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At Last! People Are Waking Up To The Hypocrisy and Lies!

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posted on May, 8 2008 @ 11:29 AM

"What about the 22,000 scientists that say it's not true, that it's caused by the sun?" yelled another, to which the congregation screamed "shut up!" amidst shock that a mere peon would dare question Lord Gore's climate authodoxy.

After the event the group unfurled a huge banner that read "No Carbon Tax -- It's A Scam," which drew the interest of two of Gore's security minions who demanded to know who the protesters were.

Some of Gore's supporters were offended that their religion was being criticized and refused to engage in any kind of rational debate and stormed off - perhaps living in denial that there is not a "consensus" on global warming as the corporate media so often likes to falsely claim.

Al Gore's 20 room private mansion uses 20 times the national U.S. average of gas and electricity, as Gore lavishes himself in his heated swimming pool while poor people and the middle class await the onslaught of carbon taxes to eviscerate any disposable income they have left.

Gore's claim that global warming is causing increased ferocity of extreme weather events like hurricanes and the deadly cyclone in Burma has been disputed by actual meteorologists and professors.

One of the central philosophies of climate change alarmism and an image that adorned the cover of Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth - the contention that global warming causes deadly hurricanes - has been completely discredited by the expert who first proposed it.


Could it really be true?

Could people be sick of the lies, the scare tactics, the hypocrisy and the money grubbing?

It's about time people started to stand up and challenge the "church of gore" and expose this man to the rest of the planet for the opportunist hypocrite he really is.

Could this be why he recently likened doubters and cynics to "conspiracy nuts"???

One things for sure - he won't give up his meal ticket without a fight.

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by budski

"What about the 22,000 scientists that say it's not true, that it's caused by the sun?" yelled another.."

What 22,000 scientists? Sorry, but the hypocricy and lies lie with the other camp actually. The camp that is organised and paid for by the oil industry. There are no 22,000 scientists that disagree with the accepted causes of GW. And by the way - the 'Sun Theory' has been catergorically disproven by scientists only a few weeks ago.


posted on May, 8 2008 @ 11:57 AM
The same "scientists" who make a living supporting GW?

Nothing has been disproved.

The only thing that has been disproved are all of al bores "theories"

Or lies as they are more properly called.

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by budski
The same "scientists" who make a living supporting GW?

Nothing has been disproved.

The only thing that has been disproved are all of al bores "theories"

Or lies as they are more properly called.

Nope. The article states that someone yelled that '22,000 scientists believe the sun causes GW' or something along those lines. I'd like to see a list of these 22,000 'scientists'. I can say with some justification and certainty that they simply do NOT exist.

Those 22,000 'scientists' are the ones we're talking about, aren't we?


posted on May, 8 2008 @ 12:06 PM
Not just that - it's also about the fact that as soon as anyone challenges gore, they are basically labelled "heretics" or nutters by the acolytes of the church of gore - an age old method of dealing with detractors.

Have you actually read the whole article?

Or did you just seize on one part of it in order to try and derail and focus attention away from the real issue?

BTW - can you prove that there AREN'T 22,000 scientists who disbelieve his hideous propaganda?

Proof mind you, not your opinion.

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by budski
BTW - can you prove that there AREN'T 22,000 scientists who disbelieve his hideous propaganda?

Proof mind you, not your opinion.

Budski, you're better than that.


posted on May, 9 2008 @ 07:18 AM
Apparently not mel

Everytime anti-GW evidence is posted, it's not given anywhere near the same serious attention that the church of gore gets.

Just so we're clear - Yes,I believe that climate change exists.
How could it not?

But the church of gore has turned it into a means to their own ends.

AGW is far from proven - but people try to ram it down my throat all the time.

I'm going to fight fire with fire, and mirror the tactics that gores acolytes use - that's all.
Nothing sinister

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 07:23 AM
Reccomended reading:


if you know someone suffering from Gore's disease, prescribe this book and in 24hrs they will be all better.



[edit on 9-5-2008 by blimpseeker]

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 07:43 AM
reply to post by blimpseeker

I read it a while back - good book.

BUT according to the church of gore, it was a blatant piece of disinfo, promulgated by a man with an agenda, rather than the reasoned look at the arguments and evidence which it actually was.

It showed how stats and other evidence can be manipulated, to suit the agenda of the cult of AGW, and how trendy types have jumped on the bandwagon to further their own agenda's (publicity) whilst thumbing their noses at the real environmental issues.

