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Why the Giants/ Nephilim accounts may hold some truth

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posted on May, 5 2008 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by SaviorComplex

I am all to aware of how recent scientist have been defining species, down to the last color variation, spot, shape, and size; of every locally segregated population. See this thread which is discussing the very common error, your making.

A giant penguin is still a penguin.
Giant camel, still a camel.
The list goes on and on.

A rose by any other name, still smells like a rose.
And if it quacks like a duck, swims like a duck, flies like a duck. It's a duck!

[edit on 5-5-2008 by Howie47]

[edit on 5-5-2008 by Howie47]

posted on May, 5 2008 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by Howie47
I am all to aware of how recent scientist have been defining species, down to the last color variation, spot, shape, and size; of every locally segregated population...

A giant penguin is still a penguin.
Giant camel, still a camel.
The list goes on and on.

A rose by any other name, still smells like a rose.
And if it quacks like a duck, swims like a duck, flies like a duck. It's a duck! You are confusing your analogies. Mammoths are not just elephants with a different name. Using your analogy, if an elephant is a duck, then mammoths are swans or geese. Same Family but different Genus. Look at the tortoise from the link you can tell that tortoise is not simply an overgrown box-turtle, or that an alligator-turtle is just an box-turtle with a nasty disposition. So goes with Mammoths and elephants...differant animals (though related) adapted to differant environments.

posted on May, 5 2008 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by SaviorComplex

Your postulating a position by semantics. You nor science can't say
Mammoths and elephants aren't part of the same family. The fact of the
matter is. Physical traits of mammoths still show up in modern elephants!
Which is what Mendelian inheritance predicts. The mammoth traits are just deeply buried, (dormant).

Also many of the other giant animals of the past looked almost exactly like their modern equivalents. A very long list of such animals exist.

posted on May, 5 2008 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by Howie47
reply to post by SaviorComplex

Your postulating a position by semantics. You nor science can't say
Mammoths and elephants aren't part of the same family. The fact of the
matter is. Physical traits of mammoths still show up in modern elephants!
Which is what Mendelian inheritance predicts. The mammoth traits are just deeply buried, dormant.

Neither I nor science are disputing elephants and mammoths are in the same family. That is exactly what I said, same family, different genus.

Nor is it semantics. You are the one arguing it is semantics. Evidence shows they are related, not the same animal with a size difference.

For example this chart shows the difference between elephant, mastodon and mammoth teeth:

Genome research shows that:

Judging by the number of differences between the various genomes, researchers believe that African elephants diverged from Asian elephants and mammoths about 7.6 million years ago. And the latter two species appear to have split about 6.7 million years ago...

Also, look at the differences between the trunks and tusks of elephants, mastodons, and mammoths.

posted on May, 5 2008 @ 11:16 PM
i agree that the analogy was misused.
giant humans today occur because of mutations. there have been cases of individuals in the last 200 years who have grown to gigantic sizes. none of them exceeded past 35 years of living. it's true that we have descendent's due to evolution; Neanderthal, Cro-Magnon, etc.
despite there being a few skeletons from these genetic ancestors that are very large, the number of them, when contrasted to the number of 'normal' sized sapiens of the time. the same way homo-sapiens have mutated humans few and far in between, so did our genetic ancestors.

proof in the existence of actual giant's on planet earth, is non-existent today, unless you postulate that they all left, and did so without any of them dying here, WHICH would be contradictory to the acceptance of mythological and religious artifacts that speak of giants, which you all seem to take literally.

note that the thread title is "...MAY hold some truth". it indeed does, but metaphorically.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 12:55 AM
reply to post by SaviorComplex

I personally don't believe in aliens, but, hypothetically, what if humans and aliens DID have a common ancestor? That can never be ruled out.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 08:46 AM

Originally posted by thetruth777
I personally don't believe in aliens, but, hypothetically, what if humans and aliens DID have a common ancestor? That can never be ruled out.

