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Hostile" Iran Sparks U.S. Attack Plan

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posted on May, 1 2008 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by Hakii
Sigh, haven't we been moving several ship over that way? i heard a number like 14-17 flying around in one of the thread, Either way this cant be a good sign, I have a feeling the media is preparing the masses for a war with Iran, It was subtle at first, but little by little they keep bringing Iran into media, and how iran is posing a threat to the war in Iraq, and talks about a preemptive strike could be knocking on our door? Not sure what going on anymore, seems like so much stuff is on the table at once

Ships rotate in and out of the region all the time. Remember the carrier with the "Mission Accomplished" banner when they finished their tour of duty?

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by Level X

You sound like you must have been educated in one of the top ten america hating universities that teach socialism. look at americas track record. folks like you are quick to jump on the us but where are you when saddam is putting people in the wood chipper gangster style? all liberals seem to vote for the bad guy. yes, i am patriotic because i believe every person on this earth deserves the many blessings i get to enjoy. bllod for oil...give me a break. wheres iraq's oil? it's in iraq....

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by ufoorbhunter
reply to post by Black_Fox

Iran is the main pillar within The Axis of Evil. It supplies weapons to kill British, Americans and Israelis among others. If this thorn in the side of the west is put back a couple of centuries well fine. To me Armadinajacket is a Hitler. The lefties look the other way just like they did with Hitler. Millions and millions died because the lefties wouldn't finish this man of terror off early on, same may happen again if the leftie libs get their way.

Now here's a guy who can talk the truth. Wake up people and look at the us track record like i said in my other post. wheres the iraqie oil we are there to supposedly take? atleast saddams wood chipper is unplugged. now irans wanting to make it their country. we are fighting their proxies right now to defend iraqs fragile democracy.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 10:44 PM

Originally posted by ppskylight
I am confused as to what you meant by your post. I know of the picture you are referencing, but I am confused and feel that I am the victim of some cruel, horrible sarcastic joke. In any case, Iran's interference in Iraq is unwanted and unacceptable. If you care about our servicemembers overseas than you wouldn't be defending the Iranians who have been responsible for countless deaths and injuries. If you were to survive a direct EFP hit to your humvee, you likely would wish it had finished you off because getting blown up is messy. (Especially when you get the pieces of your vehicle that were pushed into the crew compartment when the EFP shoots copper through the armor plating, taking everything with it, into you, where it will be surgically removed from your abdomen)

EFP are sponsored by Israel not Iran; wish u to wake up

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 06:28 AM
reply to post by ppskylight

Ok, let's not forget that the Revolutionary guard soldiers/commanders are teaming up with the militias because we went in and dismissed them from their jobs. No, we fired them - quite literally actually. And in doing so, removed, in most cases, the sole bread winner from every family in Iraq who had a son or father in the military. I'm talking about the vast vast majority of Iraqi families seeing how military service in Iraq was previously required under the old guard.
Ok, i know we're talking about carry on.

[edit on 2/5/08 by WickedStar]

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 07:11 AM

Originally posted by jasonhb

Originally posted by ufoorbhunter
reply to post by Black_Fox

Iran is the main pillar within The Axis of Evil. It supplies weapons to kill British, Americans and Israelis among others. If this thorn in the side of the west is put back a couple of centuries well fine. To me Armadinajacket is a Hitler. The lefties look the other way just like they did with Hitler. Millions and millions died because the lefties wouldn't finish this man of terror off early on, same may happen again if the leftie libs get their way.

Now here's a guy who can talk the truth. Wake up people and look at the us track record like i said in my other post. wheres the iraqie oil we are there to supposedly take? at least saddams wood chipper is unplugged. now irans wanting to make it their country. we are fighting their proxies right now to defend iraqs fragile democracy.

Whatever - your the only one who believes this - on earth. The iraqi oil fields were always going to be privatised and handed over to British and US companies with Australian and other "coalition of the willing" corporations getting their slice - dont be so ignorant.


There was no threat to the u.s. PERIOD.
The threats were produced by a CIA front known as the INC (iraqi national congress) which was created by a a PR company RENDON to produce public support for the war and avoids the smith munts act of 1948 which prevents propaganda on the people of the us such as the stories :

mobile weapons labs.
underground labs.
using milk trucks to transport.
al-Qaeda training bases.
links to al Qaeda
links to 911
the use of anthrax

all lies created by this front . FACT!

Further the Kuwaiti war, remember niyala the little Kuwaiti girl who testified the the republican guard tipped babies out of their incubators ? The was pr created by a U.K. PR company Hills and Knowlton - they were paid 10million for the effort, the girl was the Kuwaiti ambassador to the U.S. daughter. Thats a FACT !

