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secret base east of salt lake city?

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posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 03:04 PM
While reading about the Lockheed X-22A today i kept noticing several articles reffered to a secret base where these ufo looking aircraft are being launched from. Its describes the base as

deployed for worldwide military operations from the new U.S. Space Warfare Headquarters, located in hardened underground facilities beneath 13,528' King's Peak in the High Uintas Primitive (Wilderness) Area of the Wasatch Mountains, 80 miles east of Salt Lake City?"

I will be leaving in several weeks to again investigate skinwalker ranch and the Green River Complex and Dugway, was thinking about also checking out this location if someone can find some coordinates for me.

posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 03:17 PM

A fleet of these crafts is supposed to be housed in Utah. Some even go so far as to state that they are beneath King's Peak of the Wasatch Mountains

posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 03:51 PM
If you have Google Earth, go to
this link and hit the Google Earth link at the top of the post. The Kings Peak location will be seen as a purple star on the border between Utah and Wyoming.

I've made several trips to Kings Peak, be sure to prepare yourself for an arduous pack in, as this is wilderness area and no vehicles or even bikes are allowed. I've never seen anything out of the ordinary (besides some OUTSTANDING views) in the 20 or so days I've spent in the area.

This site has a number of pictures taken from around and on Kings Peak.

posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 04:19 PM
it says the base itself is located below the mountain. The entrance could me many miles away. The point is to look for military activity around the surrounding mountain areas. Also how legitimate is the source? I believe it was from a retired general.

posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 04:30 PM
I remember looking into this a bit a few years back and it seemed to me that the idea of a secret uintah mtn base stemmed from a combination of rumors regarding area 51 being moved and also about the green river facility being operational. I never did see anything substantial enough to convince me of either. I've also never heard of any area of that range being off limits to the public, something I would expect in the case of a secret facility.

I don't rule out the possibility, but it seems unlikely.

If you make it out the the green river area and the ranch though, I'd love to hear what you see. That sounds like quite an interesting trip you are planning.

posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 04:47 PM
I have never been to the Green River Facility yet, and extremely excited about exploring it. I have heard some extremely unusual rumors about it lately and it will be fun to report back on what i find. Years ago my g/f and i had a close encounter with something what i know now was only miles away from that facility.

The Ranch is one of the few places i have ever visited where i believe something "paranormal" is occuring on a regular and observable basis. Whereas alot of this blackops/alien activity seems to be right place right time situations.

If you have been to and hiked the area around the mountain then i assume you have a good idea of what to expect in that area. I just though the entire article was either a red herring or dead giveaway to some secret base used for launching sub orbital vechicles commonly mistaken as et ufos.

One thing i am curious to is what is the military airspace like around King's Peak? And how many triagular shaped objects are commonly or uncommonly reported in the nearby cities?

posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 05:15 PM
Not sure about the military airspace, I do know that civilian aircraft are not allowed to overfly wilderness area at certain altitudes.

As far as utah phenomena, the largest site I am aware of is AlienDave's Utah UFO Hunter site. Tons of info and reports there, it's actually one of the better UFO sites I've seen.

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 10:52 PM
I have heard a lot of interesting stories about the "Hatch" or "Base" at King's Peak. But it is always a friend of a friend. Regardless, there is purportedly a section of the mountain that "opens" up. If I am not mistaken it faces to the north, so the sun never shines on it, making it difficult to spot. I have always thought it was a complete urban legend, until a MUFON member at a UUFOH meeting pointed out a 1500 foot antenna on terra-server that he had found. It was enormous! I forget the GPS coordinates, but I could try and track him down. It was quite remarkable. What is freakishly odd about the King's Peak area is that there has always been rumored "high strangeness" about the Uintah mountain range from soapstone basin all the way to Daggett county, I don't know anything above and beyond my own personal experiences however, so I can't comment. Great Post!

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 03:38 PM
there are two facilities in UT that are somewhat secret one of which is run by the mormon church it houses all geneology information and other is NASA test center which is heavily guarded

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 02:30 PM
My wife and I saw a convoy of FedEx 18-wheelers leave the I-70 about 50 miles east of Green River and head north on small gravel roads in the spring of 2008. We thought it is extremely wierd since there are no communities or known habitations in that area. I almost snapped some pictures.

If they were supplying the base in the Uintah mountains, it would make sense. The area is extremely remote and it represents a mid point between aircraft manufacturing and testing locations in Western Utah, Denver, and Southern Nevada. (Dugway proving ground / Tooele Army Depot, Lockheed's Space and Missile Systems operations in Denver, Cheyenne Mountain, and Area 51)

posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by hiii_98

Is there a source for your source? Would be nice to know where that website got their information. Did they get it from:

- military whistle blower
- investigator
- nosy teenage local
- base janitor
- imagination

hiii_98, based on your previous posts, are you gonna camp and explore King's Peak to perhaps glimpse these X-22As?

posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 10:34 AM
The place your inquiring about is a biological testing and development facility. My advise is to stay as far away from it as possible. That's the best advise you can get!