Sure, it is possible; there is a .00000000000000000000000000001% chance.

However, you have to remember that on a long enough timeline, all animals on Earth have a common ancestor. Yet you will find (outside of the possibility with a chimpanzee or bonobo) we cannot interbreed with horses, elephants, or sloths; despite having a common ancestor, we are too far removed from one another. Even if some species of alien and humans did have a common ancestor, the same would hold true; we would be too far removed from each other genetically to interbreed.

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by Crabmeat
giant humans today occur because of mutations. there have been cases of individuals in the last 200 years who have grown to gigantic sizes. none of them exceeded past 35 years of living.

Whose to say there wasn't a whole community of people that had the same genetic mutation? And because of their short lifespan they eventually died out?

proof in the existence of actual giant's on planet earth, is non-existent today, unless you postulate that they all left

How can you say evidence is non-existent? There have been large skeletons found. Sure, some were probably hoaxes, but not all I don't think.

Anyways, no one disputes the fact that a race of dwarf people were found. Why not a race of tall people?

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 11:52 AM
To everyone,

There is definitely something going on that the general public is not aware of. Check out the following video only 43 minutes long that discusses this subject:

Also Pastor Chuck Missler has an excellent, eye-opening discussion about the deception that is 2 hours long:

Also check out Bill Schnoebelen's video on Google Video "Exposing the Illuminati from Within" and DVD "Sons of God and the Antichrist."

Take a close look at the rush to chart the human DNA a few years ago. The current rage of stem cell research and research on aborted fetuses. They would harvest the eggs from aborted female fetuses remove the nucleus of the egg (ovum) and replace it with dna form another source. Maybe the goal is to produce a superhuman race of people like the giants and men of reknown mentioned in the Book of Genesis.

The London Times website recently reported that the British Parliament passed a law allowing the joining of human dna and cells with animal dna to, ostensibly, eliminate human illnesses such as cancers. I think there is more going on than just the need to help cure humans. There are things going on that are not revealed to the public.

I think these beings are not coming from another world but from another dimension. There is a difference. It is very disturbing and all part of the upcoming deception to stage the antichrist.

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by SaviorComplex

Some theories say that our origins are from other planets, as a hybrid species, being experimented on, this would definitely feed this theory and that of planet X.

Or perhaps our dna has been genetically altered in ancient times to resemble that of alien species, progressing us from cro-magnum to civilization builders. There are a million possibilities which could lead us to believe it's possible. The simple fact that there have been no hybrid breeds between people and animals may support the idea that we are not "of this planet."

If there is proof we're of this planet present it
, I never bothered looking that far into it because I honestly don't care, we're here now so I think we should deal with the problems of living here first

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 03:28 PM
I have always believed it to be true to some extent. The angels that chose women/flesh over the Kingdom were of spiritual form only to be cursed becoming flesh by The Supreme after their "choice" and getting a lifespan of 120 years? The Supreme does not approve of interbreeding of different species. These "angels" are mentioned in Genesis 6 and in the Book Of Jude.

They went from spiritual beings to carnal, flesh. Though they knew "magics" and so taught men some of that. The half-human--half angel hybrids are the "renown and giants" mentioned in Scriptures.

Mary had no intercourse but she became/fell pregnant with Jesus, our Saviour. But we do make up our own theories on how, be it carnal or spiritual acts..or cloning, something/s we cannot comprehend or that is way beyond our understanding. Many people do not believe in spiritual (demon, ghost) oppression, now how about spiritual impregnation?

Those angels who chose women in Genesis 6 were not part of the millions/billions that fell with Lucifer, his "army". That tells me that angels have fallen after Lucifer and could very well have started their own armies/groups. I have no doubt their outcome or end will be any different from Lucifer and his demons. There are two sides, you are either with The Supreme or not, Good and evil.

