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Terra papers : Hidden History of Planet Earth - Now Online!

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posted on May, 1 2008 @ 04:35 AM
reply to post by conxposer

Thanks for responding, maybe you can answer some more questions for me.

"We Humans are THE BRAVEST......
We Humans are the most POLARITY BALANCED.....
We Humans are incarnating SIMULTANEOUSLY, instead of SEQUENTIALLY....
We Humans are the the product of millions and millions of years of natural evolution of ALIEN DNA SCIENCES
We Humans are the perfect creations because WE ARE SPIRITUALLY PROGRESSIVE.....
All other alien races are left OUR DUST...... "

What do you mean by incarnating simultaniously, opposed to sequentially?

Aren't aliens "spiritually progressive"? Do you mean that a human can progress spiritually during one lifetime, whereas for an alien his spiritual level is at a fixed point for his race at that time?

Is there any online source where I can read this Matrix V? I did a quick Google search, but couldn't find a page containing the book.


posted on May, 1 2008 @ 04:36 AM

Originally posted by expatwhite
Stopped reading as soon as it said a galactic war was raging and earth and man was the prize

I almost did!!
But curiosity got the better of me...So took the risk of wading through the first page.

And when it said that aliens are here but we cannot see them because they plain sight! (Whatever the heck for?),


That we are their servants, we are their slaves, we are their property, we are theirs! (What a load of bullsh!t!!)


That the universe formed after the so called 'big bang'....(From mainstream science funda?)

I decided enough was enough! So there!

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 04:51 AM
reply to post by mikesingh

Wow, that doesn't sound like you Mike, calling a post bs while it just as well might be the truth. With your great threads lately you gave me the impression of being open minded, or at least not dismissing or approving stuff without evidence. How are you so sure this bs?

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 05:01 AM
Hmmm these reptilians seem to be the "bullies" of the universe - taught from birth that we - humans - are evil and we started the war and that they are the rightful owners of our planet and others.. their upbringing reminds me A LOT of the one of the Spartans portrayed in "300"...

They're here to eff with our DNA - apparently humans sport unique genes - we're highly emotional which apparently makes us closer to God, closer to the Light, which is the aim our every spiritual entity..

No one knows where reptilians came from - they were supposedly "dumped" here from some unknown parellel existence... and they're the opposite of us - they're dark, we're light in nature.
But things must have an opposite to exist, one thing cannot exist without its opposite - cosmic balance.
The way things are.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by mikesingh

You ONLY read one page?
and your calling BS, in judgment based ONE PAGE?

Well gee..........Ive lost respect for 'a Great self proclaimed seeker' of knowledge of ATS

Makes me wonder if your just on this site to create some chaos out of bits of truth in order to cast the shadow doubt on the whole of it..........

I NEVER thought I would see you in the light of a debunker Mike, but if your jumping on the BS wagon WITHOUT even reading the entire text then you certainly ARE.....

Wow..BIG revelation, THAT

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by mikesingh

So Mike, since the big bang is such a ridiculous theory, I'm curious to hear your less-ridiculous theory of how the universe as formed.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by mikesingh

Yeah, I'm going to join the choir and say, "Shame on you!" Read the full text.

Like the guy who concluded that Lindsey Williams was suggesting Alaskan oil was being offered as a solution to our problems after watching 2 minutes of his 70ish minute presentation. Of course, the story is a LOT deeper and the Alaskan oil is very definitely NOT being offered as a solution. ( )

So until you read it all, your evaluation means nothing. Once you have read it all, then, by all means, an evaluation is valid.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 12:23 PM
The Terra Papers could be our missing link, we as human beings are constantly looking for the truth. As a child I would ask the Creator to give me the truth and all I would ask is the truth about my existence and from where and how I came about being. Even though I have read the Bible and brought up as an alter boy in my spirit something was still missing.

In my spirit the Terra Papers somehow make sense and as human beings our true knowledge from where we have come from has been suppressed and hidden from us whether by human hands, certain alien hands or our Maker's hands lineage or all three.

I am not saying this is 100% correct but what I am saying is this is the best explanation I have read and been given in human terms of our ultimate beginning and existence. Rik Riley

[edit on 1-5-2008 by rikriley]

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by theRiverGoddess
You ONLY read one page?
and your calling BS, in judgment based ONE PAGE?

