Originally posted by devildogUSMC
1- I just always wished I could change things and I fully believed that one day I would.
...All I can do is cry about it all. It is so frustrating...
2 - I used to think everyone was good for the most part and I would have done anything to help anyone, but I found out that living like that will get
you nowhere.
3 - That's why I don't understand how anyone can truly believe in any sort of organized religion. There are just to many things being said to be
absolute truth.
Your post made me think of something that I heard last night with Eckhart Tolle & Oprah (Im watching the online video classes they have archived.)
Anyway lesson 8 kind of dealt with what you said in point 1 above. I will see if I can summarize.
1) I believe it is instilled in man-kind to want to make change and to make a difference.
This seems to be natural, and there is nothing wrong with it per say, and can be quite enjoyable at a certain point in life, given the 'right'
approach is taken.
But...typically when we go about trying to make change we turn into that which we fight. "That which you resist persist". This does not mean, or
imply, that one should not try to make change - its more a statement in watching how one goes about in making the change happen.
I have observed in myself as well as in others a pattern...typically when we fail at our endeavor or are slowed down for some reason, our thoughts
turn negative. We can worry, be fearful, angry, etc.
Note that none of the above help to create change, but it is the typical response of the mind. So our actions then are tainted by negativity and the
change that we force to come about are born out of this 'sour' fruit.
One must do what they can now...and if nothing can be done, dont resist...accept.
This does not mean accept that you are 'stuck in the mud with your jeep' and just stay there...but more like 'face up' and realize that you are
indeed in the mud...and notice that wishing you were not there or complaining about it does nothing to get you out...
Not sure how well this comes across in writing, and with how Im putting it - but the essence is there. As little of significance as it may seem, the
attitude we take into making change, i.e, if we resist/resent what is - will actually poison our efforts.
Have you ever seen someone say they wanted to change the world with politics, but then ended up being as corrupt as the people before them, if not
You can not use 'the devils tool' and not get burnt. - yes, make change, but negativity is indeed the devils tool, so to speak.
2) We all go through stages of experience.
Life is indeed a great puzzle waiting to be put together, we only have the pieces given to us, which our inherent within us at our birth, and that
which our social/religious milieu passes on.
Once we move on into the world we start to see the bigger picture, and parts of the picture can be quite dark...until you see how it fits into the
whole. This may not be too encouraging, but the saying "its darker before light" (something like that) holds true...hang in there - and as the
'good book' says, "seek with all your heart.
- A key I point out to 'religious people is that the search must be from the heart, not searching in the fear of ones own dogma, etc...or you will
never find.
3) Yes there is an absolute truth as many evangelicals believe, but its not what they 'think'. Religion is a 'pointer' or 'map' which people
mistook the 'map' as being the land. (maybe not the best analogy.)
But if you can get past the symbols, etc. there are some practical applications, which are non dogmatic, and which do not force change upon another.
(True and lasting change comes from within.)
You know, I saw a movie the other day...Evan almight.
And the point at the end was basically that you change the world, one at a time.
(i.e. yourself.) I have to admit, for some of us that can seem boring and not a true way to make change...but it really is the only way. Once we can
establish a solid base, its kind of like a light that starts to shine within us so that others can begin to see how to construct their own house, so
to speak.
Anyway, as you pointed out, you are not alone...
It does feel sometimes that the world is totally at opposite ends from where we are, but we must always remember that polar ends are actually
connected with whats inbetween. Reminds me of something else out of the Bible where it says, to the effect, that no trial is given to us that someone
else hasnt experienced.
While our journeys may be unique to ourselves, the overall theme, so to speak, is the same.
Be encouraged!