posted on Apr, 17 2008 @ 04:09 PM
1943, Clauswitz, Goebbels, Himmler, Bormann, Schacht, Skorzeny, Dulles, von Schroder, Rockefeller
German General Staff General Karl von Clauswitz was a revered war theorist, he believed General Staff must penetrate political and economic machinery
of other nations influence politics and economies of other nations …to favor General Staff investment portfolios. Von Clauswitz had many
famous sayings. “War is the continuation of politics by other means. Politics is the continuation of war by other means,” von Clauswitz said. Nazi
Fifth Columns were dedicated to waging political, and economic, warfare in peacetime ... around the world.
July 12 1943, a La France Libre reporter in Paris interviewed a high-ranking German officer. “Peace? There will be no peace, anywhere in the world,
after the guns stop firing. The battle of the Fifth Columns will take the place after the battles of the tanks and armored cars,” the officer said.
General Staff would grow its Fifth Column in the U.S. ...using social engineering, to fragment, and destabilize American society, provoke race riots,
anti-Semitic terrorism, dissent between capitol and labor, penetrate and influence American politics, economics, and foreign policy. War booty was put
into a secret fund to finance a postwar, underground Nazi Officers Corps.
Leaders of the postwar underground Nazi Officers Corps were officers, and non-commissioned officers of SS regiments, picked to be the inner guard of
German Military Supreme Command.
Since June 1934, with the purge in the Nazi Party of those officers loyal to Roehm, ordinary Nazi Party members were excluded from joining SS. SS was
only for fanatical Nazi Party members. Chief of Schutzstaffel Protective Echelon and Plenipotentiary General of Third Reich Heinrich Himmler
reorganized SS into a Nazi military elite. The uniform of the SS was re-cut, to look like Kaiser cavalry elite guard, the Death’s Head Hussars.
Senior SS officers were recruited from General Staff ruling families, German industrialists, financiers, military men and Junkers ...became SS
Baron von Schroder, Director of Bank of International Settlements, became a Schutzstaffel SS General In 1944, Schutzstaffel SS Intelligence Division
directed Nazi underground activities in Germany, and multinationally.
Schroder ruling family was a most influential ruling families in the world …during World War I, J. Henry Schroder Banking Co. was puppet master,
pulling financial marionette strings, playing the money fiddle for political leaders of many countries ... along with other Fed majority shareholders.
President Hoover had two administrators. Prentiss Gray was a lumber salesman from the West Coast, Julius Barnes was a grain salesman from Duluth.
Post-war both men were partners in J. Henry Schroder Banking Corp. of New York, building financial empires in grain and sugar.
Under Hoover, Barnes was President of Grain Corp. of the U.S. Food Administration, 1917-1918.
Gray was chief of Marine Transportation.
Zabriskie, a J. Henry Schroder partner, was put in charge of the U.S. Sugar Equalization Board.
Schroder Corp. up-and-coming and would-be directors CONTROLLED THE FOOD SUPPLY in the United States through its grain and sugar czars during World War
By the end of World War I, J. Henry Schroder Co. directors owned Cuba’s sugar industry.
Another Schroder partner, Rionda, became president of Cuba Cane Corp., and held board directorates in Manati Sugar Co., American British and
Continental Corp. and other multinational corporate boards.
Baron Bruno von Schroder was senior partner of J. Henry Schroder, and a director of North British and Mercantile Insurance Co. Baron Rudolph von
Schroder of Hamburg, Bruno’s father, was director of the largest Brazilian coffee company, Sao Paulo Coffee Ltd., co-directed by Tiarks, who worked
for J. Henry Shroder.
Hitler was invited to a meeting at Schroder Bank in Berlin, Jan. 4, 1933. Leading industrialists and bankers of Germany tided Hitler over his
financial difficulties, enabling him to meet the enormous debt he’d incurred in connection with maintenance of his private army. John Foster Dulles
and Allen W. Dulles ... of the New York law firm, Sullivan & Cromwell, represented Schroder Bank in America, and went on to sit as directors on
Schroder banks.
Allen became a director of J. Henry Schroder Co. Allen would become Wartime Chief of Office of Strategic Services intelligence operations, in Bern
Switzerland. In 1938, London Schroder Bank became the German financial agent in Great Britain.
New York branch of Schroder merged in 1936 with Rockefellers, as Schroder, Rockefeller, Inc. at 48 Wall Street. These groups were major Fed
shareholders, embodying the World Order, and later, the new World Order. Carlton P. Fuller of Schroder was president of the firm. Avery Rockefeller
was vice-president. He had been a behind-the-scenes partner of J. Henry Schroder for years, and set up the construction firm of Bechtel Corp., whose
employees (on leave) played a leading role in the Reagan Administration, as Secretary of Defense and Secretary of State.
The establishment of the international Schroder group of companies in the 1960s, 1970s, and early 1980s was the first stage in this process. The
second stage, which was achieved in the latter half of the 1980s, was the integration of the conduct of operations on a worldwide basis. In these
years, the international Schroder group of companies became a single entity … Schroders.
Nazi Baron Kurt von Schroder acted as the conduit for IT&T money funneled to Heinrich Himmler’s SS organization in 1944, while World War II was in
progress, and United States was at war with Germany. Kilgore Committee listed a dozen important affiliations held by Kurt von Schroder in the
1940’s, including President of Deutsche Reichsbahn, Reich Board of Economic Affairs, SS Senior Group Leader, Council of Reich Post Office, Deutsche
Reichsbank, and other leading banks and industrial groups.