What is wrong with your brain ? There is nothing about this war beyond the oil ! Amazing that people can be so totally gullible,

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 08:36 AM
This type of war is murder!
If we have a problem with a countries governemnt why do we bomb innocent men women and children?
What happend on 911 was murder because it was an attack on citizens. The same goes for the middle east.
Are we allowed to go shoot our neighbor because they might be planning to harm us?
Try to use that in court and you will be found guilty of murder.
It is time to hold our government accountable for mass murder of innocent people in the name of oil!
Have a war on terrorists is like a war on flys. You don't blow up your house to kill them you get them one by one as they show up.

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 04:00 PM
First of all, the oil fields of the Middle East are running dry and have been in decline for about a decade now. The one point Iran has for building nuclear power plants is that they are going to need them. If only Iran would open up for international inspectors to confirm that they are not also trying to build atomic weapons. This is the problem, Muslim countries always want all things to go their way. They refuse to give and take, engage in compromise. The people of the west see this and turn their backs on them, and then the International Corporations take advantage.

While too many people in the west are too easily manipulated by mass media, the problem is even worse in third world nations, and the I.C. are even more capable of taking advantage. This is how wars are started, and it has been going on for thousands of years.

Don't kid yourself that OPEC, the House of Saud, and other leaders in the Muslim world were not also behind getting the U.S. to overthrow Saddam, who was their enemy as well. Saddam might have been a ruthless dictator, but as a Muslim he was a moderate, and allowed women to go to universities and did not put nearly the kind of restrictions on women in Iraq as as put on women in SA and Iran.

Let's not forget that the current President of Iran was one of the hostage takers of the U.S. embassy that gave Reagan the U.S. presidency back in 1980. The war mongers in the Middle East are all in bed with the war mongers in the U.S. and the international corporations as well. It is one very big circle jerk.

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by poet1b

First of all, the oil fields of the Middle East are running dry and have been in decline for about a decade now. The one point Iran has for building nuclear power plants is that they are going to need them. If only Iran would open up for international inspectors to confirm that they are not also trying to build atomic weapons. This is the problem, Muslim countries always want all things to go their way. They refuse to give and take, engage in compromise.

And of couirse bush & co are paragons of virtue - especially when it comes to compromise.

I've posted this already:
A working group consisting of more than a dozen US intelligence agency's produced an NIE (National Intelligence Estimate) stating that Iran had ceased its nuclear weapons programme in 2003.

Bush's response?
"I don't believe it"

That's right, he didn't believe a document produced by his governments finest intelligence agencys, with nothing to refute it except his own opinion.

He didn't believe it because he didn't want to.

Now we have to wait for the next message from god (for bush) that tells him to attack.

He must be close to getting a hotline set up by now, surely...

What a classy guy

[edit on 2/5/2008 by budski]

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by budski

Read my entire post.

No doubt, Bush and company and all are in that giant circle jerk.

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 08:47 AM
Remember back to 2003, when CNN, MSNB, FOX, CBS, real NBC, ABC all synched up just a few days prior to the war. Stories were subdued, and basically all the same, positive to the invasion. THAT is when there is to be a strike. BTW, if you are < 30 your opinion isn't really yours, it was given to you by someone else.

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by jetxnet
You should probably change your screen name to Anti-Gov then because every government lies as you said. Of course Iran is supplying weapons to militias in Iraq, that's a no-brainer.

Do some research and start posting some substance.

This thread just tickles me! All this bluster about Islamo-Fascism, Iranian nuclear threats, blah, blah . . . . What a crock.

I just finished watching "Charlie Wilson's War". The irony is so thick. We high-fived ourselves back then because we sent the Soviets packing after we sent (via Pakistan) Stinger missiles and all sorts of goodies to the mujahadeen "freedom fighters" in Afghanistan. The mujahadeen used these weapons to wreak havoc upon the invading Soviet forces. Happy ending, right?

And boy! did those Russkies ever have it coming; killing women and children with reckless abandon, erasing whole villages, collective punishment . . . hmmmm, I'm having a deja vu moment.

So, we invaded Iraq under the phoniest of pretexts (OK, lies) and now occupy the country at the cost of $25 million/hour. Mission Accomplished [shuh!].

Iran next? For what? Talking tough to Israel? Enriching Uranium? Last time I checked, Iran was complying with the Non-Proliferation agreement. Israel (with the nuclear arsenal that [wink-wink] doesn't exist) is not a signator nation to the Non-Proliferation. Hmmmm.

As usual, the Bush gov't spews it lies about Iran despite the NIE report saying that Iran is not a threat. All this Islamo-Fascist crap is pure agit-prop BS. There's no such animal. You wanna see proto-fascism in action? Just watch corporate media TV waving the flag, playing the martial music, doing reports from the "War Room", and listen to their bought-and-paid-for Pentagon shills brainwashing Joe and Mary SixPack into supporting another war against the latest evil-empire-du-jour. Our neocon government is running this country into the ground with their serial wars.

