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"...British Israelism is not a sect nor is it a cult in the normal sense of the term. The movement is interdenominational and normally does not try to persuade its members to abandon other beliefs. The movement is loosely organized, being divided into widely scattered groups, therefore there is generally little control over the members. According to John Wilson, British Israelism is "an appendage to orthodoxy, existing on the periphery of what is normally believed. , . ." Not too surprisingly, therefore, British Israelites will often remain members of orthodox churches.
An examination of British Israelism and its dangerous errors will be made in the next issue.
Pro-British Israel Sources
Armstrong, Herbert W., The United States and British Commonwealth in Prophecy. Pasadena: Ambassador College Press, 1972 pp.125-35; 1975, pp. 20-24, 37-39.
Hine, Edward. Identity of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel With the Anglo-Celto-Saxons (abridged). New York: Maranatha Publ., nd pp 15; 44-45.
————. England's Coming Glories. New York: James Huggins, publ. 1880, p. 203.
Houghton, Henry D. The New World Coming. Toronto: Commonwealth Publ,, Ltd., 1941, pp. 106-10.
Smith, Worth. The House of Glory. New York: Wise & Co 1939 pp. 70-72."
"...Anti-British Israel Sources
Darms, Anton. The Delusion of British Israelism: A Comprehensive Treatise. New York: Our Hope, n.d., pp. 15, 16; 157,58.
Kellogg, Howard W. British-Israel Identity. Los Angeles: American Prophetic League, n.d., pp. 9, 10, 21.
May, H.G. "The Ten Lost Tribes," Biblical Archaeologist no. 16, Sept. 1943, pp. 55-60.
McQuaid, Elwood. "Who Is a Jew? British-Israelism versus the Bible", Israel My Glory, Dec./Jan. 1977-78, p. 35.
Wilson, John. "The Relation Between Ideology and Organization in a Small Religious Group: The British Israelites," The Review of Religious Research, Fall, 1968, pp. 51-60. "
THE title of "Prat" or "Prwt," borne by our colonizing Phoenician Cassi prince on his British monument at Newton, is now seen to be clearly a dialectic form of the patronymic title "Barat" or "Brihat" used by the Aryan Phoenicians as recorded in the Indian epics and in the Vedic Hymns, as cited in the heading, the Phoenicians being, as we have seen, a chief branch of the Barats, or the descendants of King Barat, and they are systematically called "Barat" in the Indian epics and Vedas. And this Aryan Phoenician title of "Barat" or "Brihat" is now disclosed to be the Phoenician source of our modern titles "Brit-on," "Brit-ain," and "Brit-ish."
Originally posted by Mark Roazhar
1) The Stone of Scone.
Only legend says where it came from and the stone has many legends surrounding it. It would be unethical to single out one and claim without research that this is the truth. One way to confirm this would be to take a test sample of the stone and compare it to local stones from the British Isles and those found in the Middle East.
The stone was returned to Sctoland some years ago amongst quite a lot of pomp and ceremony by the Scots
11) clicked the link, did a search. "Phrase not found"
I also believe the Ark of the Covenant is in fact an Egyptian chest, where the dried organs of royal kings and pharaohs were stored, not the 10 commandments. For example, why did you think the Hebrews call their royal chest the Ark of the Covenant - because the name signifies covenants or promises that 'god' made with Abraham, would the Hebrews carry the Ark of the Covenant into battle to kill if it really contained commandments like thou shall not kill? The best explanation is that the Ark contained the remains of their ancestral leader who led them into battle.
you're crying out conspiracy because they use a reference from the Bible about another coronation?
Originally posted by andre18
you're crying out conspiracy because they use a reference from the Bible about another coronation?
Yes and no, that was King Solomon's coronation in the bible, with the evidance of King Solomon being Pharaoh Psusennes, such as both King David and Pharaoh Psusennes had sons with almost identical names Solomon and Siamun, the name of biblical King David’s son Solomon means sun for Sol and omon is an alternative spelling of Amen. The name of Pharaoh Psusennes son Siamun means son of Amen. Pharaoh Siamun’s documented battle with the Philistines in Palestine and his capture of Canaan city of Giza, clearly proves an ancient alliance between the Egyptians and the Hebrews.
The famous King Solomon temple in Jerusalem means - temple of the sun god Amen. The temple was most likely built by Pharaoh Siamun who King Solomon’s fabled character was based on. Today all that remains of the temple is the Wailing Wall, where Israel’s Jews still gather to worship in Jerusalem.
[edit on 24-4-2008 by andre18]
How can you with one post point out where the Bible is wrong and then in the next hold it up as an example of being right?
Thutmosis III (a real person) and not Moses (a biblical character)
Etc etc etc……..So summing up the English Monarch is actually under Jewish rule. It’s quite amazing how much evidence there really is, for example the Egyptians actually called these hyksos people the Hebrews!
there are only vague indications of the origin of the Fifteenth Dynasty
we also lack positive indications that any of the rulers of the Fifteenth Dynasty were related by blood, and, accordingly we could be dealing with a dynasty of mixed ethnic origin
"One example is the family of the kings Warad-Sin and Rim-Sin of Larsa. Their father had been the ruler of two Amorite tribes, but both he and their grandfather had Elamite names, while they themselves had Akkadian names, and a sister of theirs had a Sumerian name.
Originally posted by andre18
reply to post by JanusFIN
Yes i know a little about the Viking history - they named themselves after their six great ancestors, the six Hebrew hyksos kings who once ruled Egypt. Six – Hyksos – kings = VI-Kings. The ‘vi’ in their name is the Roman numeral for 6 – 6 Kings.
[edit on 13-4-2008 by andre18]
Originally posted by andre18
reply to post by Mark Roazhar
When it comes to Jewish rule there are a few things that spring up in modern day - Interestingly enough according to the Talmud, King Solomon used the dark power of his magic ring to conjure up demons to help him build his temple. (Just like Saruman Lord of the Rings) The temple became the center for sexual orgies, the worship of golden idols and for animal and human sacrifices, including the sacrifice of infants and children. The biblical Ark of the Covenant was stored inside King Solomon’s Temple, the Ark had 4 gold rings built into its 4 corners each representing the 4 corners of the earth over which descendants of the biblical Abraham are destined to rule.
I mean think about it, did the Hebrew authors of the bible’s Old Testament really expect readers to believe that Abraham lived to be 175, that his sister wife Sarah gave birth at age 90, that Moses turned staffs into snakes and rivers into blood? The Hebrew authors of the bible covered up the fact that the Hebrews and the Egyptians shared the same royal bloodline, the reason for the cover up was because after the Egyptian people forced the Hebrew hyksos kings out of Egypt, the only way the Hebrews could continue ruling Egypt was to hide their Hebrew identity from the Egyptian people. They did that by changing their Hebrew names to Egyptian names and intermarrying with Egyptian royalty just like the biblical Joseph did.