posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 05:20 PM
I was sitting here, reading threads about the absurd oil costs across the country and I wondered if even an alternative fuel source was created, would
we have enough time to stop the depression oil may cause? I just moved across country 2 days ago in my very economical honda accord (4 cyl) and it
cost me 500 in just gas alone, and I think I was very lucky to only pay that. So given my recent personal battle with the petrol, I decided to start a
thread showing the total economic collapse gas prices could cause.
Firstly, Food.Ethanol WILL become popular out of necessity to get places, regardless of the destruction bofuel could levy upon our farms. From
this we will see large amounts of our cheap vegetables disappear in months. Not only that, but trucking companies will only deliver food to
metropolises that can afford to pay for their spiking gas bills. Small towns like mine won't even be on their map, because while we may pay for it
for a short while, we will soon run out of money due to other problems like the mortgage crisis.
Air Travel. The skies will soon be a lot less crowded. Gas prices have already jacked up tickets by 15-30%. Given the recent problems with the
FAA, and some companies not even breaking even, I predict air costs to double sooner than later. Anything imported and exported by air will be
massively affected. All forms of business will suffer due to travel cost, and the economy will slow further when the movers and shakers are only able
to shake and not move (sorry for the lame pun). Air dates will fall off the map to keep the planes that are flying full of people.
Plastics. I suppose this is something that we will be affected by later. Petroleum is a big part of our plastics manufacturing, and when that
already expensive medical equipment gets more expensive, expect problems. Look around your world and see all the plastic, well those items are all
packing what could have been fueling your car.
Delivery. I guess I covered this a bit in food and air travel, but think about all the problems we would have if certain outsourced material
became less available. Housing costs would skyrocket, medical supplies, military supplies, clothing, etc. This would put more pressure on the dollar
and soon it will be even less worthy in the world (if that's possible).
I apologize for the doom and gloom, as I don't like to do that often, but what else can be done? I don't even want to get into what would happen if
Iran decided to block our tankers from leaving the area and we blew one of their ships out of the water ($7-$8 a gallon anyone?). The problem, in my
mind, can only be exacerbated and not improved without immediate withdrawal of troops from the ME and a quick leap towards solar and hydro-energy. But
it may even be too late for that. And that means drilling our own land and places like Venezuela.
We've let oil become the cornerstone of our economy, and we didn't prepare ANYTHING to be done if it was ever taken away. I make a living by driving
around in a gas-guzzling van and playing music in all the places where gas prices are the worst. I'm already poor and I feel like a tour this summer
will be more of a charity event than anything I can feed myself with.
I started this thread so others could expound upon it. Please tell me where I am wrong, add to what I've offered, and maybe even provide me with some
hope that this isn't the end of the world. I know that we could reverse this, but those in power don't seem to be too excited to help us out.
Remember, these are just my opinions so if you have any hard fact to negate or support what I've said please do so.
Much Love,