Good Day Entermemo,
Originally posted by entermemo
I do not understand the hate for this show on this message board.
I'll try to explain: the media in general ranks close to the top in regards to doing the most damage to Ufology. It's a rarity to see the subject
addressed in a sober manner . . . without the wink-winks, poke-in-the-ribs or post guffaws and snide jokes.
Consequently. when rumor of a show comes to light that supposedly will tackle the subject in the very least a true journalistic manner, expectations
get raised; however. in this instance the producers (Weller / Grossman) have repeatedly offered up episodes that exhibit poor research, shoddy, silly
presentation and pseudoscience. This is why you see the distaste regarding this program here in this forum as well as others that discuss Ufology.
This show is not made for people that post on an alien/UFO website.
This show is made for people with a casual interest in the subject.
Most producers would disagree; they realize that their "core audience" are going to be at the very least "UFO enthusiasts" . . . consequently,
they would like the show to pass muster with them, you, ATSers etc., losing that is like the kiss of death (and in my view the sooner the better).
I think as a community we would be excited about a show like this because it gets more people interested and more exposure in the mainstream.
The "reason" the media is Ufology's enemy is because it "propagandizes, distorts and or falsifies" the subject matter; a show like "UFO
Hunters" can do far more damage because the layperson thinks that the offerings are gospel, and that Ufologists endorse it; I can assure that the
consensus among Ufologists is much the same as it is here on ATS.
A very good example of this is/was
“Under Cover History:
The Real Roswell”; this show was an utter disgrace and was filled with misinformation and lies. Even worse they used Stan Friedman and Dennis
Balthaser (unknowingly) to spread this hokum! Neither would have participated had they known the end result.
In the end, "getting more people interested" and then feeding them flapdoodle does Ufology no service (just the opposite) nor the viewer.
What did everyone honestly expect from this show? An interview with an alien? Plus that beam footage from last week was amazing. I haven't
watched tonights yet though but I'm sure it will be interesting.
People expected what the producers pitched, "competent, scientific investigation, from a group of like researchers"; instead we got a spin-off of
"Ghost Hunters."
I might add that at least with the latter, the producers of "Ghost Hunters" didn't "invent" anything, TAPS and company had been around and doing
"their version of research" for years, the research came first, the show second; with "UFO Hunters" "this group was borne for a show" to sell,
and research is a secondary concern.