Makes me wonder if your just on this site to create some chaos out of bits of truth in order to cast the shadow doubt on the whole of it.. we go with the "disinfo agent" accusations. Never thought I see it against Mike. But offend the sensibilities of the closed-minded zealot believers, and I guess no one is immune.

What is worse, that someone only read one page and their BS-alarm went off, and their critical thinking processes kicked in? Or that there are so many people that believe this clap-trap, one that offers no shred of proof other than unoriginal sci-fi that drops names and terms cribbed from Sitchin?

You accuse him of being a disinformation agent, yet you don't question this drek the "Terra Papers." No, you take it on face-value, simply because "it confirms what Sitchin was saying." It doesn't confirm, yet rather borrows and steals. You take the attitude of "This agrees with me, so it must be true! He doesn't, so he must be a disinformation agent." Did it ever occur to you that crap like these "Terra Papers" may be the disinformation?

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by rikriley
The Terra Papers could be our missing link, we as human beings are constantly looking for the truth..

This is why UFOlogy and anyone interested it is a laughing stock and looked at as a weirdo. The next time you see someone in the mainstream media making fun of those interested in UFOs, before you get your feathers all up, take a look in the god damn mirror.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by enigmania

yes, Enigmania,

We Humans, go through millions of years of "lifetimes" and experiences in ONE INSTANCE, and ALL alien races, reptilian, syrian, pleadian, arcturian, andromedan, it doesn't matter......


That means one lifetime at a time, and AS A GROUP.....(GROUP ORIENTED) -- ALL ALIENS ARE GROUP ORIENTED, which means the fastest can only progress as fast as the slowest of the race. They all have to progress TOGETHER in order to PROGRESS SPIRITUALLY.

WE HUMANS, on the other hand, progress SIMULTANEOUSLY, which means we experience all our lifetimes AT ONCE.

Since there is no TIME, or SPACE, outside of "PHYSICAL REALITY", only ETHER, our thoughts manifest our awareness or consciousness, INSTANTLY.

So, when we incarnate HERE AND NOW, we are also EXPERIENCING another level of reality because we are also AT THE SAME TIME incarnating in Egypt as a slave woman in 300 A.D., and we are also incarnating as a male migrant to America in 1400 A.D., AND we are also incarnating as a African Slave Master in 1800 A.D., and we are also incarnating as the Chinese FemalE Peasant 3000 years ago.....

In other words, we have many different aspects of OURSELVES which we are using to learn and grow and EXPERIENCE in many different times and places, which are all occuring HERE AND NOW.

This allows for "EXPERIENCE", which are the building blocks of growth. Individualism of the SOUL is of utmost importance, because souls CANNOT progress COLLECTIVELY, ONLY INDIVIDUALLY, AS INDIVIDUALS, ALLOWED TO EXPERIENCE THE WIDEST RANGE OF EXPERIENCES.

Another way to look at this is this view here :

Once conditions are ripe (and this happens in each universe, as it's part of the game", then a "EARTH" type place is created for ADVANCING SOULS.


Souls decide to incarnate where they feel they can grow the richest in Earth is born as a genetic zoo for alien scientists....and the souls and higher selves agree THIS IS THE PLACE NOW TO LEARN AND GROW!!!!!!


Because of the inherent challenges, that's why!
The challenges of overcoming the manipulation programming imbedded in the DNA sequences by our makers. This is a HEAVY CHALLENGE for BRAVE SOULS.......

The Souls who are incarnating in alien physical bodies are in a SLOW spiritual growth progression. We humans are the light of the universe and the envy of all races, for our Special DNA, our Programming of cultural BULLS**T, and our enslavement on this planet....that is the "perfect storm", as they say.

Anytime an alien physically incarnating SOUL wants to JUMP SHIP, they can try out the "HUMAN EXPERIENCE", but only the bravest souls attempt this, because once you do this, you lose all memory of all past lifetimes, as part of the "game rules". Aliens retain their memories through each incarnation so they grow in TECHNOLOGICAL KNOWLEDGE, but they are KEPT BACK SPIRITUALLY....they cannot access their higher selves like we can. We have the direct linkup to ALL OF OUR SELVES IN EACH INCARNATING BODY AND AT EACH TIME, ALL AT ONCE, HERE ARE NOW.

