posted on May, 1 2008 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by SantaClaus
We are way over populated for the type of petro based system we now have. We need manditory breeding quota's world wide, and we need it yesterday!
I know the idea of this won't sit well with some, and is mostly unpopular, but it beats the hell out starvation, rioting, war or even extermination.
As someone already brought up, the problem is not with supply, it's with demand, and there is way to damned much of it! With a little planning,
forward thinking and colaberation among all nations we could peacefully reduce our populations in the decades to come. National Geographic (current
edition) has a really great cover story on China, and indeed this is the case, however they are facing their own problems with a smaller younger
population and a larger older one...we should have been doing this globally decades ago. I mean, the way I see it we have these two solutions: 1.
reduce population dramatically and combine that with serious conservation & alternative energy solutions to the supply/demand issue or 2. change the
distribution system. I don't think either one is going to happen with ease and that's the scary part, particularly #2. I think we are living
through the beginning of the melt down right now.
What i don't understand is how the church leaders (who continue to chirp with the "multiply and replentish the earth" mantra) can get up in the
morning and look at themselves in the mirror without urging family planning and population control. God, if it weren't for "greed" would there
even be a church?
[edit on 1-5-2008 by skyshow]