posted on May, 2 2008 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by jasonjnelson
My thoughts are all over the place.
I believe in ets ufos and witnessed a ufo in 96.
I think they are active in our society in one form or another.
I think that they are trying to teach us or warn us or something with all the recent sightings of lights and such.
I don`t think they are abducting Domino`s delivery guys though. If a delivery guy ever tells me my pie is late because he was getting probed then he
can keep that pie and I`ll call for General Tso`s chicken instead.
However, your point of the CEO of Dominos belonging to a cult and tying together the ufo chase is a valid argument as to the fact that there may be
some relation as to why they use the ufo graphic on their box.
It is quite possible that some alien beings have infiltrated our government and is why it has changed from a democratic to a corporate society. It is
possible that they will be coming out of the woodwork soon to offer their NWO and that Corporate pizza maker Domino`s is just trying to cash in by
being one of the first to acknowledge them with the small graphic on their box.
It is also possible that Domino`s, long being the late night delivery service, is reaching out to the late night crowd many of which believe in ufos
and other things that I like to stay up late and think about. They are simply trying to be more appealing to a portion of late nighters.