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what happens in 2012?

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posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 05:32 PM
i heard a theory about Neutron bombs being released, radiation the instant after, then many people start dying.

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 06:15 PM
If anything is going to happen, it will have to be something that the ancient civilizations could have predicted. They could predict weather cycles, earth cycles, astronomical cycles but not technology. Besides, if they were all so knowledgeable and advanced, what happened to them? They didn't have advanced technology; there's no remnants. Just big stone buildings.

And kids, if anyone says the word "metaphysical," run away as fast as you can. Those are the people that have a great understanding of nothing that pertains to real life.

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by space cadet
You do realize that you are stating that an asteriod would have the intelligence and physical capability to destroy only the christians of the earth and leave everyone else behind?

Not just the christians, but all those playing pretend and make-believe and worshipping all of those other various dogmatic idols too. Well come on, ha, is their god not omnipotent enough to orchestrate such a selective astronomical event come rapture day?

Originally posted by cardinalfanUSA
It's amusing that you're so critical of those that believe in the word of the Bible, a historical document backed up by thousands of other historical documents; yet, you're so quick to believe in a theory based on the end date of a calendar.

I'm sure I could dig up some historical documents that proclaim magical witches and wizards existed way back then when humans were super superstitious too, but really now, must I to make my point? One historical thing you might want to look into is what happened the last time our solar system transited to the other side of our galactic equator. See if THAT makes more sense. Look another 33 million years before that last one too.

[edit on 7-4-2008 by Divinorumus]

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 09:47 PM

Latest research shows that 2012 is not the year, but rather 2011, for the end of the Mayan Calendar.

So what will happen? There are a number of possibilities. There is also a debate in new-ager circles about it, where one side believes that earth changes will occur while the other half believe that only a spiritual awakening will occur.

Can we not see that both things are occurring at the same time? There is no only this or that, there is only what is.

I was shown a number of 'visions' (only word to use) relating to this time-frame we are in, and what I saw was difficult to express and I won't go into detail here. Suffice to say that there very well may be earth-changing events, and as we can see now the process has already begun.

Within this time-frame are a variety of agendas to be played out, human and non-human. The current 'Might is Right' mindset has to come to its own conclusion and we know that it cannot go out with a whimper. In the middle east are fundamental groups who wish to see Revelations come about, and are actively working to bringing this scenario to reality. And I haven't even mentioned the 'governmental' agendas here.

There are also alien races that have agendas here. I only know this from my experience and contacts. Some agendas are assisting us, while others are designed to take advantage of the events to come.

Our awakening to higher awareness is occurring so we can anticipate this to continue, even for those people who do nothing to assist themselves. Basically, some things will occur that brings everyone to a point where their whole belief-system has crashed and some people will be 'lost', some will accept and move ahead while others will be dragged through it.

The real facts are these... you are standing and breathing now, it is all you really have Now. By all means observe the things changing around you but do not go into fear about any of it.

If the earth changes do happen, then we survivors will need to begin something different by not re-building our world as it was, but to start fresh and create a real world society based on equality for all, no matter what. And to me this is the greatest positive that faces us in our future.

If the changes do not happen, then we are faced with the demise of the human race at our own hands, whether through wars or just continuing slowly to strangle us off this world.

Given the choice, I would vote for the earth changes, that way more people might survive a future.

posted on Apr, 8 2008 @ 01:09 AM
In mainstream science 2012 is the year of precession of the equinox. Some scientist also believe there is evidence for a major earth changing event every 26,000 year or so. They derive this from evidence found thru different rock formations in the ground. Some say that this 26,000 year mark comes due in 2012 also. This is where precession comes into play again, some scientist believe that this could trigger a magnetic pole shift, thus causing disaster here on earth. The esoteric side of all this is that the Mayans and many other future tellers seen “the end” at this period.

