posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 01:05 AM
This idea popped into my head after a lot of thinking and I’ve sort of connected a few dots to get where I am now, bear with me………
There’s a theory that suggest biblical characters from the Old Testament were in fact ancient Egyptian Pharaohs. The theory proposes such things as
Abraham was Amenemhet I, King Solomon was Siamun, Moses was Thutmose III, King David was Psusennes and Jacob was Yakubher. The evidence for these
claims consists of similar dates:
(Jacob: 1758 – 1611 BC, King Yakubher reign: 1655 – 1646 BC)
(King David reign: 1012 – 962 BC, Psusennes reign: 1039-991 BC)
(Moses: 1527 – 1407 BC, Thutmose the third reign: 1479 - 1425 BC)
(Abraham: 2055 – 1880 BC, Amenemhet the first reign: 1991 – 1962 BC)
(King Solomon reign: 970 – 931 BC, Siamun reign: 978 – 959 BC)
And historical evidence establishing Jewish hyksos kings as the secret rulers of Egypt. To summarize these claims as best I can, Yakubher or
‘Jacob’ makes a deal or covenant with god where he is promised a nation and a company of nations that shall come from him and kings that will
spring from him. Jacob takes his sons and his Hebrew clan and migrates from Canaan into Egypt. This Hebrew migration into Egypt closely parallels
Egyptian history when the Semitic hyksos migrants overthrew the Egyptian pharaohs and seized the throne of Egypt. One of the Semitic hyksos leaders
who became king of Egypt was Yakubher, since Yakubher is the Aramean name for Jacob. Egyptology experts interpret this as factual evidence that the
biblical Jacob and the hyksos king Yakubher were one of the same, historical records show that the Semitic hyksos kings ruled Egypt for over a hundred
years. The Egyptian people rebuild against these Semitic kings and pushed them into northern Egypt. By 1500 BC a peace agreement was reached between
the Egyptians and the Semitic hyksos, which allowed the hyksos people to leave Egypt peaceably and move to Palestine and Jerusalem in the Egyptian
controlled land of Canaan. Their gradual and peaceful migration closely matches the bible story of the Semitic Hebrew exudes from Egypt into Canaan in
1447 BC.
And so from Yakubher (Jacob) seizing the throne of Egypt - to the Egyptian people rebelling against the Semitic kings, the rulers of Egypt were Jewish
hyksos kings such as Psusennes, Siamun, Amenemhet I and Thutmosis III… Now, the covenant Yakubher made with god is what I suspect to be a deal he
made with the Nordics. Now where Divide Icke went wrong with the bloodlines and Royalty being reptilians, the truth of it all is, the covenant
Yakubher made with the Nordics is still going to this day where the British Monarch is now what used to be Jewish hyksos kings ruling Egypt. The Queen
doesn’t have reptilian DNA, but is instead the descendant of these Jewish kings through bloodlines. The Queen now rules as the ruling crown
fulfilling the covenant Yakubher made with the Nordics. The reason I’m suggesting the Nordics is because the greys and reptilians seem to be the
fallen angles – eg Satan and the greys came down to earth and genetically altered some of us to become the Nephilim – hybrids. This is exactly
what they are doing now with abductions, Hercules and the Titans are a good example. The Jews are the Nordics chosen race - god’s actions, words and
deeds in the bible’s Old Testament show god’s extreme favoritism for the Jews generally and for Hebrew males in particular and terrorizes,
punishes and kills the enemies of the Hebrews. The greys attempted to alter us genetically so the Nordics caused a worldwide flood killing off the
mutated humans, only Noah’s family is survived because they were unblemished or spotless (genetically). There is also a substantial amount of
evidence linking the British Monarch with ancient Egyptian Pharaohs with facts and questions like:
1) What is the Stone of Jacob a Hebrew patriarch doing beneath the Queen’s throne chair?
2) Why was the Queen crowned at her coronation ceremony on top of a symbolic Egyptian step Pyramid?
3) The monarchs crown has 12 stones at the base each representing the twelve Hebrew tribes, the twelve stones of the 12 tribes were also worn on the
breastplate of Hebrew high priests in Canaan.
