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What are the Masonic Secrets?

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posted on May, 16 2008 @ 07:38 PM
As several other posters have said, Masonic Lodges accept people or all races, as long as they believe in a Grand Architect of the Universe (essentially whatever you call your God) and in the immortality of the soul. That's it. I live in an area that is quite suburban, and typically consider "yuppie". We have multiple members of different races, including our Worshipful Master (basically the president of our lodge) who happens to be African American. This type of inflamatroy remark is typical to stir up controversy. Kudos to the other Brothers that have posted here to confirm the same.

[edit on 16-5-2008 by wyattmyatt]

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 09:46 PM

Originally posted by cutbothways
reply to post by bushidomason

Blackballed, excommunicated, erased, killed, whatever you like.

What does your reply have to do with the secrecy in Masonry?

[edit on 29-4-2008 by cutbothways]

the terminology in masonry has filtered out and bled into common idioms and expressions
"black balled/black listed" for example
"given the third degree"
"hood winked"

these are not secrets just words heard by cowans listening at the door and having no contest to put them in...even after the area has been cleared of such people...

it is all misunderstandings of people who believe there may be much more to iit all. Are there powerful masons? Yes, are there powerful secretive non-masons? yes
the fact that the Masons is a small group (relatively) and the numbers of hard working honorable -good as your word- folks exist and get things done because that is what we do for each other...well all masons are good men- if they cease to be and are expelled (although no one i know comes to mind- unless they don't pay the lodge dues) well this good man has a different list of ppriorities than their Country and the good of their fellow man

there are no real secrets- just a confidence shared among brothers

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 08:07 PM
all religions have what they call secrets, secrets they can not reveal, until you jump in and when in, they told you, you have to be prepared first, because your are not ready etc. it's all a marketing tricks, to get you in and use you. the freemasonry ''secret'' are in fact a WORMS, seating on a hook, waiting for a lost soul to bit. The question is,

Will you be a fish or a Man.

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

I think the much bigger question is:

Will you actually spend enough time (30 seconds) googling to find out freemasonry is not a religion, or will you post on ATS showing that you haven't even done that basic research?

Oh, wait...

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

WOWWW Is that the secret of freemasonry, that freemasonry is a religious cult. Well, they do get together in a ‘’ Temple ‘’.I googled it, and found it very interesting, MANY web sites and ex-mason exposed freemasonry as a religion. what a conspiracy. That could explain freemason’s will to defend their fraternity.

It’s already dangerous to have cults recruiting lost and weak people to manipulate them BUT having cults, who dishonestly, portray them self as fraternities to mislead curious minds to their spider web and easily indoctrinate, those who would be curious to take a ‘’ BIT ‘’, Wow, that’s is even more dangerous.

ATS is a very cool website forum

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 11:41 AM

It would seem kinda pointless in even asking, obviously those who know the secrets would only dish them out over their dead bodies. lol

But let's play,

Most likely the one's who really know the secrets or the REAL dirty secrets are probably like 2% of the Freemasons those with higher authority. They work like a pyramid so the real secrets lie at the very top and I doubt anyone on this website is even like in the top 10%.

Even those with the highest degree could be left out, who really knows what goes on above and beyond the top 5%.

Illuminati, NWO, Freemasonry clearly linked.

Just my guess on things,
I never said I was right I could be wrong!


posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by ET_CONTACT

It is odd how non-masons think of the "ranking" structure of Freemasonry..

It couldn't be further form the truth. I think it's an American thing though..

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by Rockpuck

How do you really know?

I mean no disrespect intended you could be ranked the highest degree and have been a mason your entire life and still be left in the dark or would you dis-agree?

But how could you say 100% you are sure and know really what is going on or if someone is keeping something from you?

Secret societies...

Why is everything kept a secret?

JFK along with many other wisemen talked about secrets, secrets are deceptions! Though most are taught they are just private or sacred things we keep to ourselves or among are groups remember secrets are just that.

Deceptive and there is always something hidden about secret societies there is a reason why it's all secret?

Tell me in your honest opinion, WHY are there so many secrets?

Why are there secret ceremonies and do you really understand what they all mean or are you just told a watered down version of interpretation.

Just curious!

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by ET_CONTACT

The question is not how does the Mason know, but how do YOU know? Have you gone to a Masonic lodge, interacted with them, done your own, unbiased research and come to a personal conclusion, then compared to other researchers findings on the subject?

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by RuneSpider


A secret is a secret.

I can't answer ya on that one.


posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by ET_CONTACT

How do you really know?

I am active in the organization...

