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Shards of the Illuminati

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posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by Cadbury
In my opinion it's a bit unfair of you to blind-side Emsed1 like this. You should have gone to him in a u2u first. Or did you?

Blindside? I was just spouting B.S. and teasing him a little bit. I haven't discussed the subject with him privately and so have no knowledge of what he knows or not.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by EnlightenUp
Blindside? I was just spouting B.S. and teasing him a little bit. I haven't discussed the subject with him privately and so have no knowledge of what he knows or not.

Ah, understood. My apologies, Sir.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 07:49 PM
This is how secret societies get formed...

Perhaps, enough of U2Us?

I mean no disrespect - but we need to express openly, without fear.

If not the exact same U2U each one of us have,
then at least something similar, bit modified, or re-phrased.

I seriously think we all should post publicly for us, and others, to read.
What should we fear?

Oh yeah - let me answer that - NO ONE, NOTHING, never.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by eventHorizon
This is how secret societies get formed...

Perhaps, enough of U2Us?

I mean no disrespect - but we need to express openly, without fear.

If not the exact same U2U each one of us have,
then at least something similar, bit modified, or re-phrased.

I mean no disrespect either I assure you but whenever anyone brought up the subject of Aliens Maban always diverted the conversation to u2u. Seeing as Maban isn't here, I do not have his authorisation to disclose publicly most of what we discussed privately. That was the reason we were discussing it privately and not on-thread. Please accept my apologies for this and feel free to u2u me.

[edit on 20-2-2009 by Cadbury]

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 10:07 PM
dont bother telling us what he said in u2us who cares anymore
i mean honestly has mayban really told us any thing at all not really just the usual head games
from what he has told us i hope theres a team out there working for us just as secretive and just as deceiving makes you wonder if there all not the same and you can ask masons questions all day and those clowns have less of a clue than we do

they follow blindly like children there just so happy to be accepted by any one and belong in such an important group

they can take all there knowledge and power and go blow goats with it 20 years of this crap for me i have heard it all every possible angle and thats the thing i now have so much knowledge in my brain it seems all useless i cant trust anything i know its all lies
and the ones who think they know have an agenda
there is so few of them anyway when push comes to shove they will fall in a heartbeat

and for mayben if he has been hit as hard as he says he has he should be trying to recruit fresh blood i mean i and 100 percent ready i was 20 years ago and still am if the info is so important they would rather it die with them than share tell you what if thats there mentality then i dont want anything to do with them doesnt sound like the right team working in deceit and lies screw that time for humanity to blaze its own trail make its own rules in fact i would say we should convert them to whatever the hell we want who says there any more right then earthlings
there 200 million years old #ty race there hiding with us because we are better than they could ever be

did the thought ever cross there minds that maybe providing all the info they have the real # maybe thats what turns humanity around maybe thats what we have to hear

and why 3 secrets really 3 thing can sum up the fricken universe i dont think so why not 5 why not 131

how many people have killed someone i haven't
how many people here have corrupted entire country's i haven't
how many here have installed corrupt governments i haven't
yet were so primitive were so stupid no i think you are
why not use us and get this crap done with win or lose like men on our feet instead of slaves to the banksters the Illuminati the masons ect ect ect ect

the only truth i have learned is that the powers to be are backstabbing pussies thats is a fact you can take to your nearest bankster

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by Cadbury

For the sake of general politeness and manners (that I’m all sure we were taught growing up) I have to agree with eventhorizon (at least in a sense). Whether or not Maban did or did not refer to a u2u format when speaking of such matters is not the issue. Discreet action is what’s key, as not offend others or leave them feeling out of the loop. If anyone feels the need to “u2u” then just do it and they will be well aware of it when it gets there. Anything other than that makes other ATSers feel “less than.”

We were asked to continue to spread the message to the best of our abilities and if that is the aim, it is for all to hear, if it is not for all to hear it is for “no one to hear!”

I must also add that some of these u2u’s aren’t related to aliens. Keep in mind this is a friendly rebuke and not a judgmental thrashing or anything like that take it for what it’s worth.

[edit on 20-2-2009 by lazy1981]

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 10:09 PM
[edit on 21-2-2009 by dean007]

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by dean007

uncalled for!

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 10:20 PM
yeah it is always uncalled for isnt it
same old same old eat your meat or you cant have any pudding
just another brick in the wall
respect for others that lie and steal never speak up against it
always take it always turn the other cheek
are you worried mayben wont accept you into his super secret super elite club dont sweat it you can join mine the human race membership is free and we accept you no matter how badly you screwed up when you were growing up just like humanity growing up well make it we will be just fine we dont need there help
we dont even know what there leading us to

if your going to run with the pack dont p@ss with the puppies

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 10:32 PM
reply to post by dean007

It’s called having respect for others. If you object to this thread or people’s views that’s fine. Everyone’s entitled to their views, and (in turn) have the right to express those views. Take a look at my avatar, which will let you know where “I” stand in the world. However, if your aim is to insight a dispute and troll around derailing a perfectly fine thread take it elsewhere. If you have a legitimate bone to pick, do it respectfully.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by dean007

I hardly understood your last post so I'll attempt to respond to it, maybe you can write it out more clearly.

