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That's It!!! This Anti-Obama Propaganda Has Got To Stop

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posted on May, 20 2008 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by poet1b

Like I said, use a credible source.

Real Clear Politics is not, in fact the poorly written article gives no sources or references to prove it's claims. It lists a small group of misstatements that are all inconsequential, from someone who has every word she speaks in public scrutinized.

The rest of you references are even worse examples of yellow journalism. You and your sources are guilty of everything you accuse the press of being towards Obama. You have been had, bamboozled, suckered, fooled.

I stick to my previous opinion that you got moderated, which is that you are possibly in Jr High School or under the age of 18.

*Bangs head against wall*

I've already covered this point, BUT YOU KEEP REPEATING IT!!!

I just threw out some stuff for YOU to start looking stuff up on your own!

Do you not get it? Do the friggin' research, it's out there. For some reason, you totally discount anything I list, assuming it must not be true. You are being completely irrational and ridiculous. You find a source you don't think is as credible as you would like, and therefore completely discount any information at all.

You are being irrational, and completely lazy and blind. How about this, since nothing seems to float your boat, think of a credible source and do a search for Hillary's lies. You should come across plenty.

Jesus Christ! The point is to research it on your own, and NOT discount everything you come across. You can't just place your entire debate on continuing to say this stuff isn't credible.

Here, let me give you an example of how IRRATIONAL you are being. Hillary repeated the Bosnia sniper fire incident for 3 MONTHS. 3 MONTHS, and you say she 'misspoke'. I've never encountered anyone so incredibly blind and hard-headed in my life.

And yes, I am a 13 year old child who can just spell better than most people on this forum. You got me there.

PS What's wrong with the NY Sun, or the video I played? Or is your strong point in picking out 1 you don't think is credible and then riding off of that?
What about the gun incident? These excerpts are stating FACTS, not biased propaganda. There is a difference.

In fact, why don't we do this.

You tell me what you consider a credible source, and since you are apparently unable to do this on your own, I will do a search for you.

How does that sound?

Of course, then you'll just come back with 'it's not a credible source. Hillary would never lie. You are a kid'.

[edit on 5/20/2008 by bigbert81]

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by bigbert81

Second, no, I don't think Obama is as dishonest as Hillary.

Third, this is a valid argument to make. I don't think anywhere on that list I made in the OP where I classify Obama's honesty as propaganda.

I disagree with your assessment, but I won't press it. You would agree then that Obama has honesty issues which are relevant and aren't simply anti-Obama propaganda?

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 10:12 PM
[edit on 5/20/2008 by bigbert81]

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by _Del_

Originally posted by bigbert81

Second, no, I don't think Obama is as dishonest as Hillary.

Third, this is a valid argument to make. I don't think anywhere on that list I made in the OP where I classify Obama's honesty as propaganda.

I disagree with your assessment, but I won't press it. You would agree then that Obama has honesty issues which are relevant and aren't simply anti-Obama propaganda?


The honesty of a candidate is a valid thing to consider when picking your choice. It doesn't matter who you're referring to.

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 11:45 PM
Honesty is good, but it could easily make the candidate look like a goody two shoes and a push over.

What's more important for a candidate is a backbone, something Obama has yet to grow.

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by Alxandro

What's more important for a candidate is a backbone, something Obama has yet to grow.

Hmmm, would you mind elaborating on this point?

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 12:21 AM
reply to post by bigbert81

What I mean is that if he really feels strongly about a certain issue, he should stick to his guns and his convictions and not allow to be swayed based on how the wind blows.

Obama told reporters that he decided to start wearing the flag pin again after a veteran handed him a pin at an event in West Virginia and said it was important to him.

..he stopped wearing a pin when he disagreed with how the Bush Administration equated a flag pin with patriotism and the war in Iraq.

He also said that the controversy is a “phony issue” and a “commentary on our politics” and how it deflects from real issues that affect voters’ lives.

Some observers say the pin popped up again because Obama is struggling to connect with blue-collar voters who tend to have conservative values. The pin also comes as Obama focuses on attacking likely Republican nominee John McCain, a Vietnam veteran and former prisoner of war who wears his patriotism on his sleave (and his lapel).


So much for the change he keeps promising, he's already starting to flip flop like the others that came before him.

What's next?
I guess soon he'll be singing the National Anthem with his proud wife by his side.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by Alxandro

A flag pin is a very minor thing to flip flop on.

He explained why he did it, and I thought it was pretty good actually.

Anyway, what if we compare Hillary's and McCain's flip flopping? They flipped on big issues, not little things that don't matter like a lapel pin. And these things they did flip on were for the votes.

Who has a bigger spine?

[edit on 5/21/2008 by bigbert81]

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 12:46 AM

Originally posted by bigbert81
reply to post by Alxandro

A flag pin is a very minor thing to flip flop on.