So, aliens are advanced in Spacecraft travel, and Life Extension -- Fricking wonderful!!!! -- Who the F**k cares?

Humans can access their higher selves, time and space travel in the mind, and soul, and access higher dimensions naturally. We accept death instead of "putting it off", so we get to re-incarnate more often instead of every thousand years or so.....

The basic idea here is that physical matter is conquorable to all alien races and they keep trying to conquor it. That IS NOT THE IDEA, IF YOU ARE SPIRITUAL, YOU LEAVE MATTER AS IT IS, AND KNOW YOUR TRUE ESSENCE.


[edit on 1-5-2008 by conxposer]

[edit on 1-5-2008 by conxposer]

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by SaviorComplex

Originally posted by rikriley
The Terra Papers could be our missing link, we as human beings are constantly looking for the truth..

This is why UFOlogy and anyone interested it is a laughing stock and looked at as a weirdo. The next time you see someone in the mainstream media making fun of those interested in UFOs, before you get your feathers all up, take a look in the god damn mirror.

I see they have you with their propaganda. Anyone closing in on the truth is ridiculed. In fact, if it comes in the MSM, it is extremely suspect. They have a policy to ridicule the truth when they want it hidden. I have had certain knowledge and watched them ridicule others with the same knowledge. It has been another of my WHYs.

The "laughing stock" is contrived, and promulgated through the MSM.

When the truth does come out, you will remember this. Until then, enjoy your box.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 02:21 PM
There is no online source for Matrix V. It is a work of art, it should be purchased as such, not available for free. The author is still human and has to make a living, and so does Val Valerian, the publisher.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by Amaterasu
I see they have you with their propaganda. Anyone closing in on the truth is ridiculed. In fact, if it comes in the MSM, it is extremely suspect. They have a policy to ridicule the truth when they want it hidden.

And what propaganda would that be?

They don't need to produce propaganda when there are people, the critical thinking centers of their brains stunted, willing to believe anything and everything, believe every claim, no matter how ridiculous, outlandish, or unsubstantiated. Why produce propaganda when such people are doing a good enough job making themselves look foolish?

You are the reason everyone interested in the subject of extraterrestrial visitation is laughed at. Not because of conspiracies or propaganda.

Originally posted by Amaterasu
I have had certain knowledge and watched them ridicule others with the same knowledge. It has been another of my WHYs.

And what knowledge is that? Please, enlighten us.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by SaviorComplex
You accuse him of being a disinformation agent, yet you don't question this drek the "Terra Papers." No, you take it on face-value, simply because "it confirms what Sitchin was saying." It doesn't confirm, yet rather borrows and steals. You take the attitude of "This agrees with me, so it must be true! He doesn't, so he must be a disinformation agent." Did it ever occur to you that crap like these "Terra Papers" may be the disinformation?

Or... The Terra Papers answered a HUGE number of WHYs, and coincides with so many others' claims because there is truth.

I have read very little of Sitchin. Only a quote or two caught while reading something related. So I don't use his data. In fact, though I had heard of aliens on earth and such, I discounted it intellectually as silly yada yada, even though there was a sense of... I don't know... Excitement? (This was before I figured out my sensations come from the Consciousness dimension, before I understood what I was "looking" at, and I frequently opted for the story I had been told over what I "see.")

But when I read these papers, reached out into the field of Consciousness, and saw everything fall into place, so many WHYs answered, and could "look" upon the field with this new perspective and "see" confirmation...

So, your position is no more defendable than mine. [shrug]

[edit on 5/1/2008 by Amaterasu]

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by SaviorComplex

Originally posted by rikriley
The Terra Papers could be our missing link, we as human beings are constantly looking for the truth..

This is why UFOlogy and anyone interested it is a laughing stock and looked at as a weirdo. The next time you see someone in the mainstream media making fun of those interested in UFOs, before you get your feathers all up, take a look in the god damn mirror.

What! are you out of your mind, I do not have feathers and the mirror I have is a one way mirror and see you completely missed the point I agree to disagree. Rik Riley

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by Amaterasu
So, your position is no more defendable than mine. [shrug]

On the contrary, my position is far more defensible. The author offers not a single shred of evidence, not one bit, other than a story, and a terrible one at that.