My take on all this is that the Mayans did not understand the precession, despite their touted advanced knowledge of the stars. Therefore they seen the precession as the end. This in turn found its way into the human sub conscious as ‘the end” Therefore we look at all the prophetic language and see 2012 as “the end”. We all know how vague prophetic language is so it would not be hard to find what you seek. Just my take anyway.

posted on Apr, 8 2008 @ 02:14 AM

Originally posted by TheNetherlands
reply to post by themishything

Yeah, and all these OTHER civilisations got bored on exactly 21-12-2012 too, not to mention they just by a coincidence didnt take it up again neither

I was joking hun,I hope the aliens have a better sense of humour than most people do on earth LOL

But seriously, what about all the other animals on this planet?why do we always talk about things happening to us and just forget about them? Nobody here has mentioned what will happen to the rest of earth's wildlife, what it means for them.

posted on Apr, 8 2008 @ 03:12 AM
Two crossings ago the dinosaurs went extinct when an asteroid hit the Yucatan Peninsula creating the Chicxulub crater. The Maya area spans south around this region.

Science is already beginning to acknowledge that life on Earth appears to have been seeded from space. Interesting, isn't it. Those rocks which can bring life to Earth can also destroy it too. WHACK! Out with the old, in with the new.

I'm thinking the Maya people had some help with their astronomy and calendar creation and alignment. I'm not convinced they could have figured this stuff out on their own given their state of development and technology. Maybe they were visited and given a message to pass down through time. Maybe the visitors picked the Maya people for this task because of where they lived. Those visitors could have been extraterrestrial, or even ourselves from the future. And maybe this message was destroyed when the christians went on their little rampage and looted the evidence and destroyed the Mayan culture.

My money says we're being warned to expect something big. (of course that's not risking much these days, ha)

posted on Apr, 8 2008 @ 07:18 AM

Originally posted by Tayesin
Suffice to say that there very well may be earth-changing events, and as we can see now the process has already begun.

Our awakening to higher awareness is occurring so we can anticipate this to continue, even for those people who do nothing to assist themselves. Basically, some things will occur that brings everyone to a point where their whole belief-system has crashed and some people will be 'lost', some will accept and move ahead while others will be dragged through it.

The real facts are these... you are standing and breathing now, it is all you really have Now. By all means observe the things changing around you but do not go into fear about any of it.

If the earth changes do happen, then we survivors will need to begin something different by not re-building our world as it was, but to start fresh and create a real world society based on equality for all, no matter what. And to me this is the greatest positive that faces us in our future.

If the changes do not happen, then we are faced with the demise of the human race at our own hands, whether through wars or just continuing slowly to strangle us off this world.

Given the choice, I would vote for the earth changes, that way more people might survive a future.

Great post!

This is our wake up sign as a global community. It's our opportunity to show what we're made of when faced with difficult challenges. As a human race, we've tortured our planet to the point of embarassment, but we also have the ability to make things right.

Perhaps that starts at the top. For example, one must be almost sure there is better alternatives for energy than gas, propane,batteries, etc, yet it seems the government supresses these technologies because of their own egotistical financial interests. A collapse of the government would be a good start!

posted on Apr, 8 2008 @ 07:43 PM
The Earth will stand still and listen to the White House on
December 21,2012. To put it simply, we are not alone.
The Grays are here and so are a lot of other aliens.
The aliens have reached the planet earth in numbers and
We will use the advanced technology to travel to the asteroid belt
and mine valuable minerals. Gold - Platinum - Silver etc.

posted on Apr, 8 2008 @ 07:57 PM
Some of you may be wondering. Why not disclose today April 2008 ???
The answer is alien technology is dual use technology.
Artifical gravity wave generators have many applications.
They can bend light around a stealth bomber.
It's possible to use them to travel back or forward through time.
- The Philadelphia Experiment - 1943

posted on Apr, 9 2008 @ 03:12 AM
I'm thinking the Maya people had some help with their astronomy and calendar creation and alignment. I'm not convinced they could have figured this stuff out on their own given their state of development and technology. Maybe they were visited and given a message to pass down through time. Maybe the visitors picked the Maya people for this task because of where they lived. Those visitors could have been extraterrestrial, or even ourselves from the future. And maybe this message was destroyed when the christians went on their little rampage and looted the evidence and destroyed the Mayan culture.