He explained why he did it, and I thought it was pretty good actually.

Anyway, what if we compare Hillary's and McCain's flip flopping? They flipped on big issues, not little things that don't matter like a lapel pin. And these things they did flip on were for the votes.

That's exactly my point, he's flip flopping on small things he should have ignored. These were already laid to rest.
What happens when he finally confronts the big issues?

Who has a bigger spine?

I really don't feel like making you hyperventilate this time but to answer your question, obviously Michelle has a bigger spine.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 12:52 AM
reply to post by Alxandro

I really don't feel like making you hyperventilate this time but to answer your question, obviously Michelle has a bigger spine.

Not bad.

I of course would disagree with you about how big of an issue the flag pin was. It's a non-issue that was turned into a big issue by anti-Obama people. He started wearing the flag pin because his voters wanted to get this ridiculous way of judgement off the table.

I would much rather have a president who flipped on something that wouldn't make a difference than one who flips on big issues that could change people's lives. Wouldn't you?

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 07:37 AM
reply to post by Alxandro

He didn't flip flop on anything. It has been explained over and over, this is a false flag post.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by bigbert81

I disagree on the flip flop idea but agree with the sentiment. It isn't a flip flop as someone of Irish decent to not wear green socks, nor is it one if I decide to wear green socks.

I think it is rather more of a flip flop for politicians to wear the pin, claim support of the troops to get the fat dumb and happy vote, then vote to cut VA spending and against giving returning vets the GI Bill. Thats just me though. All of that gets a free pass because the sheeple are bleating about flag pins.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by bigbert81
I of course would disagree with you about how big of an issue the flag pin was. It's a non-issue that was turned into a big issue by anti-Obama people. He started wearing the flag pin because his voters wanted to get this ridiculous way of judgement off the table.

You mean he was swayed by public opinion?
Like I said before it was a non issue BUT like I also said before if it was not a big issue to him why did he have to revive it?
...because Hillary just won't die that's why.

I would much rather have a president who flipped on something that wouldn't make a difference than one who flips on big issues that could change people's lives. Wouldn't you?

You can bet he will have to cross that bridge soon because obviously we currently don't know where he stands on the big issues.

Speaking of non issues, I'll give you another one, voting for Obama just because he's Black.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 09:38 AM
I have read so much about Senator Barack Obama and in the process I've learned how corrupt Chicago, IL really is. It is so disheartening to know how he established himself and the associations he has had along the way.

In my opinion, by Senator Ted Kennedy giving his endorsement to Senator Obama, essentially that was his meal ticket, so to speak. I believe that Senator Kennedy did not know all the truths about Obama's past in January prior to Super Tuesday when he endorced Senator Obama because if he had known, Senator Kennedy would never have given him his seal of approval.

Below is yet another grievous association of Senator Obamas:

PS: If the URL site doesn't work go to:

article is titled: Obama's Red Mentor Praised Red Army

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by Alxandro

Once again, WHY create a firestorm over something that doesn't matter? Just let it go and wear a flag pin so that his supporters feel more comfortable. I really think you're over thinking this big time, just like the '57' states thing. It seems to me that you are really pushing to make these non-issues issues.

And as far as the black thing goes, why does that matter to you? Do black people voting for another black person make you all of a sudden not want to vote for them also? I don't understand.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by Rubyteacup

See, this is the type of crap that I consider propaganda.

Obama knew this guy as a kid.....SO WHAT!

I get so sick and tired of this guilt by association BS. Look at the issues and the honesty, NOT who Obama knew as a kid.

And I think it's really stretching to assume that you know more about Obama than Kennedy.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 10:38 AM
I think that we must be sincere, and what nation that has been controlled by a black person has ever been succesful??? I personally think that black people are inferior in their way of thinking compared to the other ethnicities and races. Examples there are many, Africa and Haiti being the mosr prominent. Black people are ignorant, they just don't care. I see it everyday on the streets, they discriminate themselves, I really do not want to live in a country led by a black person.

[edit on 21-5-2008 by falucho05]

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by falucho05


Get out of here. You are racist and uneducated.

I really don't like people like you. Obama is much smarter than you, but all you see is his damned skin color.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by Rubyteacup

I was in Chicago about a month ago and I couldn't believe how high the crime rate has gotten there.
All I kept thinking to myself was "how could Obama allow this to happen under his watch?"

Shape of things to come for US perhaps?

Chicago's increased murder rate blamed on 3 multiple slaying incidents
Police plan changes in wake of 9% jump in killings in first 4 months compared with 2007

Murder in Chicago rose by almost 9 percent, while violent crime was up more than 6 percent in the first four months of 2008, compared with the same period last year, Police Supt. Jody Weis said Friday.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by falucho05

This is either just troll bait or one of those so sarcastic it might as well be troll bait posts. Not worth responding to.

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