posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 08:56 PM
West Virginia. Specifically the northeastern portion near MD & VA.
The plains states may be fine for some, but for me I'll take the West Virginia area. There are tons of reasons, but I'll list a few of the less
obvious ones.
If order is to be restored it will happen either in California or Washington, D.C. first. One of the very first things a new president is going to
want to do is restore the seat of power for the nation. This means the majority of federal effort will be directed at the MD/VA/DC area. Far enough
away from WV to be easily avoided (think NWO kind of thing), yet close enough to get aid/assistance (global warming, natural disaster, asteroid impact
Game is plentiful and the state is still largely rural, with major population centers within reasonable distance (Baltimore, Washington, Pittsburg,
Philadelphia to name a few). In addition there are numerous rivers, streams and springs as well as plenty of workable farmland.
Intersection of I-70 (going e-w across the U.S) and I-81 (going N-S) has strategically placed West Virginia, especially the northeastern portion, as a
distrubution hub. Within 20 miles of where I sit there are the following distrubution centers:
Orgill - provides many items to the retailer
Tractor Supply - Basically a farm store, has everything from combine tires to work clothes.
Staples - office supply, maybe not the best thing to be near in a sitx, but better than writing on bark or cave walls
There is a KMart distrubution facility within 30 miles and I know there is a WalMart facilty somewhere near.
And ... how many people are thinking rural west virginia as their bug out destination? Not many, till now anyway.