The Mayans certainly did say that a Sky God or Gods had come down to earth to share thier complex astronomical and mathematic skills. As you have said the Spainards had burnt most of the Mayans libarary of research, which is why there is such little to go on when it comes to predicting what they actually thought would happen in 2012.

But thier calendar was basically plotted around the stars in our galaxy and was based on consiousness. They seem to have predicted certain cycles from the beggining of time in which Earth (including Humans and Nature) have evolved a collective consiousness. And its right on the money. Ian Lungold is one of the most profound researchers today of the Mayan Calendar. He has dedciated years of his life to unraveling the mysteries of the Mayan Long count and Short count calendar. Sadly he has passed on, at a suprisingly early age, before he actually got to see what happened in that prophetic year. He has several lectures on the subject, ranging from a very detailed overview of the calendar, to other lectures that are more advanced titled "The Mayan Calander : The Ecolution Continues." I have posted a link to his film entitled "Secrets of the Mayan Calendar Unveiled" on the 2nd page of this thread. It is a lecture that is at least 3 hrs long, but very, very informative. If you are into researching the advance in human consiousness aspect of 2012, this is definitely the video to watch.

posted on Apr, 9 2008 @ 03:13 AM
Duplicate Post - Sorry had trouble with the quote thing =D

[edit on 9-4-2008 by Esotericist]

posted on Apr, 9 2008 @ 03:17 AM

Originally posted by Divinorumus
Two crossings ago the dinosaurs went extinct when an asteroid hit the Yucatan Peninsula creating the Chicxulub crater. The Maya area spans south around this region.

Science is already beginning to acknowledge that life on Earth appears to have been seeded from space. Interesting, isn't it. Those rocks which can bring life to Earth can also destroy it too. WHACK! Out with the old, in with the new.

I'm thinking the Maya people had some help with their astronomy and calendar creation and alignment. I'm not convinced they could have figured this stuff out on their own given their state of development and technology. Maybe they were visited and given a message to pass down through time. Maybe the visitors picked the Maya people for this task because of where they lived. Those visitors could have been extraterrestrial, or even ourselves from the future. And maybe this message was destroyed when the christians went on their little rampage and looted the evidence and destroyed the Mayan culture.

My money says we're being warned to expect something big. (of course that's not risking much these days, ha)

The Mayans certainly did say that a Sky God or Gods had come down to earth to share thier complex astronomical and mathematic skills. As you have said the Spainards had burnt most of the Mayans libarary of research, which is why there is such little to go on when it comes to predicting what they actually thought would happen in 2012.

But thier calendar was basically plotted around the stars in our galaxy and was based on consiousness. They seem to have predicted certain cycles from the beggining of time in which Earth (including Humans and Nature) have evolved a collective consiousness. And its right on the money. Ian Lungold is one of the most profound researchers today of the Mayan Calendar. He has dedciated years of his life to unraveling the mysteries of the Mayan Long count and Short count calendar. Sadly he has passed on, at a suprisingly early age, before he actually got to see what happened in that prophetic year. He has several lectures on the subject, ranging from a very detailed overview of the calendar, to other lectures that are more advanced titled "The Mayan Calander : The Ecolution Continues." I have posted a link to his film entitled "Secrets of the Mayan Calendar Unveiled" on the 2nd page of this thread. It is a lecture that is at least 3 hrs long, but very, very informative. If you are into researching the advance in human consiousness aspect of 2012, this is definitely the video to watch.

posted on Apr, 9 2008 @ 05:26 AM

Originally posted by Esotericist
But thier calendar was basically plotted around the stars in our galaxy and was based on consiousness. They seem to have predicted certain cycles from the beggining of time in which Earth (including Humans and Nature) have evolved a collective consiousness. And its right on the money.

Yes, the collective consciousness, I know something about the subject. And I agree, it does include the humans AND nature ~ ALL of nature. And that is also an imminent concern.

