posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 03:59 AM
reply to post by zysin5
I am going to reply to myself here. My former self. My past being of a moment that has since past. And now I am here. 6 years can change ones
views and truths.
Truth is a point of view. It is a mere perception of ones place in life. Truth in its own right is the biggest lie of them all.
Is there really any such thing as truth?
I do not know anymore to be honest, is that the truth? To some, but to others no.
The only real truth I can find that works with everyone no matter what you are, or who you are.
If you stand in the way of a moving bus, and it is moving at FAST rate. It will run you over. That is the only honest truth I have found 6 years
later from all I have read, and seen in this world.
Otherwise. I do not think every person on Earth will agree on one said "truth".
And still, there might be those out there that disagree with my truth logic about standing the way of a fast moving bus.
Thus truth is nothing more than our own personal views. Which varies upon the person, and where they are and who they are.
Where they are in time/space. And what they have seen, and learned.
The moment you begin to think, you form your own truths in this world.
edit on 23-1-2014 by zysin5 because: Truth.. One F$$ED up mental loop of
logic.. lol