Some of a certain race CHOOSE to remain segrated all awhile crying racism in the same breath.

Seriously. It is time to lay down the excuses and move forward in this

I understand bitterness. I have been very bitter over things done to ME. But that is MY fault. Not the people who did me wrong.

Again, most people crying about this stuff NEVER experienced slavery.

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by greeneyedleo

The ignorant people I go to school with. They say he shouldn't be president because he is black.

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by ChronMan

I did not say YOU were making excuses. I am talking in general. The people who make excuses for their lives today, based on what people did to others many years ago

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by wisefoolishness
reply to post by greeneyedleo

The ignorant people I go to school with. They say he shouldn't be president because he is black.

Ah, okay. Well, luckily I have never heard that before.

Well, yes, there are MANY ignorant people around

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 10:28 PM
400 years ago black people were brought into slavery from Africa. It sucked for about 250 years.

Then, slaves were freed, and the initial plan was to send them back to Africa, but it was waaay to late for that. And, since sending them back to Africa was out of the question, instead they were forced into little ghettos and given menial tasks. Most of the time the menial tasks they served were the same jobs that they were doing as slaves, except now instead of getting paid nothing and living on the slave owners land, they were getting paid and having to pay rent to the slave owners, while still on their land. For the most part not much immediately changed.

They were still ostracized, assaulted, segregated and hated.

It took another hundred years before black people were even able to speak up and demand the rights that they were denied for the past century as free people. And, because the spoke up they garnered more resentment from the population (remember the fire hoses and the dogs).

In the past 40 years there has been massive social progress, but it's no where near an equal playing field. And every day when you see white people cross the street at night because they're afraid of a young black man on the same sidewalk. Or when you're pulled over for being in a car that just 'seems' too nice for you to be driving. Its still out there. It's penetrating, and for the most part it's not the black people who are holding the whips.

And yes, the ghettos are still in the same places they were 150 years ago.

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 10:41 PM

Originally posted by greeneyedleo

Originally posted by ChronMan
reply to post by jerico65

I have a question... Why is it that people fail to realize that the residue of slavery had/has a profound impact?

I have another question... Why is it that people fail to acknowledge mental slavery as a legit problem?

Sorry for the sudden burst of inquiry.

[edit on 8-5-2008 by ChronMan]

The people crying SLAVERY were NEVER SLAVES! They do not know what slavery is from experience.

Time to live in the here and now. Dont like the now, make changes. Dont like the past. Well, reflect on it and try not to repeat it.

Excuses. Excuses. Excuses. They need to stop.

[edit on 8-5-2008 by greeneyedleo]

Give the (pretty) lady a star - and more stars if I could for saying exactly what needs to be said.

To me a large part of the problem is the leaders many (most?) blacks choose to follow without question. I'm talking about Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Rev. Wright, Farrakhan, etc. Wake up! These so-called leaders have a vested interest in keeping you down. It's how they make their (big) money and justify their own existence. They are your new masters, not white people. And it will stay that way until you stop letting them decide for all of you what to think, how to vote, etc. Think I'm wrong? Just look at how your leaders treat other blacks that have done what it takes to succeed. They look at successful blacks as the "ones that got away". Even Obama, see any of them doing anything more than giving him grudging support? Why, it's because they don't know what to do with Obama. He's a black that could finally be president, but they're history if the rest of the blacks follow Obama's lead instead of theirs.

So, take charge of your own lives and move forward. Don't be like some of the people in New Orleans during Katrina - able-bodied people that just sat there waiting for the government to come take care of them instead of fighting to survive and save their possessions like people in neighboring states did. And who was the mayor at the time. Did he do anything to help? I still recall the picture of hundreds of flooded school busses that could have instead been used to help people escape before the storm hit. That's what they used them for in Texas, anyway.

Oh, and BTW, most slaves were captured in Africa by other blacks and then sold to slave traders. Shouldn't most if not all anger be directed at their descendants instead of people living in the U.S. now? Is it not happening this way just because the current people in Africa don't have much money compared to white people in the U.S? An excellent question and one that needs to be asked.

[edit on 5/8/2008 by centurion1211]

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