Look up the definition of fascism. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, etc.

Anyway, I feel fairly certain that the Russians are just waiting for the US gov't to venture a bridge too far with "tar-baby" Iran. The Russkies have probably been looking for payback ever since Afghanistan. They have spent a lot of time and money on developing asymmetrical weaponry to neutralize the bloated and plodding US military.

By the way, ex-KGB, former Russian Prez, Vlad Putin, is an excellent chess player (probably a very patient and cunning man). Our Prez can't even construct a complete sentence without teleprompters.

Pass the popcorn and keep your rice dry, y'all!

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 02:33 PM
"The lefties look the other way just like they did with Hitler. Millions and millions died because the lefties wouldn't finish this man of terror off early on, same may happen again if the leftie libs get their way."

Nice fairy tale, but here's a fact:

It took an act of Congress to get Grandpa Bush and other crypto-fascists like Henry Ford to stop supplying Hitler with war material and cash. Yeah, those darn lefties took away all the fun for those robber baron types. Oh well, they just re-tooled and made their fortunes fighting Hitler instead. That's what robber baron scumbags do.

If it was left to Ford, P. Bush, Lindbergh et al we'd be dancing polkas, drinking good beer and talking like Ahnold.

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 03:49 PM
Howdy All !
After reading a lot of the posts in this forum.I have decided to throw in my two cents worth to stir up the mix.
First off,ask any military officer ,and they will tell you a two front war is a bad idea,let alone going for three.Iraq,Iran,I roll,I don't care how you got here.I believe it was Afghanistan.LOL
Two carriers in the gulf,better probability of a hit.Yes we have a fantastic fleet defense,but,it has never really ever been tested in a real time environment.Well since world war two anyway.Yup war,I think they call it the fog of.
One recent example is a Chinese sub surfacing right in the middle of the Pacific fleet,while conducting a multi nation exercise.Very embarrassing indeed !
Hush,Hush little ones,nothing goes right,especially when you least expect it.
As for air strikes in Iran,this is not your one hit and run mission like Syria.Out in the open like a sore thumb.Iran Has been developing their Nuclear Program for many years,with great planning as to hiding and spreading out the facilities all over the country.And I might add very deep.Although we have somewhat good intelligence on what and where,we don't have all or complete 411.
This translates into a very long and drawn out air campaign.Which by the way means attrition on both sides.Don't think we will just sneak back in there day after day with no loses.By the way Iran has some of the most up to date and modern air defense in the world,courtesy of there favorite trading partner,Russia.These are not Vietnam era SAMS.I think since the Russians have had success with taking out our aircraft in the past,we just might run into a little trouble here.Even with our high tech virus infecting jammers,I think you will find that they will record hits.
What this all boils down to is pure insanity.We will never complete the mission.What else is new.Bad planning,bad out come.Of course if your sitting fat with defense stocks,your loving life as the tax coffers get drained,with money we don't have,you will be making money as blood runs though the streets.PERFECT !
Peace And Mercy

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 04:21 PM
Heres some up to date info I believe is true in regards to Iran. It scares the B'Jesus out of me because I know eventually they must be stopped:

Night Watch: rfn=SADR CITY - Baghdad and Sadr City have experienced their heaviest fighting in a month, since the latest wave of war began when Teheran had Iraq Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki begin the Iraq Army offensive in Basra. That offensive in late March was made without consultation from Washington but al-Maliki realizes his security is more guaranteed through Teheran and now, with Iran’s preparations over, it is time for (f)allout war to begin and the removal of Western military forces and bases in the region. Swissinfo/Reuters report Shia militias, ignoring Muqtada al-Sadr’s Friday call for calm, used another sand storm as cover to launch a large attack on a U. S.-Iraq Army checkpoint in Sadr City. At the same time there were multiple rocket attacks on the International Green Zone where foreign embassies and government buildings are based. Though Muqtada al-Sadr is head of the Mahdi Army it is an extension of Iran’s military, like Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon, and it is quite possible Teheran is having him issue calls for calm just to portray him as a responsible leader and a force for stability as a way of preparing for his role in post-war Iraq.

al-Sadr is fully aware Teheran is having the war intensify as Wahington has its United Nations Ambassador, Zalmay Khalilzad, accuse Iran in front of the Security Council, “The recent clashes between armed militias elements and Iraqi government forces in Basra and Baghdad have highlighted Iran’s destabilizing influence and actions.” It is an action that is going to increase as M-1 Abrams tanks had to be called in to fight off the attack. The reason U. S. forces are so heavily engaged is indicated by the admission of Iraq Deputy Prime Minister Barham Salih that the “militias have infiltrated the state, the society.” More and more I am seeing reports of only U. S. forces involved in the fighting and fewer reports of Iraq Army units in action which is excactly what Teheran wants.