If these other groups of fallen ones, others that fell even before or after the Genesis 6 angel started their own specie/s not on earth, far out theory, yes it is but still a theory. Sure they have the knowledge to create extraordinary crafts/ stealth technology since they lost their wings ,jk. Still they have great knowledge which puts top technology right up there with them and are great deceivers.

Us humans can clone so what can fallen angels who really know their stuff do? I believe that they cannot create the perfect being. They would try to create such perfect beings as God has done, we are the perfect miracle but we destroy our temple (bodies) by the choice of our doings, things of the flesh.

If there are fallen ones who created an alien specie imo that specie have no soul, well not of The Supreme in any way! Are they using humans to get as close as possible to the perfect creation of The Supreme?

My opinion. I apologize for any confusion in my layout, i confuse myself.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by SaviorComplex

common sense also says that seeing as we have absolutley no evidence or detailed information on alien species , that to make assumptions like you did is arrogant and stupid. the guy put a theory forward , thats great because we can discuss it . you act like you know wot happens outside this planet which is absolute crap.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 08:54 AM
The most plausible explanation for giants is the offspring between Homo sapiens neanderthalensis and another sub-species of Homo sapiens.

"Current (as of 2010) genetic evidence suggests interbreeding took place with Homo sapiens sapiens (anatomically modern humans) between roughly 80,000 to 50,000 years ago in the Middle East, resulting in non-ethnic sub-Saharan Africans having no Neanderthal DNA, and Caucasians and Asians having between 1% and 4% Neanderthal DNA.[4][5] However, specimens with combined Human and Neanderthal traits have also been found in Spain[citation needed] as recently as 40,000 BC suggesting[citation needed] long term and widespread intermingling of 'anachronistic races' throughout history."

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by tetrahedron

funny how we both checked out this old thread today , i dont suppose you also saw the video of the bearded man talking about bigfoot as well and had the same idea as i did regarding the nephilim theory did ya ? lol good comment though

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by SaviorComplex

however, if their technology is advanced enough to get here, im sure they have almost complete control of their genome and would be easy to integrate with others! not saying its something youd get right on the first try or anything

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by Macrotus
reply to post by DavidU

Fossil records or it didn't happen.

Don't you see, this thread is worth anything if there was any physical proof in the first place.

What is it with this proof or it didn't happen BS?

This is a forum for theories no?

To become enlightened, one must take the leap of faith into the unknown. If you only believe what you can see then you will never know anything worth knowing.

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 12:07 AM
An interesting manuscript by Dr. Joel Klenck -- The Genesis Model for the Origin, Variation, and Continuation of Human Populations -- argues that Biblical Nephilim represent non-modern humans like Neanderthals. His last chapter is scary showing that some well known professors (Prof. Church from Harvard & Prof. Hawks from Wisconsin) are sure that Neanderthals are going to be rebirthed using ancient DNA and stem cells.

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 04:37 AM

Originally posted by SaviorComplex

Originally posted by DavidU
This would explain why aliens mating with humans could possibly produce giants...

No, it wouldn't. Because you are forgetting two simple facts:

Tigers and Lions are close genetic relatives. Humans and any being from another world are not. It would be impossible for a human-alien mating to produce any offspring.

Not impossible if the humans they were mating with were their creation and had some of their genes ? Wasn't that what all the ruccus was about anyway according to some ancient sources....the visitors created modern humans and a faction of them breached a rule that had forbidden them to interract with them sexually. We were made in their image but might have had certain DNA deliberately switched off. When the purer alien DNA intermingled with the dumbed down species (us) it might have caused some unforseen genetic anomaly like the gigantism ascribed to the hybrids that began to be born...

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 04:50 AM
I happen to think that the original intention of the word that has been translated into "giants" was meant to imply power. In the sense of giants, it could mean, not actual physical stature, but a stature of power and domination.

In other texts it refers to the offspring as "men of renown". It means men of fame.

