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Hostile" Iran Sparks U.S. Attack Plan

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posted on May, 1 2008 @ 10:26 AM
if the united states and Israel attack Iran it will ignite world war III and America and Israel will get bitched slapped!!!!. and another thing Israel is not God's chosen people that's *snip*!!!!

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[edit on 1-5-2008 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 11:07 AM
Is no one watching this footage?

It is SO connected with what's going on. PLEASE watch it. I would love to see what you all think and ideas for a solution.

Thank you.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by johnsky

That was quite possibly the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

You need to see the types of weapons that are being given. Nobody would care if it was a f-ing pistol. The fact is they're shipping ATGMs, RPGs, EFPs, C4, MANPADs, and armor piercing rounds. Stuff the general populace (much less your everyday Iranian) has an EXTREMELY difficult time getting their hands on.

Wake up.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by rogues gallery

Bitch slapped? Really?

With what?

Their planes that can barely fly? Their subs which are completely outdated? Or their soldiers which are poorly trained?

I find it amazing as to how much media b-s people here believe. Especially on a site that says the "media" is run by big corporations and Jewish people.

Give me a break.

TACTICAL STRIKES ARE NOT INVASIONS. Get it thru your thick skulls.

Of course the military has a "plan" in the event of a conflict with Iran. It has one for every country on earth.

edited by gallopinghordes to remove insult
please refrain from name calling.

[edit on 1-5-2008 by gallopinghordes]

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 12:18 PM
Now that Iran and China have America by the balls... paranoia is spreading like a California brush fire. Few Americans see it from the otherside of the fence. These 'Ultra patriotic' millitary worshippers are salivating like dogs for Bush & Air strike tactitions to end their fears of a nuclear holocaust by creating one!

These flag waving puppets fall for the scam everytime!! How many doomsday senerio's can be whipped up this quarter to divert the fact... it is your own country that's got you kneck deep in human waste?

Remember, these are "Gung Ho GI Joe's" with their arrogant elitist ideology, knowing full well America like Rome has always been the murderous Super Aggressor with a, GOD LIKE, superiority complex to dominate the free world.

"Blow em off the map for their oil because we want it! We run the show here!"

Finally, this time in modern history other countries are tired of kissing our blood stained feet & want the same defensive military armorments as the US. They have that right! So just how many other countries are we going to ruin because they won't bow to us??

We possess thousands of nukes, pointed at other countries, patroling their coastlines/ international waters like Gods of democracy. But they are always the irrational - Bad Guys ... Please! this alone is a joke of arrogance!

Keep the world in a controled cage huh??
Keep the world clammering for our useless dollars huh??
Keep the world in constant termoil & civil unrest huh??

= a global KKK... minus the clown suits!

When everyone has a nuke... then, we'll see just how ballsey America is in a fair fight!.... Even the playing field and lets see how fast triggered millitary goons are to condem another country because their dream is not to be slaves to American colonialism on their own friggin soil!

America only stands for good in theory.... the rest is BS! But for some strange reason the morons pushing to bomb anyone who resists the masters whip will never understand this simple concept!

Get it in your heads ... people & nations DO NOT want to be forcibly ruled by an outside factor! America was founded on the same principles we wish to bomb them for, heros in the eye of the enemy! --- That is a law of freedom.


posted on May, 1 2008 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by budski

one should ask you the same question.

do you even consider other peoples opinions, or do you just love a good fight? ( rhetorical question )

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 01:04 PM
How can anyone cheerlead a war with Iran?
And if you do,I have a few questions for you.

1.Who's going to pay for it?
Im not so sure China has the desire to give us even more money.
Afterall,they already funded our war with Iraq,which America will never be able to pay back.

2.Who's going to fight it?
Our troops are already stretched thin and worn out.
Unless theres a draft,theres no real way of maintaining another war.

3.Why would it stop there?
After Iran,why not Syria?Russia?China?
The sheep in this country will allow this administration to lead us right into WW3.

Olberman: Proof that Bush LIED about Iran

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by JSR

Actually, I was complimenting the source and the information therein, rather than critisizing it.

I meant what I said - it's good to have info from all points of view.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by Black_Fox

Iran is the main pillar within The Axis of Evil. It supplies weapons to kill British, Americans and Israelis among others. If this thorn in the side of the west is put back a couple of centuries well fine. To me Armadinajacket is a Hitler. The lefties look the other way just like they did with Hitler. Millions and millions died because the lefties wouldn't finish this man of terror off early on, same may happen again if the leftie libs get their way.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by ufoorbhunter

way to go with those sweeping generalisations.

And of course, the US, UK and Israel are paragons of virtue and want only to be left alone to do their crochet.

Try having a look at the history of the area, and western interference in the region and you'll see why there are terrorists in the world.

By using a policy of interference, WE created islamic terrorism and all the rpoblems that go along with it.


posted on May, 1 2008 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by budski

my apologies then. im in a bit of a sour mood it seems. i hope i did not offend you too bad.-----edit ------to add the not.

sounded rude with out it.

[edit on 1-5-2008 by JSR]

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by ufoorbhunter

What Iran doesn't seem to get is the fact that the ME is Britains backyard. It's our sphere of influence, we do things our way in the ME. Now these new kids on the block the Iranians want a piece of the cake, while getting on the wrong side of the USA and Israel at the same time. Bad mistake in my opinion, I do believe Irans hour will come.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 02:26 PM
Originally posted by ufoorbhunter
reply to post by Black_Fox

Now lets reverse your theories sir... and you will see how it conveniently slaps back in ones face so well!