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 04:52 PM
First off I was with the 7th fleet for 4 years on the USS port royal and I can tell you there are currently 2 carriers, about 10 guided missile cruisers, 8-10 destroyers, a few AUX ships and mabye a minesweeper for the Iranian waters. That is enough missile and air power to punch a hole to hell. Not including the nuclear arsenal that is hidden in that fleet. "I have no confirmation of those numbers and have no access to government files or intelligence". That's just what we had there just before the second gulf war. That' doesn't even include the subs.

There was an earlier quote about a chinese sub popping up in the middle of the Pacific fleet, I was on lookout in 98 when I noticed a periscope off the port side about 9 in the morning. I pointed it out and next thing you know it was surfacing. It was a Russian federation sub that was running drills with us as the target. It was EXTREMELY EMBARRASING, especially for the sonar techs who never even had an idea they were there. Funny ish now that I look back at it.

As for an Iran invasion, that won't happen. More tactical strikes on "WMD" sites and antiair sites will eventually happen. The F117 and the B-2 will sneak in under radar, hit some sites, lose 2-5% of the planes they take in and open it up for strikes by F-18's and F-111's. It will stay quiet on the ground and eventually end in UN inspections, ect... Iran will not use what nukes they have to take us out. They are saving those for Israel. I am not going to sit by the TV and wait for the declaration of war. It will happen when it happens. I'm just glad I've served my time and bled my blood and won't have to serve another year for the scum in washington.

"Circle Jerk", lol

[edit on 4-5-2008 by Ragnarok691]

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 06:53 PM
wow. Ya I heard about it. I also saw articles showing pics of Iran they have nukes which they are hiding. They plan to used them. Only if U.S causes trouble.

The U.S is going to stike I know this becuse we cornered Iran. we have Iraq the gulf and also afganistan and soon Pakistan.

The U.S is in pakistan if you didn't know I know this since I have cousins there and ya I am american and been born here and I beent o pakistan before.

My cousins told us that the U.S troops are in Pakistan they blew up my uncle villiage and blocked roads.

a U.S troop shot my uncle in the head becuse my uncle is stupid lol when he saw his house up in flames blown to shreds he always carries a gun and got angry and pulled it out which wasn't a good idea.

That was how we found out the U.S was there becuse we first heard my uncle got killed but didn't know much about it so my dad called my cousins ect to check if they need help like money wise since they are somewhat poor.

I bealive the U.S wants a world order they plan to have. They are the ones that created the U.N.O

I have heard that if we attack Iran we will have a draft becuse we are low. I have some stundents in my college class that work at the military base and they have heard that alot of troops come back for only a week and then back to Iraq ect They said that in the beginning of the war it wasn't like this but now it's a norm.

If we do happen to go to war with Iran then we may face nuke war.

I have seen articles about the nukes they made and they do plan to use it becuse they knew ever since the U.S attacked Iraq they were next.

Also the U.S is locking downs ways to hide your money. Soon there will be a baking system and also paying system where the GOV can see all your purchases and also how much you make and all the facts on how you spend it ect.

Also have you heard anything about the national ID card?

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 07:48 PM
Now for Iraq and AF i agree bad idea but for Iran guys this is a needed thing. I just hope its taken out planned and carefully instead of the Iraq war were we just jumped into the fight.

Don't like my comment about Iran then simply don't comment my statement,

EDITED to add,
Jason im adding you brother.

[edit on 4-5-2008 by Mr.x211]

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 07:53 PM
The strikes on Iran won't involve a protracted ground war of any sort. It was done in Iraq to set up a new base and train the Iraqi army for protecting their new democratic friendly government.

North Korean engineers have been helping Iran with the Nuclear program.

This one will be interesting, because China shouldn't want the US knocking Iran back into the Stoneage, because of huge investments.

Look for China to do a power-play on Taiwan soon and/or send one or more Nuclear-class submarines (one of the new 094s) to the Gulf waters as a deturrant not to attack Iran.

[edit on 4-5-2008 by jetxnet]

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 10:03 PM
reply to post by Sheeper

exactly...religion...ALL a means to an end...Look past the BS guys...Yes Bush is corrupt and nasty and mean but the world stage is MEANER! For a supposedly open site you guys rail right down then road... Bush is bad but look at the facts for IRAN.. they WILL not give our kids toys...they will kill us. Do I mean the population of Iran .? NO...I mean the gov't and the military. Wipe the "I HATE BUSH" egg off your face and look at things outside of it.

[edit on 4-5-2008 by djvexd]

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