Originally posted by jkrog08
reply to post by americandingbat
Well someone who sees the bar shouldn't assume because you have a low filled bar that you are not a "worthy poster", that is just immature.
That's how ATS has worked for years under the points system.
Mostly related to threads though I think. Not necessarily just individual posts.
ATS points were only indicative of ATS points.
They weren't necessarily indicative of maturity, intelligence, or overall knowledge.
But people with alot of points on ATS got alot of online cred on ATS. And, thus, a thread started by such a member is always going to get more posts
and attention in general than some newb like me with a couple thousand points. This is not a grype, it's not a complaint, this is simply the way it
Very few threads started by newbies ever really get that same attention. Even though that person could have twice the level of expertise or knowledge
on the subject. Points used to make people here assume alot about someone's character. I just never liked that. It doesn't make sense. And It's
not fair to the newer, mature, intelligent members trying to contribute something. When they can't even get anyone to really care about their
threads. Some of these threads the newer members are posting are just mind boggling.
The point system, the star system, they never worked the way I think they were really intended. For alot of reasons. For starters, People are more
likely to star posts on the first 4 or 5 pages because those are the pages people are more likely to read in a thread dozens of pages long. The people
who are always first to respond to threads in certain sections of these discussion forums are always the same exact people. That's fine. I have no
beef with that. But it definately seems some people just sit around all day waiting for new threads they think have merit.
I, like many other people, don't care enough to do that. Nor do I have the time. And I, personally, don't care if I get stars or not and I'm
perfectly happy to join a discussion on page 16, 30, 100, it doesn't matter to me.. And it is only because I have something I think I can contribute
to the discussion that is not directly being discussed. Sometimes, just to bring the discussion back on topic.
This is how it sometimes works, from what I've seen.. (just an example)
A Certain high-point holding, respected member on ATS starts a thread. Certain other people like and respect these other people so they post there
too. Then when certain people are seen posting in that thread, it seems certain other individuals chime in too. The thread ends up 60 pages long and
is a very interesting discussion. Stars and flags abound.
Now, take this scenario..
A new member has just joined ATS and starts the very same thread with the very same content in the very same section of the forums.. The thread is
just statistically doomed from the start to not really go anywhere. Where if people actually participated without biases or pre-conceived ideas about
character or intelligence it could be just as interesting a discussion. But it won't ever really get off the ground. That's the problem.
What really DOES bother me is this..
It's the principal of the thing.
I still consider myself a fairly new member to ATS even though I joined in 2006. But Alot of threads here get no attention when they should.. Some
threads will go on 30 pages when the thread shouldn't even exist in the first place. Alot of times, half the thread just ends up people re-posting
the same material because they didn't read the thread.. Then you get 3 or 4 people posting to correct them.. I mean, that's a page of posts that
shouldn't exist right there. Half of them getting stars for their posts..
Then you end up with people posting things like "GOOD POST! Starred and flagged" and they end up with 15 stars for doing that and all the points
along with it? (I can cite a few great examples).