posted on Apr, 17 2008 @ 12:20 AM
OK I am officially tired of this show. Its ridiculous, and I am having a hard time believing that I am wasting my time on this crap. Look, as if the
drone episode wasnt bad enough, now we get this?!? UFO Dogfights!? "Footage never before seen in the United States........OF THIS MADE FOR TV
excuse me?!?! I really dont even know where to go from here. We have this golden opporunity and its being COMPLETELY WASTED.
Why are they not analyzing some of the greatest UFO footage? Why are they not investigating some real prominent cases? Why are they only talking to
like 4 witnesses an entire hour long episode then doing lame reinactments that prove nothing?
This show is lame, this show is bunk, this show is no longer being watched by me unless someone can show me good work that they have done. Nice try
HC.....this show will be off the air in 6 months.