reply to post by andy1033
-Appearance is the easiest and safest way to control people without them caring or knowing.
-True "respect" is rare and VERY hard to get and easy to lose.
-True confidence is rare and VERY hard to get and easy to lose.
-A lot of fortune and misfortune is based purely on luck.
-Talent trumps work ethic alone. Talent with work ethic trumps damn near anything.
-People hate change even when its infinitely better.
-People live by inertia.
-People can be trained like any other animal. (corporate controlled media parrots a narrative and people are trained to parrot the scripted narrative.
Pentagon/DHS/UN propaganda can predictive program people to respond to a future planned event in a specified way. Zombie movies and post-dollar crash
starving people, domestic terrorist security apparatus and soviet control grid, hunger games and post-crash starvation, boston bombing/katrina and
martial law, FS glitch to simulate a system crash,TSA/checkpoints aka 1930's german national socialist checkpoints and document checks)
-People react like pack animals when stressed or threatened.
-People are very territorial. My Oil. Mine! Its my coltran mineral rights..Mine! My Lithium ore! My opium fields!
-People want to be on the winning team
-Unconscious role play is a common in society.
-Anyone can be wrong. Anyone can be right.
-Context is important.
-You have to take advantage of the resources available to you,even if its not fun,convenient or popular.
-The taste of the food you eat is only important for the brief time it is in your mouth. So eat tasty food slower. Drink good coffee slower.
-Eat to not feel hungry not to be full.
-Everyone wants to have a better future.
-The most painful experiences come from people/things that are close to you.
-The richer you are the more people notice your virtues and talents.
-The poorer you are the more people notice your flaws and shortcomings.
-People are programmed to commercialize everything including other people.
-Arrogant people are assumed to be confidence if they can talk smoothly and clearly while having an attractive appearance.
-No one cares if your a evil person so long as you entertaining,talented or funny.
-Using people is an easy way to climb to the top in any hierarchy.
-People hate admitting their wrong. Why? Ego, social competition and status among the group. Can't afford to look weak or defective or you'll get
labeled and be obsoleted.
-Life is short.
-Few people care who you are.
-History is very much censored.
-Trust almost nothing unless you physically can verify it.
edit on 8-1-2014 by John_Rodger_Cornman because: (no reason given)