I mean no disrespect intended you could be ranked the highest degree and have been a mason your entire life and still be left in the dark or would you dis-agree?

The sky could really be purple, and the entire Human race is color blind.

See I can speculate as well.

But how could you say 100% you are sure and know really what is going on or if someone is keeping something from you?

And how could you be even 5% sure NOT being in the organization?

Why is everything kept a secret?

It's not.

JFK along with many other wisemen talked about secrets, secrets are deceptions! Though most are taught they are just private or sacred things we keep to ourselves or among are groups remember secrets are just that.

1. Taken out of context.
2. You have a fear of the unknown.

Deceptive and there is always something hidden about secret societies there is a reason why it's all secret?

No, not really. We don't call our selves a secret society, only the ignorant do.

Tell me in your honest opinion, WHY are there so many secrets?

Tell me what the secrets are.. and if you don't know, how can you be so certain they exist?

I tell you, there is no secret. Join Masonry, embrace the unknown and learn the secret.

Why are there secret ceremonies and do you really understand what they all mean or are you just told a watered down version of interpretation.

No, I would say no Mason will ever know, understand or comprehend 100% of Freemasonry.. it is an open subject to be debated.

Also, there is a difference between "secret" and "private"

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by Rockpuck


"But how could you say 100% you are sure and know really what is going on or if someone is keeping something from you?

"And how could you be even 5% sure NOT being in the organization? "

OH ok so you don't know 100% in your mind for sure.

End of discussion that leads me to believe that someone POSSIBLY could have a hidden evil agenda afterall and is using freemasonry as a front.

You can't disprove this now can you or say 100% it's not possible or can you?

Sure I can't prove it either but then again you can't as well so it's


Ok the Fun N Games are over!

And the WINNER IS:


100% proof could not be produced on either side!

p.s. I am a Mason, call me the betrayer! LOL

Have I been deceived have we all been deceived!

It's been FUN my brother!

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by ET_CONTACT

'Cause I've done research. I've weighed the evidence and seen NOTHING to supoport the idea of a Freemasonry elite- and yet every other day we apparently get new info on just about every secret project in the world.
So in other words, I base my judgments on evidence, proof, and not belief, guesswork, and "Because it has to be that way", or "it makes sense, doesn't it?"

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by ET_CONTACT

You are not a Freemason. You don't fool me.

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by Rockpuck


That is where your wrong,

You judge quickly!

Judge not lest ye be judged!

I AM...

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by ET_CONTACT
Just my guess on things,
I never said I was right I could be wrong!
Truer words never spoken, 'cause guess what? You're wrong.

If you were really a Mason, you'd embrace logic... Here's how we really do it:

  1. All Masons are taught there's no degree higher than the 3rd degree.
  2. Anyone who believed they were a "high ranking" Mason would be ignored as such by the rest of Masonry because of point 1. We'd owe no allegiance, do no bidding, or cower to no authority of such a sham.
  3. Therefore, even if there are people who happen to be Masons and also happen to conspire about anything, what they're doing doesn't have anything to do with Masons or Masonry. It would be something else, quite separate from Masonry, and it would be incorrect to label it as Masonry even if every member of such a cabal happened to be a Mason. Nay, even if membership in such a cabal required the 3rd degree as a prerequisite.

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by ET_CONTACT

Right.. guess that changes my mind....

Why do anti's try and pretend to be Masons? .. If you where really a Mason you would have done the secret online Masonic sign that we all recognize eachother by!

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by ET_CONTACT

Your not a mason.

And your arguing using the relativist fallacy. Heres how it works: people who use it say we can never ever know anything 100% for sure, so that means everything is possible, including the outlandish conspiracy theory they just proposed. This is an invalid line of thinking, because the precept for this - that we can never know anything to be 100% true - is a tautology. The entire concept falls flat on its face.

But...maybe I'm wrong, and the world is ruled by a cabal 3,322 masonic unicorns that wear kilts and are named variations of "Rockpuck." After all, we can't be 100% sure.

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by ALightinDarkness

ok ... ok .... now wait just a mo' ..

I read it.. and reread it.. hmm.. I am not 100% positive so it must be true..

That you just called me a kilt wearing unicorn!

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by Rockpuck


It's sad someone with your status would accuse me
of not being what I say I am.

Shame on you!

You have absolutely zero proof to back up your statement.

I however could prove that I am if I wished by providing my name, contact info etc. etc.

I have been playing along in this thread and for FUN with added sarcasm for those who can see that.

It amazes me how serious many have taken this and how far some of you will go!

No need to reply with further insults and doubts.


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