posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 01:57 PM
Part of the problem with the school system is the lack of interest by students, parents, teachers, and the general public in bettering our childrens'
learning. I'm not saying the "No child left behind" plan was implemented perfectly or that it has been a roaring success, but let's take it as a
good example of what I mean. You have a standardized test that every kid has to take and pass before they move on. For years and years Americans
whined about how the system was just moving kids from grade to grade, not caring whether they'd learned anything or advanced like they were supposed
to. Then we employ a system design to tell us exactly who should NOT just be moved to the next grade to become the next teacher's problem...
aaaannnnnddd everyone still bitches about it. "Oh, it isn't fair to expect my child to have actually learned anything! wha! Wha! Wha!"
Just another fine example of the real problem in today's America. It isn't even related to the government, but rather the people. We're scared to
death of actually pushing ourselves. If half the effort that has gone into creating bullcrap excuses over why certain kids can't pass the
standardized tests was used to actually educate the child so they can pass it, we wouldn't have this problem whatsoever. But no, it's easier to sit
around and complain at the problem until someone else takes it away than it is to change your own viewpoint. The American way is no longer about
rolling up your sleeves and raising yourself above the bar, it's now about sitting on your butt and whining until the government or some institution
lowers the bar down to a height which you can, with minimal effort, reach.
How does that relate to the topic at hand? Simple! The government isn't quarantining Americans against anything, we've quarantined ourselves.
Everytime you decide to complain or whine about something you consider unfair or too challenging instead of gritting your teeth and figuring out a
real solution to YOUR problem (this is a key concept, more on this in a moment), you have just quarantined yourself against achievement and
success. I stress it being your problem because too often we see where a very small, but VERY vocal minority in this country find something too
challenging, so they cry about it until the standards are lowered to suit them, lessening everyone else's achievment in the process. That's crap.
If you can't find a way around whatever stumbling block you find yourself up against, don't blame the government and make it seem like everyone else
is failing alongside yourself. It is YOUR problem, and it should be up to YOU to solve it YOURSELF. That is the American way... or at least it used
to be.