"Many people mistakenly suppose that because “renown” has to do with being well known the word should be spelled “reknown,” but in fact it is derived from the French word nom and has to do with gaining a name. In French, fame is renomée. "

Gaining a name would mean fame, legend, power, control. I suspect it refers to the bloodlines that stem from the NAMES of the Houses and the antiquity of genealogy.
edit on 21-11-2010 by Alethea because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 06:21 AM

Originally posted by DavidU
We've all heard the stories of the Nephilim, and the human/ "fallen angel" hybrids of biblical times. However, could they hold any truth? Could giants really be alien/human hybrids? Well, here's some food for thought:

All of you have probably heard of ligers (mostly from Napoleon Dynamite.) "

Imprinted genes may be a factor contributing to liger size.[7] These are genes that may or may not be expressed on the parent they are inherited from, and that occasionally play a role in issues of hybrid growth. For example, in some dog species crosses, genes that are expressed only when maternally-inherited cause the young to grow larger than is typical for either parent species.

This would explain why aliens mating with humans could possibly produce giants. Another interesting thing to notice, is that the biblical accounts detail how MALE Fallen Angels mated with FEMALE humans. Were female aliens not tempted to mate with male humans? Are males REALLY that unattractive? Perhaps they did but nothing came of it. The same way only MALE Lions with FEMALE Tigers can produce ligers.

From another thread there is a link to a video and i captured some stills that are irrelevant to the topic of that thread but they are relevant in this one.
This is the link and there is the timer in front of each link that the stills appear in the film. The entire film is unfortunately in Russian though.

Here we see one "scorch mark" from an alleged abductee from some UFO case that is supposed to be from an alien technology device that supposedly interacts with the biology of its target either taking samples or relaying something via electrical currents. Note that the appearance and overall symmetry of the marks resemble a modern computer micro-processors endings and such technology looks more human (although advanced in it's supposed concept) rather than alien. It could be a device that somehow retrieves and transmits data directly to the biological organism it attaches to.


The next one is a sketch of 3 alleged human-alien looking creatures that are above average in height. In the sketch they are presented with their suits coming out of some kind of craft and stand before the conductee. The accounts of tall human looking creatures is not rare but they get lost among all kinds of accounts so few pay some special attention to them. These ones probably have (by the looks of it) a very heavy posture since their limbs and heads seem like thicker even for their unusual height that is usually reported for such sightings which is usually above 2 meters 2.10.


There could be the case that some convergence of technologies could exist and some could "manufacture" biological entities that may be obedient and depend or can receive and relay some kind of data feedback.
In a very advanced level of technology our future would be robotic space exploration programs would look probably like this. Relay of information from and to the units that are responsible to interact with other sentient beings in any type of advanced exploration program involving data gathering and other intricate levels of interaction in order to explore sensitive aspects of potential alien psychology would be made very accurate, safer (for both conductors and conductees) and reliable if retrieval and relay of information between the several types of deployable exploration units and the Command Center is being automated and absent of other intervening factors like an array of possible sentient interpretations and manipulation (feelings, decisions or not if data bits must be relayed or kept hidden) of the gathered information between exploration units and the target species.

Maybe we are the next part of the chain of the "exploring civilizations" in this part of the Cosmos. We seem more logical and restrained from the possible emotion driven species that may had interacted somehow with us at our past and the result are today plainly visible in our society.

We may actually be the Dr. Spock's of our Cosmic neighborhood.
Of course if we are evolving to present a "safer" alternative (once we reach a higher technological status) against any other supposed emotionally driven antagonist with an already established presence (possibly) we are of course to upset their dominion and reign over a probably large and possibly very important geopolitical scene out there and thus our "undoing" from our antagonists if they are emotionally driven and generally fearful would be a good alternative for them.

These are a lot of assumptions but we at least have to start from somewhere, don't we?

edit on 21-11-2010 by spacebot because: (no reason given)

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