reply to post by zorgon
Well, Zorgon....I'd very much like to do the Simulator thing.
Who's going to pay for it, though?
I postulated four ATS myself, and the Simulator operator.
That's six people, and the B767 Simulator has room....the two pilot seats, the seat for the Sim operator, there's another seat, and room for two to
stand and observe.
I'd want each ATS member to not feel rushed...a typical Sim session lasts two hours....that's when we train, in Airline operations....that's two
hours per pilot, with a break in the middle....
BUT, given the astronomical cost of a Simulator ($3000/per hour) I think two hours is enough....
I think United has one of the most extensive training centers in the USA...and it's pretty central, in Denver. American has their training center in
Dallas, but their fleet consists of 300 MD-80s....yes, they have B757 and B767....but United has more...and no MD-80s!!!!
I've been to the UAL training's very large, and probably has more Sims sitting idle than any other Legacy carrier out there.
(hint----they might be hungry for the money....) Heck, they started to charge for checking a second bag!!!! And oil is at $120......they might
I think UAL also has cameras equipped in some of their Sims, but not sure about can be used, in regular airline training, as de-briefing
tool. AND, it is erased immediately, only to be seen by the students and the instructor. But, for ATS, it could be saved and posted....
To make it real, we should treat all four 'contestants' the same, as the hijackers probably were, when they bought Sim time....
Before getting into the actual Sim, there is a briefing....usually about 90 minutes, with pictures of the instrument panel and the center console and
the overhead panels, to familiarize the students with the cockpit arrangement.
The briefing will also discuss the 'lesson plan'.....which will be to hit a building, in a Simulator, to re-create 9/11 for everyone's
The 'briefing' will not be video-taped.
I would assume that the participants would at least have some basic flying skills....maybe 200-300 hours, as the Hi-Jackers did. So they would have
knowledge of stick-and-rudder flying....(hint....we don't need the rudder much in a modern jet, except druing take-off or landing....especially in a
cross-wind.....the yaw damper takes care of the rest, in flight....)
Most early Simulators were 'night' we'd want to use one with the newer, more sophisticated 'Day' visuals....we could program the
morning to approximate 11 Sept 2001.....
It occurs to me, that the databases of modern simulators may not have the WTC Towers anymore.....that could pose a problem.....
We will see....I also don't like John Lear's wish to 'freeze' at 20 miles out, and 7000 feet, before releasing the Sim from freeze....I'd like
the participants to have a chance to fly around a bit, to get a 'feel'....since the Hi-Jackers certainly did.
Final point: --- the motion, on the Sim, might be off....because, as I said, when the computer senses a 'crash', the Sim freezes. I'd like to
have motion on, if possible....perhaps the Sim Operator can intervene so no damage occurs to the mechanisms (the hydraulic jacks, and such)....or, the
computer may only recognize the 'ground' as a crash point...not a 'building' in the database....depends on the make and model of
Simulator....other reason to have motion off, is two will be standing.....the Sim can get a liitle rough, even with professional pilots flying.....not
Roller Coaster rough, but it could knock a person off his feet, if not prepared. summarize.....guessing about $6000, ballpark. Split 5 ways (myself, and four ATS members) is $1200 each, not including transportation and
lodging (one overnight).
The $6000 is probably a high 'guesstimate'....just to be safe....the actual cost might be lower. I haven't checked yet.
Who's game???
ps....hopefully you will have a pilot's license, but if we get one who HAS NEVER FLOWN before ( except for MS FLIGHT) then it would be fun to see
what happens!!!