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What if Science confirms existence of God!

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posted on May, 6 2008 @ 09:47 AM
Somehow i am tempted to believe that sometime in the future most of the mainstream scientists would be convinced that ' God ' exists. How would it have impact on someone's life esp., to the ones who don't believe in God or not so believer in God.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 09:49 AM
Give me proof, get belief.

Sorry for one liner ^_^:: Just stating a fact. I go off of proof.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 09:51 AM
I just wanted you to assume, given that Science confirms existence of God what would you do? What possible change that can bring to one's life?

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by LOYAL

I just wanted you to assume, given that Science confirms existence of God what would you do? What possible change that can bring to one's life?

i would start worshiping the toaster

In my humble opinion, if science proved the existence of "god" all it would do is drive religious bickering to an unprecidented level.

Better off without one
Cant wait for the grief i get over that statement

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 09:58 AM
I don't understand how this could happen.

How would Science define God? A Higher being that created Us, or the Universe?

We would have to accept thier definition first.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 10:02 AM

If science, however proved it, there would be a war between leaders as to WHICH would lay the foundation for their version of inquisition.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 10:04 AM
don't hold God or religion responsible for the conflicts that today exist in this world. WW1 and WW2 were not fought over religious issues isn't?

Men always have been fighting and would be fighting no matter what one believe in God or not. and It's the science that will bring ultimate death to whole mankind not the God ....

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by LOYAL

I'd want to see and meet him/her the all mighty, and not by death or after life. If there's proof then let's see our maker.

Some scientist believe in global warming while others don't so this " proof of God " would have to be unanimous and all scientist would have to agree. If there is any doubt then proof is out the window.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 10:35 AM
Like I said, I would believe but I wouldnt worship, theres difference between "god" being god or "god" Being a figure that created a single planet, or solar system and such. Theres more to the universe then just us and there may be many creators, I dont worship those who create, I worship those who do well with what they are given and make a life for themselves.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by LOYAL

That would be incredible news! Seriously, as an atheist and ponderer-of-the-universe, I'd love for everything insanely weird to be true, and God's right at the top of the list.

What would it mean to me? Well, I'd then be able to start a conversation with God on the topic of why he was such a dick during most of the Bible, and why he (being a supreme being) made people just so we can suffer and praise him. I'd ask him if he's seeking any help for his obvious psychological issues he's suffering, and why he (God) sounds a lot different to himself (Jesus) in the new testament. I'd also ask him why he bothered giving guys nipples. I'd also ask just who was he trying to impress with having himself (Jesus) killed for our sins, instead of just making a mental note and letting us get on with it. There's a lot I'd ask him. If I knew he was real, I wouldn't feel like an ass doing so, and I might even expect an answer. Ooh - and I'd ask him if he could make a twinkie so big he'd get sick if he ate it all. The fun I'd have if God were real... I wonder how Christians get anything done all day.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by LOYAL
don't hold God or religion responsible for the conflicts that today exist in this world. WW1 and WW2 were not fought over religious issues isn't?

Men always have been fighting and would be fighting no matter what one believe in God or not. and It's the science that will bring ultimate death to whole mankind not the God ....

I dont hold God to account for conflict and war.

I hold religious dogma to account. It was one group saying "my religion is the truth. Join me or die" that inevitably started off conflicts.

Crusades, Jihads etc.

Even the underlying tensions in some countries are and can be reduced to a religious conflict (Jewish- Islamic wars).

Religion is a pox on this world. The sooner we stop following religion and start following God the better.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 01:06 PM
so what science proves god, doesn't mean ill worship him, doesn't mean ill care, theres to much in this world to worry about then some deity on the outside

unless of course he offers me a deal, (i play for the highest bidder)

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 04:29 PM
which god?

well, if science proved the existence of a specific god, i think it would lead to the conversion of all the scientifically minded atheists to that religion...though some of the dogmatic ones (no, not hitchens or dawkins or that ilk, the idiotic ones that don't base their atheism on reason) would stay atheists

i'd say that all the other religions would be split in half
let's say that science confirmed the existence of Odin

the very religious would immediately start a war to the contrary
...which would actually be a very good thing for the odinists, seeing as odin is the god of war in norse mythos.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 04:43 PM
I cannot see how it is/will be possible. If God's existence could be proved what would be faith? And what would be of free will?
It is like thinking that science can prove that there is no God. Science is science, it is there to solve/define scientific issues, not religious ones. And every time people are mixing two different systems together inquisition (religious or atheistic) appears.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 05:47 PM
Actually science has proven the existence of God. People are just in denial. The discovery of the Big Bang pretty much laid it to rest based on this piece of logic...