The problem with the acolytes and followers of the church of gore, is that they have the attitude of "do as I say, not as I do"

When they start to walk the walk, I may lend them half an ear and listen to their misguided views.

Until then, I'll treat them as the hypocrites they are.

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 08:15 AM
The Church Of Gore has been very lucritive as of late. Some 90 million from the carbon credit hedge fund he and very few cronies have started has passed into the coffers of Rev. Gore. If I where making that much money off this HOAX. I'd be hireing thugs to protect my interests too.!!!


[edit on 5/9/2008 by ZindoDoone]

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 08:24 AM
Your title is so true! So often I hear Global Warming the butt of so many jokes.

Anybody see this list? It is a list of things attributed to Global Warming by the drive-by media. Take a look, it's hilarious!

I dare you you take a look without laughing!

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 08:28 AM
reply to post by RRconservative
that is funny,
"wolves at more" and then "wolves eat less"

"witch executions"????

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by budski

Could it really be true?

Could people be sick of the lies, the scare tactics, the hypocrisy and the money grubbing?

It's too late he's already done the damage. Notice how high the gas price is?

I wish I could find the article when mr. clinton and him was in office together on this green house kick and clinton came out and said,

"americans are too dependant on their suv's it's time for change. time for car pooling and one car per household instead of 3. The only way for this change is for gas to be at $8.00- $10.00 a gallon."

he said something to that effect and after bush got in office its like they were in the same bed together cause he put his words into action!

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 09:57 AM
To be honest shar, gas prices in the UK are so high that people don't notice the difference that much anymore.

Although instead of calling it a straight tax like they used to, we are now told it's for the god of the planet.

Rubbish - it's for the good of the government.

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by budski
Apparently not mel

Everytime anti-GW evidence is posted, it's not given anywhere near the same serious attention that the church of gore gets.

Maybe I was too opaque. You post an article suggesting 22,000 scientists suggest something. Someone calls the article out on it, asks where the evidence for this claim is. You suggest they should prove there isn't 22,000 scientists blah, blah.

You're better than that, budski. The nearest thing that comes to such a thing is the OISM petition, which is a bit of a joke, with such luminaries as Dr. Geri Halliwell.

Yadda, yadda, yadda. Splurge. Poof!

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 12:23 PM
That was one line of the article, which one protester shouted out.

Do you think it reasonable or fair to focus on that one point, when I hadn't actually expressed it or put it forth as an argument?

I think it's indicative of the nature of the debate that many make spurious claims.

However - think about how many scientists there are in the world, then think about how many MAY disagree, whether they are qualified to or not.

It's yet another part of the debate which needs more clarity.

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by budski
However - think about how many scientists there are in the world, then think about how many MAY disagree, whether they are qualified to or not.

It's yet another part of the debate which needs more clarity.

It is not only the warming factor that needs to be addressed but also the pollution. Our only gift to our future generations is mountains of garbage. By that time they will be drinking oil and speaking fluent pepsi.

If you ask me scientists are the most stupid people of all. Of course Shell and other industries have their propaganda well in play and well payed.

Sure Al Gore is a greedy man and he profited big time from this but he is correct. We are polluting our lives and our only home and if we don't start the change now our children will pay, and so will theirs.

Common sense has been removed from most, if not all our political and business leaders and large quantities of money has been shoved up their to replace it.

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by xion329alpha

Number 1 - it hasn't been proved that the planet IS warming, climate change is a catchall phrase which covers a multitude of possibilities.

Another example of people hedging their bets.

Number 2 - al gore is a chancer, who speaks only of AGW and how it's all mans fault.
Much of what he says has been proven to be utter tripe.

Environmentalism on the other hand is something we should all pay attention to.

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by jimbo999
reply to post by budski

And by the way - the 'Sun Theory' has been catergorically disproven by scientists only a few weeks ago.


What utter rubbish, the SUN is the ONLY theory.

I'd really like to read that disproved theory! Bet its right up there with the Northern Hemisphere (only) data, or the Hockey Stick (lets smooth out the Mini Ice age) or all the monitoring stations closing to skew results or the Ice core data that disregards all the periods where there wasn't Ice because temp above 32 deg's etc etc etc etc

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 01:48 PM
I dont understand how people dont believe in climate change... like really the weather is doing some pretty weird # that its never done before (some rose bushes in front of my house were in bloom all winter last year) and supposidly its natural? no way the fact is we are doing something to the wearth and we've got to fix it and stop debating on whether its true or not.

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