From what I can understand there are those that are upset with all the "secrecy". These were answers that were given when we asked certain questions that he felt would be distracting to the message he was trying to tell. It wasn't to single people out and make others feel left out. You could of asked the same question and he would of responded to you in the same way.

Unfortunately he left, at least for the time being and he left a few in charge to answer questions. They also do not want to disrespect the man by releasing information that was provided in private conversations.

But if Emsed1 decides if the time is right I believe others will follow suite.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 10:48 PM
im sorry i apologize
i think i just snapped
its nothing personal to anyone here or to mayben
i guess i am just tired of being controlled constantly by secret organizations
im not a troll and i will do nothing more to disrupt the thread

[edit on 20-2-2009 by dean007]

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by dean007

Everyone gets a bit on edge from time to time.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 11:03 PM

Originally posted by lazy1981
For the sake of general politeness and manners (that I’m all sure we were taught growing up) I have to agree with eventhorizon (at least in a sense). Whether or not Maban did or did not refer to a u2u format when speaking of such matters is not the issue. Discreet action is what’s key, as not offend others or leave them feeling out of the loop. If anyone feels the need to “u2u” then just do it and they will be well aware of it when it gets there. Anything other than that makes other ATSers feel “less than.”

We were asked to continue to spread the message to the best of our abilities and if that is the aim, it is for all to hear, if it is not for all to hear it is for “no one to hear!”

You raise a very good point. I should have just u2u'd him and not "dangled the carrot," you are right and I agree with you. I have no intention of offending anyone or leaving anyone "out of the loop," nor do I wish to feel "important" or "special" by retaining any information I may have from anyone who would like it, but I do feel uncomfortable sharing publicly conversations conducted privately, specifically conversations I agreed not to share. Without Maban's consent (which I do not have presently) I'm just not going to talk about it. Whether yourself or Emsed1 would like to divulge the information yourselves is entirely up to you, individually. As I understand it it's totally at your own discretion.

Keep in mind this is a friendly rebuke and not a judgmental thrashing or anything like that take it for what it’s worth.

Understood and taken as such. You were right and your rebuke was in my opinion valid and necessary.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by dean007

There are a lot of secretive organizations. If you believe anything that Maban has said in the beginning of this thread he claims that his particular organization isn't about control and his organization is at odds with many powerful, sinister organizations. One that he consistently spoke of was the NIA (National Intelligence Agency) a black budget clandestine organization.

Firstly remember you always have a free will, nothing can "control" you. Secondly some secrets can be a good thing in some situations. I battle with those same feelings especially when I was reading through this massive thread the first time.

Put your abilities to work, let it be fuel to drive you closer to finding out the truth. I will give you a heads up, many people have dedicated there lives to this very subject and still don't have even close to the full picture. Unfortunately it's the nature of beast. At the same time don't buy for a second that they have all the answers and are all knowing, there not God.

Push through, be patient, be consistent, but the central theme that Maban expressed was love one another like you would love your self.

Hope that helps a tad.


[edit on 20-2-2009 by oconnection]

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 11:10 PM
With that said lets get back on track here. We need someone to push this discussion forward.

Perhaps I can propose some topics:

Icelandic Shards: What is it, the history, finding any information available.
Enlightenment: What is it, how does one achieve it, any material one can read or watch to gain better understanding.
The Future of Mankind: Where are going, how can have a better future, how can we solve problems of today.
Current Events: What current events a line with the topic of this thread.
Feel free to throw out any proposals to keep this thread a little more objective and structured.

- Omega

[edit on 20-2-2009 by oconnection]

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 03:15 AM
I just have to say that EO's comment about the Turing Test has crossed my mind once or twice as well!

It would be brilliant! :-)

Unfortunately Maban said that Masonry doesn't really have any of the answers he was talking about. A lot of the original Bavarian Illuminati were masons but I think they fell out or at least parted ways.

He didn't say Masonry was bad, he just said it wasn't the correct path toward "enlightenment" etc.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 07:12 AM
We've just received word that Maban will not be returning, ever.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 09:00 AM
reply to post by Cadbury

That is ftl! WTF! boo and stuff. Ok i'm done.

Any details? Is he alive and o.k.?

[edit on 21-2-2009 by oconnection]

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by oconnection
Any details? Is he alive and o.k.?

Apparently not, unfortunately. I received a message from Maban's IM account this morning from someone claiming to be Tenzin, informing me that Maban has been killed in Russia. I will share as many other details about this as I can shortly, I'm just waiting for Emsed1 to come online first so I can run something by him.

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