Iran is the main pillar within The Axis of Evil.

America is the main pillar within the 'Axis of Evil Allies', falsely pretending to be good.

It supplies weapons to kill British, Americans and Israelis among others.

It supplies weapons to kill not only the enemy, but Britsh, Americans and Israelis among others through a conspiracy of high level arms deals to put money in the pockets of US manufacturers who will supply boths sides of any conflict and hide the facts from the American people.

If this thorn in the side of the west is put back a couple of centuries well fine.

If America wants to be a thorn in the side of the world and is put back a couple of centuries behind the Chinese... well fine. And who knows... with luck, in 5 years China will be out-sourcing American *Snip* Mod Edit. Please keep it clean

To me Armadinajacket is a Hitler.

To the world Bushinastraightjacket is a Hitler.

The lefties look the other way just like they did with Hitler.

The rich righties look the other way just like they did with Hitler, and causing WWII to be strung out because American manufacturers wanted to make as much money off the war effort as they could.

Millions and millions died because the lefties wouldn't finish this man of terror off early on, same may happen again if the leftie libs get their way.

Millions and millions died because the US goverment plan to enter the war late, caused the man of terror not to be finished off early on, same may happen again if the rightie war mongers get their way.

[edit on 1-5-2008 by Level X]

[edit on 5/1/08 by FredT]

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 03:14 PM
reply to [url=]post by Level X[/

Well in with the Iranians Levelx? I would like to ask you a question x, like which side of the fence do you sit on? To me you sound like the spanner in the works....... the enemy within. Which side of the fence do you sit on x?

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by ufoorbhunter

I'm on the side of the truth... the real truth... not the BS we are fed... and it's raining "Cats & Dogs" my friend. Why do you think ATS was created in the first darn place?? It's surely not a parking lot for the simple thinking, close minded, pocket lint, of the old guard!

You have a nice day. I appreciate the business.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by eagledriver
Irans political environment is in a state of panic. The environment is heavily polluted and food prices are highly inflated. They are close to civil war as tensions escalate.

They are becoming more aggressive in the hope that the US will attack. That seems to be the only thing they have left to pull the country together before it implodes.

Let's hope we can show some restraint while keeping ready for a suicide boat or outright attack.

You are quite right about many things you have said in this post. I disagree with the restraint approach, because if we are going about it that way they have the advantage in terms of preperations/element of suprise if they decide to provoke war in a more open fashion than they have so far dared. I too agree that a USS Cole style attack may trigger an expansion of the Iraq conflict into Iran. Remember how many Marines recently arrived in Afghanistan? I bet the Iranians do.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 06:25 PM

Please debate the topic and not the poster. The sniping back and forth ADDS nothing to the debate at hand.


posted on May, 1 2008 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by Air_Superiority
Bitch slapped? Really?

With what?

Their planes that can barely fly? Their subs which are completely outdated? Or their soldiers which are poorly trained?

I find it amazing as to how much media b-s people here believe. Especially on a site that says the "media" is run by big corporations and Jewish people.

Give me a break.

TACTICAL STRIKES ARE NOT INVASIONS. Get it thru your thick skulls.

Of course the military has a "plan" in the event of a conflict with Iran. It has one for every country on earth. Jesus, some you people are stupid.

I don't think any rational person thinks Iran can win but at the same time it will not be as easy as in Iraq. Sure the american military is the best in the world but that won't matter when the foot soldiers step in to "mop up".

In Iraq it was relatively easy because the majority of the population were shiite muslims and thus anti-sadam. They were happy to be liberated from a minority sunni dictatorship. After getting bombed to death the military quickly disintigrated and everyone went home except for the hardcore republican guard which put a brave face.

In a totalitarian shiite Iran the situation is dramatically different. You can only bomb so many targets with planes, missiles and other smart weapons before sending in the troops. The USA will win but the casualties will be millions on both sides. I think the american government knows that and will never attack. If anyone does any attacking it will be Israel and they will live to regret it. The five day conflict will be pocket change compared to the next conflict!

[edit on 1-5-2008 by EarthCitizen07]

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

There is no need to step in and "mop up". A well-planned and executed air campaign would achieve the objectives - to set Iran's nuclear program back 15 years and to effect a regime change from within. The educated Iranian is no champion of Ahmadinejead; they want to see the ruling theocracy brought down as much as we do.

We do not need to, or even want to, invade Iran. We don't have to, to achieve our goals. This talk of needing a draft, etc., is pointless.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by Unforgiven

"Talk of war after America kicked butt in Iraq"...If ive read this wrong then please except my humbleist appologies...but if ive read it right...your saying that America kicked...who,s butt? Do you mean Iraq,s butt? if thats what your saying...then im kind of gobsmacked ..would be the phrase! I cant believe an actual person can be as pathetic and absolutly ...Sorry i cant fact i dont think there are words to describe you. I just want to say your complete lack of any human qualities brings tears to my eyes , for i would never have though that a Fellow American could think like you and those like you are the reason why Americans are hated through out the world, I ask for one wish...( that we get to meet) you are not American ..only God knows what you are...then again if i read it wrong ..then..hey lets grab a beer together...God i hope i read it wrong

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