You on the other hand, say it is true because you "reached out into consciousness." That is not evidence, that is not proof. It's babble. And you know you are in a very bad spot when you have skeptics and believers alike agreeing that this is garbage.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by SaviorComplex

Originally posted by theRiverGoddess
You ONLY read one page?
and your calling BS, in judgment based ONE PAGE?

Makes me wonder if your just on this site to create some chaos out of bits of truth in order to cast the shadow doubt on the whole of it.. we go with the "disinfo agent" accusations. Never thought I see it against Mike. But offend the sensibilities of the closed-minded zealot believers, and I guess no one is immune.

What is worse, that someone only read one page and their BS-alarm went off, and their critical thinking processes kicked in? Or that there are so many people that believe this clap-trap, one that offers no shred of proof other than unoriginal sci-fi that drops names and terms cribbed from Sitchin?

You accuse him of being a disinformation agent, yet you don't question this drek the "Terra Papers." No, you take it on face-value, simply because "it confirms what Sitchin was saying." It doesn't confirm, yet rather borrows and steals. You take the attitude of "This agrees with me, so it must be true! He doesn't, so he must be a disinformation agent." Did it ever occur to you that crap like these "Terra Papers" may be the disinformation?

Still, it is very surprising to see him react to this in the way he did, especially when you've seen his latest posts. To see this reaction when something is, in my opinion, hitting so close to the truth makes me wonder. Why all the closed mindness all of a sudden.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by SaviorComplex

Originally posted by Amaterasu
I see they have you with their propaganda. Anyone closing in on the truth is ridiculed. In fact, if it comes in the MSM, it is extremely suspect. They have a policy to ridicule the truth when they want it hidden.

And what propaganda would that be?

The propaganda that anyone who thinks the aliens are here is loony toons. What else?

They don't need to produce propaganda when there are people, the critical thinking centers of their brains stunted, willing to believe anything and everything, believe every claim, no matter how ridiculous, outlandish, or unsubstantiated. Why produce propaganda when such people are doing a good enough job making themselves look foolish?

Oh, yes they do have to do propaganda. I am surely NOT one to just believe things. There are a GREAT number of claims I don't believe. Just because a story is outlandish does NOT invalidate truth. And to be frank, there are things like Bohemian Grove, Codex Alimentarius, Monsanto business practices, the War on Drugs so vehemently clung to and propagandized for which includes arguably the most benign and beneficial drug in our pharmacopoeia while crime and abuse run rampant because of it...

What makes more sense? That men in charge are so many and so nasty that they don't care? Or that there is a consortium of beings with no human feelings have a hand in? Me, I conclude the latter. Your box may differ.

You are the reason everyone interested in the subject of extraterrestrial visitation is laughed at. Not because of conspiracies or propaganda.

I am? Really..? Heh. You are the reason their propaganda works. [shrug]

Originally posted by Amaterasu
I have had certain knowledge and watched them ridicule others with the same knowledge. It has been another of my WHYs.

And what knowledge is that? Please, enlighten us.

We can start with marijuana being excellent for treating a wide array of diseases and discomforts. Granted, that is slowly gaining a foothold, but I have watched people being "interviewed" who were not allowed to give their side of the story, being cut off mid-point, redirected, and, after the "interview," chuckled about.

And with this marvelous drug which has never killed anyone, I have to ask WHY we are hunting these people, breaking up families, spending BILLIONS, locking up people for a decade for an ounce of it, abusing the incarcerated, accepting the crime Prohibition creates, allowing them to break our doors down for it, seize our property against the very Bill of Rights because of it....


And there are other WHYs.

WHY Bohemian Grove? MSM never mentions it. But there is still a lot of information about it on the web. It is real. WHY?

WHY the Codex Alimentarius? That, if it is followed, would kill BILLIONS from starvation, disease and poisoning. MSM never mentions it. WHY?

WHY are there empty prisons, rail cars that can shackle 150 humans at a time, with a total capacity of twenty million? MSM never mentions them. WHY?

WHY was the "Patriot" Act written before 9/11? That never came up in the MSM. WHY?

And on and on.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 10:03 PM
i think we've all forgot the true message of the terra papers, that we decide our own fate. not anybody else can decide our fate for us. i think the the hidden history of eridu or whatever and the story of our true creator is just incidental.

Wouldnt it be fantastic if it were all true though? not to say that it isnt, but im a little skeptical about it just because it goes against everything i have ever been taught.

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