Everything that begins to exist has a cause. The universe began to exist. Therefore the universe has a cause. That cause we call God.

For most of history the denial of a creator was based on denying the second proposition. Atheists insisted the universe was eternal. Oh well, science has now removed that argument.

So now atheists are reduced to denying the first proposition. Everything that has a beginning doesn't necessarily have a cause. Reminds me of the cliche': grapsing at straws.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 06:16 PM

very well said. Religion has long said that it had a beginning and it is going to end as well. and Now Science literally have proved that it 's not eternal it all began with bigbang and also i read an interesting research ' The Death of Sun ' i think most of us aware of that, that Science has now proved that our life on earth will cease to exist as when Sun would have exhausted all of its energy it will then turn into big 'Red Star' and swallow the first 2 planets and most probably earth as well. and even if it does not swallow the earth the life on this planet would ultimately cease to exist because of the cold.

So we are not going to live here forever. I think as science makes more and more discoveries the more we are gonna learn about God.,

And i think most of our buddies here are confused that i can see because of the Bible ... I believe Bible was revealed to Jesus however don't believe that it's the very words that were revealed as it's been distorted over the period of time.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by LOYAL
Somehow i am tempted to believe that sometime in the future most of the mainstream scientists would be convinced that ' God ' exists.

Science would first have to define "God" good enough to set up a test for its existence. And since that's impossible, it's unlikely science will discover "proof of God" or anything like it any time soon.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by Bigwhammy
Actually science has proven the existence of God. People are just in denial. The discovery of the Big Bang pretty much laid it to rest based on this piece of logic...

Wrong as usual, Bigwhammy. The notion of linear time is as old and stale as those little models of atoms with the electrons spinning around like tiny planets. And without linear time, with space and time bubbling back and forth through multiple dimensions, there's no need to point to a specific point at which the universe suddenly "began." And that leaves your Big Grandpa in the Sky without a job.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by LOYAL

One can be awakened via any source of input, be it as inconsequential as looking out of a window to climbing a mountain and scanning the new horizon.

As such, one can be awakened because of religion, even if that religion causes conflict with the awakened self.

What people like soulslayer forget about is that most ordinary people aren't actually interested in fighting a religious war, and are drafted in via means of moral blackmail.

To claim that "Religion is a pox on this world" amounts to spitting in the face of those who have worked their entire lives under the name of religion, and have brought about great charity to others around them.

People like Mother Teresa, who infact went into a arab-isreali conflict and brokered a temporary ceasefire in order to rescue patients at a front-line field hospital.

Even people like Ghandi have proclaimed to follow a religious practice whilst carrying out their actions of virtue.

Now it is simple to say that such individuals are merely acting compassionate because they are afraid of being sent to hell (or whatever), but i think that would be assuming a bit too much.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by dave420
reply to post by LOYAL

That would be incredible news! Seriously, as an atheist and ponderer-of-the-universe, I'd love for everything insanely weird to be true, and God's right at the top of the list.

What would it mean to me? Well, I'd then be able to start a conversation with God on the topic of why he was such a dick during most of the Bible, and why he (being a supreme being) made people just so we can suffer and praise him. I'd ask him if he's seeking any help for his obvious psychological issues he's suffering, and why he (God) sounds a lot different to himself (Jesus) in the new testament. I'd also ask him why he bothered giving guys nipples. I'd also ask just who was he trying to impress with having himself (Jesus) killed for our sins, instead of just making a mental note and letting us get on with it. There's a lot I'd ask him. If I knew he was real, I wouldn't feel like an ass doing so, and I might even expect an answer. Ooh - and I'd ask him if he could make a twinkie so big he'd get sick if he ate it all. The fun I'd have if God were real... I wonder how Christians get anything done all day.

Dave you post is very close minded, why do you only see god as the god of the bible?

Define god? If you do not understand god, how can you judge god.

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