reply to post by KilgoreTrout
Kilgore Trout, thanks for clarifying with the info you provided. Could you please indicate (after the following paragraph) which of the following
you’re referring to? I don’t consider myself an expert in this area – I’m an editor. I would consider you an expert.
(You’re interested in books and documentation about the Dulles brothers?)
(1) 4/14/2008 @ 02:05 a.m. – for neo-nazi holocaust deniers
Soviet counter-offensive drove Wehrmacht back, out of Russia and Eastern Europe
(2) 4/14/2008 @ 02:05 a.m.
From 1939 to 1941, Gehlen and Nazi Wehrmacht over-ran borders of peaceful countries, into Soviet Russia ...led by Fehme death squad leaders, spies,
sadists, and anti-Semite gangsters of Schwarze Reichswehr.
(3) 4/14/2008 @ 03:36 a.m.
Craig Roberts’, General Reinhard Gehlen & The OSS: The countries of choice were Argentina, Chile, Nicaragua and El Salvador. Within a few years
after their arrival, right-wing government ‘death squads’ made their first appearances.
(4) 14-4-2008 @ 12:26 PM
Oswieczim ...known by its German name, Auschwitz. Harriman’s Soviet cartels would deliver the raw materials, Rockefeller’s high-tech German
companies …the Thyssens …would process the manganese into steel for Harriman’s railroads.
(5) KilgoreTrout posted on 14-4-2008 @ 01:51 PM
Counterterrorist This is a fascinating piece, although I think that you need to differentiate between the Wehrmacht and the SS divisions (and I am not
sure why you have included Gehlen in there: puz?. Is this the full version of Buchanan's investigation for the Alex Jones film?
(6) posted on 14-4-2008 @ 05:34 PM,
reply to Kilgore Trout Sure, I'd be glad to help. Sure, I'd be glad to help. I don't have original documents, but have read many author's who did
original research, throughout the 20th Century.
(7) posted on 14-4-2008 @ 06:22 PM
Sayers and Kahn, The Plot Against the Peace, and, a book by General Baron Hugo von Freytag-Loringhoven, Lessons of the World War. 1918, Schwarze
Reichswehr Fehme & Freikorps death squad terrorist teams
(8) posted on 14-4-2008 @ 06:50 PM
In 1918, the revolution in Germany was defeated. Ludendorff returned to Berlin. The Thyssens, Krupps, and Stinnes resumed control over their war
factories, and mines.
(9) posted on 14-4-2008 @ 06:52 PM
Konrad Heiden’s, Der Fuehrer: Hitler wrote, in Mein Kampf. “I joined a regiment, then in garrison at Munich, as instruction officer. One
day, I was ordered by my superiors
(10) posted on 14-4-2008 @ 06:59 PM
"Just as Czarist and White Russian spies jumped to the Nazis when their own army was defeated in World War I, the German Nazi and Russian Czarist
spies together jumped to the American army as the German Wehrmacht was defeated in World War II. This is how a Czarist spy ring inside a Nazi spy ring
became the inner circle of an American spy ring …as it became the national security and foreign policy instrument of Washington and Wall Street.
(11) posted on 14-4-2008 @ 07:23 PM
Raphael Lemkin was a Polish scholar and attorney ...his book, Axis Rule in Occupied Europe had a problem. There was no word in English to describe
General Staff policy of insuring long-range biological inferiority of enemies.
(12) posted on 14-4-2008 @ 07:25 PM
Special measures were taken to decrease enemy birth rates. Thousands of men, and women, were sterilized.
(13) posted on 14-4-2008 @ 07:27 PM
A former official of German Secret Field Police, Senior Corporal Retzlaff, told Soviet authorities after his capture, what he knew about this.
“Wholesale execution by hanging, and shooting, appeared to German Command too bothersome and slow a means
(14) posted on 14-4-2008 @ 11:26 PM
Michael Sayers and Alfred Kahn, two San Francisco journalists, researched this meeting ...the historical beginning of the Cold War. “June 1921, a
group of former Czarist officers, industrialists, and aristocrats called an international Anti-Soviet Conference at the Reichenhalle, in Bavaria.
(15) posted on 14-4-2008 @ 11:41 PM
Germany was in postwar crisis jobs, ...mass unemployment ...widespread hunger. Rent, impossible to pay. People lived with relatives, in the
streets, in parks. Inflation, highest it had ever been bought nothing. While Weimar Republic presented a facade of Democracy
(16) posted on 14-4-2008 @ 11:52 PM
In 1920, Nazi Hermann Rausching wrote Voice of Destruction. Rausching wrote, Hitler will follow a war strategy Carl von Clauswitz incorporates into
German policy, a military strategy of systematic de-population ...of certain European geographies, with rich gold, mineral, and timber resources.
(17) posted on 15-4-2008 @ 03:58 AM reply from KilgoreTrout
I appreciate your efforts … no specific questions I'd just be interested in your sources … Any books … specifically about the Dulles brothers
in particular would be great
(18) posted on 15-4-2008 @ 09:41 AM
I have the sources, and will post them this evening ... I just have to re-research them with a search-&-find function ...shouldn't take long at all.
I'll aim for posting them at 10 p.m. west coast time, U.S.
(19) posted on 15-4-2008 @ 11:27 AM reply by KigoreTrout –
That'd be great thank you, as I said it is just the material from your third post
(20) posted on 15-4-2008 @ 12:05 PM, reply by Blackthorne