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 07:44 PM
what do you know about it? also i'm curious as it its relation to skinwalker ranch and the other bizarre incidents in the utinah basin... it seems to start from the south near highway 70 in thompson springs and go up north past skinwalker to pikes peak... almost like a black ops (or extradimensional) flight path

also i found this posted was from Dr. Boylans interview with a supposed NSA agent

Richard Boylan, Ph.D.


The following is an extract from a conversation with an
informant with NSA connections, who referred to additional
information about the fighter discs spotted during the Iraqi War..

Dr. B: "You're saying that the Lockheed X-22A antigravity fighter
disc fleet, equipped with Neutral Particle Beam directed-energy
weapons, and capable of effecting optical as well as radar
invisibility, is deployed for worldwide military operations from
the new U.S. Space Warfare Headquarters, located in hardened
underground facilities beneath 13,528' King's Peak in the High
Uintas Primitive (Wilderness) Area of the Wasatch Mountains, 80
miles east of Salt Lake City?"

[edit on 20-8-2010 by hiii_98]

[edit on 20-8-2010 by hiii_98]

posted on Aug, 21 2010 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by VrilOrder
The place your inquiring about is a biological testing and development facility. My advise is to stay as far away from it as possible. That's the best advise you can get!

Sure you're not referring to "Deseret Chemical Depot", by Tooele, Utah, or "Dugway Proving Gounds: (The mission of Dugway is to test U.S. and Allied biological & chemical defense systems)"?

Those are both west of Salt Lake City.

[edit on 21-8-2010 by FosterVS]

posted on Aug, 23 2010 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by FosterVS

Originally posted by VrilOrder
The place your inquiring about is a biological testing and development facility. My advise is to stay as far away from it as possible. That's the best advise you can get!

Sure you're not referring to "Deseret Chemical Depot", by Tooele, Utah, or "Dugway Proving Gounds: (The mission of Dugway is to test U.S. and Allied biological & chemical defense systems)"?

Those are both west of Salt Lake City.

[edit on 21-8-2010 by FosterVS]

uh if i was reffering to either one of those extremely WELL KNOWN ...bases(??) i would have simply said so. Please reread the thread.

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 12:36 PM
aaaaah your guys in the US are so lucky you have so many areas to explore, little old england doesnt have as many secret places to look or go searching for

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 08:36 PM
Doesn't matter to me one way or the other what you think, feel or care about. Does it matter to you?

I only reply once in a very long while to anything here. Take it or leave it. Don't really care. Better yet go check it out, check out as many as you can find. You don't need a coordinates, just walk around out there, they'll find you.

[edit on 8/25/2010 by VrilOrder]

[edit on 8/25/2010 by VrilOrder]

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 11:28 PM

Originally posted by hiii_98
uh if i was reffering to either one of those extremely WELL KNOWN ...bases(??) i would have simply said so. Please reread the thread.

I was only pointing out to VrilOrder that the KNOWN "biological testing and development facility" are Dugway and perhaps Tooele. Both are west and slightly south of SLC, NOT east of SLC. I have been to both of these, and I know you have as well.

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by FosterVS

Originally posted by hiii_98
uh if i was reffering to either one of those extremely WELL KNOWN ...bases(??) i would have simply said so. Please reread the thread.

I was only pointing out to VrilOrder that the KNOWN "biological testing and development facility" are Dugway and perhaps Tooele. Both are west and slightly south of SLC, NOT east of SLC. I have been to both of these, and I know you have as well.

i'm sorry for misunderstanding your helpful comments. I apologize.

I'm headed out to lakeside bombing range north of Dugway by Wendover. NO ONE goes out there, and i cant wait to share what i find. I debating if i would see more near Wendover or in the middle of this bombing range....

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by hiii_98
I'm headed out to lakeside bombing range north of Dugway by Wendover. NO ONE goes out there, and i cant wait to share what i find. I debating if i would see more near Wendover or in the middle of this bombing range....

No one? Think I have a picture from there. Or are you talking about the site that is right on the west shore of Salt Lake (41° 5'17.34"N, 112°57'28.82"W)? If so, I started down the road, but said screw it after a few miles... hey, I was getting tired

I also tried to get into the old base right at Wendover, but didn't try too hard, didn't have the time.

[edit on 27-8-2010 by FosterVS]

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