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What if Science confirms existence of God!

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posted on May, 7 2008 @ 02:55 AM
If we could prove or disprove God, it would be a golden era for man, because by then our science will have reached the pinacle of perfection, to the point that it will not matter if He existed or not because we would have control over our existence.

Oh, and Bloodcircle, I believe in a powerful God that was so merciful he gave us free will and the capability to carry with our lives by ourselves. I think He is rarely involved with our lives and sending Jesus was his only participation. This is my belief as a Catholic, so maybe not even that for other religions and agnostics. Then, He may not be willing to stop famine and death, because the moment He does that, He will rob us our most precious gift.

posted on May, 7 2008 @ 03:10 AM
ok lets take the premise @ face value

` god ` is proven

then what ?

IMHO why would any one rush to religion ? the way i view religions - they all make promises of rewards for worship and devotion , based on FAITH

i will now cherry pick the dictionary definition that supports my argument

firm belief in something for which there is no proof

the counterpoint to faith is doubt - and if there is proof , doubt evaporates

the phrase ` a leap of faith ` is very familiar to me - as a paratrooper , and rock climber - i often had to put absolute trust in the someone elses work - who i had often never met - and the integrity of equipment i could not fully check myself

all on faith .

so what will religions offer now that doubt has been removed ? anything ??

lastly - i believe that this `proof of god ` would lead many to abdicate respocibility - and look to god for all thier answers , esentially a - why should i do ANYTHING , god is here now - he can sort it - attitude

posted on May, 7 2008 @ 03:12 AM
reply to post by Halicarnassus

Very good point made.

God actually wanted to put men into trial, either by making one poor or rich, and likewise... and we are only creation of God or species that has so much freedom (free will) and very much intellect, therefore it's our responsibility to search for the truth....!!!!

and I just wonder, How would it make one life harder if he starts to believe in God.... As today most people hold religion responsible for the conflicts... however just assume if all of us turn 'Atheist' would that ensure peace all over the World???? Certainly not. WW1 and WW2 are just mere example of it, it were not fought over religious issues....

People just fight over anything that interests to them, and it could be anything, like Wealth, Like Woman, Like Oil hmmmm... for power... yea most of the reasons for human beings to fight for are non-religious!!!!

9/11 did not result from religious conflicts granted it was carried out by Al-Qadea it resulted because of the 'political' policy of US and it was actually major failure to contain such so-called terrorism.

posted on May, 7 2008 @ 04:09 AM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
let's say that science confirmed the existence of Odin

Hands down, the most incredible day in human history. I'd quit my job and start building a longship that afternoon. Who has time to waste programming when there's villages to burn?

posted on May, 7 2008 @ 07:28 AM
What if science figures out that YOU are God and always were, you just forgot that you were? You just forgot and chose to ignore your godlike qualities?

posted on May, 7 2008 @ 08:22 AM

Originally posted by Bigwhammy
Everything that begins to exist has a cause. The universe began to exist. Therefore the universe has a cause. That cause we call God.

This logic appears self-defeating to me.

If God exists, then he/she/it must also have a cause.

posted on May, 7 2008 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by coughymachine

Everything that has the beginning has the cause, God was not created, God had no beginning and therefore there is no cause ... God is eternal... got my point.

On other hand Science has now proved that Universe is not eternal, therefore it had a beginning and therefore a cause and the cause is God.

posted on May, 7 2008 @ 09:22 AM
If science ever "confirms" god exist, then the next natural scientific question would be: who or what MADE god?

If everything has a "creator" then even God has one... And "god has always been" is not a valid argument (a convenient one, I'll give you that, but an all to simple and ridiculous one)

I for one can't see this day coming, in fact we'll sooner see proof that "god" is a fictional concept thought up by humans to explain things which are "unexplainable".

posted on May, 7 2008 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by LOYAL
Everything that has the beginning has the cause, God was not created, God had no beginning and therefore there is no cause ... God is eternal... got my point.

No, afraid not.

Quite apart from the obvious problem you have of demonstrating God exists, you have no way of proving God's 'existence' had no beginning.

posted on May, 7 2008 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by Bigwhammy

No, it didn't. You would like the big bang to somehow prove god, but it doesn't. Wishing something to be true doesn't make it so.

posted on May, 7 2008 @ 10:43 AM
Disagreeing with it doesn't make it untrue either though.

posted on May, 7 2008 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by coughymachine

This forum is dedicated to the discussion of the organized conspiracy to influence science education through the introduction of creationism and other non-scientific origin concepts. Discussion topics and follow-up responses in this forum will likely tend to lean in favor of conspiracies, scandals, and cover-ups. Members who would seek to refute such theories should be mindful of's tradition of focusing on conspiracy theory, cover-ups, and scandals.

I've been watching Project Camelot's interviews by men who have other sources than science. They're telepathic or they're contactees or they're spiritual or they're insiders that got smart.

What PC's guests insist is that Science (NSA/NASA) has been outright lying to us since the 1950s about everything due to the fact that for special interests, compartmentalization and need2know runs science and not plain truth.

My biology class is teaching that DNA built itself. My physics class teaches the universe is a vacuum, which is an idea lately overturned even by scientists. In PE the coach says, just follow the FDA diet, but that makes me physically sick.

I am beginning to question whether "Science" knows anything real or is it all dogma like the Church teaches dogma?