4) The Union Jack represents the reunion of the United Kingdom of the 12 tribes of Jacob or Jack-ob, the Union Jack is red, white and blue, the three
colours of the three crowns of Egypt.
5) The royal sceptre originates in ancient Egypt and was carried by the Egyptian god Amen and by Egyptian Pharaohs who called themselves the son of
god, the royal sceptre is now carried by Queen Elisabeth II.
6) The Queen’s punishing flail or whip is partially hidden under her arm, the flail or whip also originates with the pharaohs of ancient Egypt
7) The symbol of the bee can be found within the Queens royal wardrobe, in Ancient Egypt bees were the symbol of Egypt royalty as well as the symbol
of Egypt.
8) The symbols on the British Coat of Arms revealed Britain’s Hebrew origin, according to the bible the harp symbolizes the Hebrew King David, the
biblical lion and unicorn holding up the shield symbolize the nation of Israel. The motto ‘Dieu et mon droit’ means god and my right, indicating
the divine right of the British Monarch to an eternal throne.
9) The headdress worn by judges and the Queens high ranking officials originate in ancient Egypt.
10) Kilts like the one by Prince Charles originate with the Egyptian pharaohs who wore white kilts.
11) The hymn Zadok the Priest written by Handel was preformed at the Queens coronation in 1952, Zadok the Priest was a biblical priest who anointed
the Hebrew King Solomon while the people cried “God save the king Solomon, long live the King Solomon, may the King live forever, Amen.” Compared
to “god save Queen Elisabeth, long live Queen Elisabeth, may the queen live forever”
12) During the coronation ceremony the queen turns to face the four corners of the globe, the orb carried by the queen represents the globe over which
the monarch rules.
13) The monarch’s coronation gifts of a rod, bracelets and a ring are a re-enactment of the bible story of the Hebrews Judah and Tema.
14) Royal Jubilees originate in ancient Egypt, Egyptian pharaohs celebrated their Jubilees after thirty years of rule. In Pharaonic tradition the
Queen as calibrated both silver and gold Jubilees.
15) Incest was practiced by ancient Egyptian royalty, mothers married sons and brothers married sisters to keep the power and the money all in the
family. Like their Pharaonic ancestors the British Monarchy has a long history of incestrious inbreeding.
16) The corpses of deceased pharaohs were preserved and entombed beneath their pyramid temples, the corpses of 19 deceased British monarchs are also
preserved in marbled tomb slabs beneath the modern day temple called Westminster Abbey.
17) The ancient pharaohs advertised their power with their image on coins and stone monuments, the power of the Queen world wide is advertised with
her image printed on more coins and stamps then any other head of state in history
18) The structure of government in Ancient Egypt was a step pyramid model with a grand vizier and priesthood one step behind the pharaoh, today’s
monarchy reigns with a much more sophisticated model of authority –
World monarch
Crown council of 13 and world’s richest most powerful families
Committee of 300 world’s richest most powerful sub-families, think tanks,
World financial control: central banks, tax revenue, interest revenue, bank of international settlements
World resource control: MasterCard, Exxon, NYSE,
World population control: church, governments, schools media,
Population resources – labour units: debt slaves, sheeple.
19) The Popes headdress is strikingly similar to the headdress of Egyptian god Amen, his bent cross resembles the sceptre of Amen.
20) Like the Egyptian pharaohs British Monarchs wore signet rings which over the millennia have been passed down from their Hebrew ancestors.
21) The British Mint printed legal tender coins called the one true ring and the ring of power, on one side of the coin is Queen Elisabeth II on the
flip side is the ring for Lord of the Rings. These legal tender coins printed by the British Mint raised the disturbing question – who is the real
lord of the rings? The inscription on the ring reads – one ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, one ring to bring them all and in the
darkness of their ignorance bind them.
22) The covenant that the biblical god gave to Abraham was a promise to make his name great and to make for him a great nation, today great Britain is
the only nation called Great. In Hebrew the word Brit-Ain written literally means land of the covenant and Brit- Ish means man of the covenant.