If the "collective" is ruled by majority, then humanity is in deep trouble. By my estimates, humanity accounts for only a teeny tiny microscopic piece of that "collective." What this means is that the desires and will of the (sub) collective of humans against the desires and will of the rest of nature will not prevail. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if all the sick chickens and mad cows and infectious parasites and every other creature of nature doesn't join in to kick humanity off the planet, like was done to those awful dinosaurs, come 2012.

Well heck, I've heard of crazier stories before.
This could be an all out "natural" assault against humanity come "crossing" (or judgment?) day. . . . Assuming this collective consciousness thing is the way it all works. I'd be worried if I were a human.
Very very worried.

posted on Apr, 9 2008 @ 05:33 AM
here is my thoery on what will happen on 2012


the same as every year

posted on Apr, 9 2008 @ 02:46 PM

I am the great profit, IgnoreTheFacts. I come to you from the 8th dimension, my good pal Buckaroo Banzai has bestowed upon me important things that will happen in 2012. Choose to believe or not, it is true and any or all of it could happen.

Like many a great profit before me, I will paint the future in broad strokes so my accuracy will remain high, and you mere mortals can argue about my cryptic meaning or wait until something happens and go through my predictions to find something that roughly fits reality.

In the year 2012 there will be many things that happen. There will be war, famine, earthquakes, hurricanes, great natural disasters, genocide, disease, death and destruction, Venus will transit the sun and during that time there will be many deaths...some even children.....

oh yeah, there will be volcanoes going off somewhere...and oh, er......stuff.

I know everything I have stated it 100% true, as Bonsai has shown me. We will have to wait until 2012 for me to be proven correct, but you will see...after the events I have predicted happen during the year 2012 I will be heralded as the greatest profit on ATS.

BOW TO ME!!!!!!!

posted on Apr, 9 2008 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by xweaponx
Also some country's will be in 2012 before us. Remember key word. DIFFERENT time zones. Meaning everyone is expecting something to happen dec 21st. When some places will be in dec 22nd. No one thought of that did they?

I believe it'd go by the timezone of the Mayans.

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 04:05 AM
Let's hope that this doesn't happen in 2012.

Blood drained from body,
Organs sucked out,
Extremely hightech precision tools used,
Same type mutilation that is happening to cows,
Could never be duplicated by anything earthly we know,
Always covered up by government officials,
Extraterrestrial related,

Warning Graphic Photo:

We could very well be fish food for some of these extraterrestrial beings.

We have an eco system, they have an eco system!

Just A Thought!

On that note here is a quote from William Cooper:

"An alien craft was found on February 13, 1948, on a mesa near Aztec,
New Mexico. Another craft was located on March 25, 1948, in White Sands
Proving Ground. It was 100 feet in diameter. A total of 17 alien bodies
were recovered from those two crafts. Of even greater significance was
the discovery of a large number of human body parts stored within both
of these vehicles. The Secret lid immediately became a Top Secret lid and was screwed down tight. THE SECURITY BLANKET WAS EVEN TIGHTER THAN THAT IMPOSED UPON THE MANHATTAN PROJECT"

Colleen Johnston


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[edit on 19/5/08 by JAK]

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 05:13 AM

The Mayans were quite enlightened and precocious, as was Nostrodamus...

There's alot of rampant speculation and alignment of various disciplines of thought that seem right individually or lumped together when propogated by the meritorious author(s) of the time.

Do amazing happenstances, mystics, historical edits and the spectrum of intellectuals/obsessives actually arrive at the Truth?

1999 was the end of the world at the time also.

The 2012 phenomenon/prediction is likely another existential anxiety of man.

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by EclipseReloaded
The 2012 phenomenon/prediction is likely another existential anxiety of man.

The crossing of the Dark Rift is not existential. Our solar system is potmarked with evidence of each crossing every 33 million years or so. Each cycle consists of two crossings, and two crossings ago the last predominant species was wiped off the face of Earth. And the clock is about to strike midnight again and denial won't make that go away.

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