[edit on 7-5-2008 by sarcastic]

posted on May, 7 2008 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by jdl79

Indeed - I never said it would. What I did say was that the complete lack of evidence for it doesn't help its case.

posted on May, 7 2008 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by Bigwhammy

abbreviated version:

first cause doesn't necessarily mean god.

honestly, that's all we need to do to dismantle your argument. a first cause isn't necessarily a deity

also, as has been stated before, a first cause is quite possibly unnecessary.

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 04:20 AM

Originally posted by sarcastic
I've been watching Project Camelot's interviews by men who have other sources than science. They're telepathic or they're contactees or they're spiritual or they're insiders that got smart.

So they're storytellers then?

What PC's guests insist is that Science (NSA/NASA) has been outright lying to us since the 1950s about everything due to the fact that for special interests, compartmentalization and need2know runs science and not plain truth.

Okay, here's the deal with the vast "Government knows it all but is lying about the truth" conspiracies.

Firstly, the vast majority of the world's best researchers aren't American. NASA isn't the only authority in the world (they're not even the biggest authority in the US)...there are thousands upon thousands of extremely talented people across Europe, India, Asia, the Middle East, everywhere. If NASA was holding back the truth, you could best you last dollar that someone else, somewhere else, would discover it and report it. Somehow I don't think NASA's policies have very much effect on the Chinese. They kinda do what they want.

Secondly, if "plain truth" doesn't run science, then there's a hell of a lot of people "in on it". Waaaay more than any government agency could control, let alone employ. If everything is so buckled down and compartmentalized to stop the flow of "the truth", then why do we have all of these amateur tech nuts building garage-size nuclear reactors and hobby-quality quantum encryption units over their weekends? The fake truth seems to work rather well for them.

Thirdly and finally, have you ever tried to keep something even remotely interesting a secret amongst even 5 people? It won't happen, someone will blab in less than a day. Even on a grand, fanatic scale, you can't keep secrets forever. Take Scientology, which is a real conspiracy. They can't even retain a tape of Tom "Xenu is my Homeboy" Cruise going on a directionless rant even though it meant months of pure negative publicity for their whole organization. Now extrapolate that out to something as behemoth as the US Government, and something as devastatingly important as say, Free Energy. Someone would leak the minute they found out, and no amount of spin or coverup could stop that news from spreading. None.

My biology class is teaching that DNA built itself. My physics class teaches the universe is a vacuum, which is an idea lately overturned even by scientists. In PE the coach says, just follow the FDA diet, but that makes me physically sick.

Have you ever seen a video of DNA self-replicating? It really is something else. As for the universe, on a macro (ie, Human) scale, yes, it is a vacuum. Things that happen at a quantum level are at the very limit of human comprehension. The quantum foam that permeates the universe is energy, not matter. You can shine a light into a vacuum, it's still a vacuum. And the FDA diet? It's a generalized model. Are you a completely average, generic human? I'm guessing probably not. I'd imagine you're just needing more of something than the average, vanilla human needs.

I am beginning to question whether "Science" knows anything real or is it all dogma like the Church teaches dogma?

How's that computer you're posting from working out for you? Or how about the Internet itself? I can assure you they did not wish themselves into existence out of the aether.

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 10:09 PM
Basically you are saying that God is not worthy of worship, even after its existance is proven, because many people die and many people suffer in this earth. We are here for a purpose, find the purpose and all the suffering will make sense.

Originally posted by bloodcircle
My point is that *IF* god were proven to exist, I would not suddenly be a believer in that this *god* was a being worthy of worship.

My point is that you shouldn't use your emotions to judge god, instead do research. Maybe we are here for a reason, aaaaaaaaaa maybe, just maybe we are not here to live happily ever after.

Originally posted by bloodcircle
I don't see your reply caters to the OP's question about 'how you would change' if you found out god did exist, at any rate.

I did say how everyone would change, I said people who hate even the idea of a creator will always deny it. I do believe that we can use science to prove it's existance now, but that's off topic and it will be a long, long discussion if we go there.

Originally posted by bloodcircle
I would come to the conclusion that it is far from worthy of worship; infact if it were found to have planted the seeds of faith into the minds of humans throughout the ages via various prophets, then I say it would be guilty of inciting religious wars and persecution of millions of innocent people throughout the the ages.

"My point is that you shouldn't use your emotions to judge god, instead do research. Maybe we are here for a reason, aaaaaaaaaa maybe, just maybe we are not here to live happily ever after."

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 05:50 AM
reply to post by madnessinmysoul

which god?

Personally, I hope it's a goddess.

Aphrodite would be nice.

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by Thousand

This computer works well because I am careful not to overrun its boundaries and limits in design. I used to be an electronics techie, so I know how to keep it going.

However, this computer will never teach reasoning so it cannot make predictions about the future, it can only pass on rumors and experiences of others. But letters of pen and paper can do that also.

I'll stick by my original hypothesis that Science knows less than it says it knows until I have more tactile proof to the contrary. At the moment I'm seeing science as a sacred cow.

But who knows maybe something will impress me.

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by sarcastic

I hope you are living up to your username

If not - seriously? You think science is a sacred cow?

posted on May, 10 2008 @ 06:28 AM
It really depends on which god, or what type. If if it's something like the god of Abraham/Allah, who demands worship, then most unconverted people will probably come to believe in it, at least after a few generations. People from other religions probably won't be impressed; you'd be surprised what believers can ignore.

If it's some kind of less involved deity, they'll probably be accepted by most of the world, but not worshiped. Most religions would probably continue business as usual, maintaining that their own god exists elsewhere, and hasn't been found yet, but is still totally the only true one that matters.

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