I'm not the author of this article, but it sheds a perspective that's worth sharing:
All of Consciousness has had one goal in its evolution, to discover what it is NOT.
Consciousness experiences the universe by comparison. The basic comparison is that the conscious is NOT whatever was experienced. For at least 100,000
years mankind has been pursuing the question, "Who am I?" Or, "Why am I here?" and "What am I doing?" That question has been used by the Church
and State to bind people to some standard or another, to some identity or another, to one belief system or another. Consciousness is none of these
things. There are only the considerations of Consciousness.
Humanity will be investing in what is admirable and nothing else.
Your TRUTH, your ETHICS, your INTEGRITY is what will sustain you through all the
changes. Therefore, you must have the courage to create what you wish to experience. You will be able to take advantage of the opportunities.
Those people without integrity, will bring upon themselves what their own consciousness is focused on, their own FEAR and their own JUDGEMENT.
That's what's going to happen down here - JUDGEMENT DAY. All this boils down to decision time. You can decide to stay on the power train and hunt
down the almighty dollar. Or, you can choose integrity.
We have the planetary consciousness with the internet of now being able "to meet the neighbors." And we will as soon as we get over this power trip
and get an ethical consciousness. Can you see us going to other galaxies before then? All we would do is "kick butt." No, we're not ready yet.
After decision time, there will be no more "I can't do this," no more control over anybody else. Then and only then can we "meet the neighbors,"
and they can't get to us either. The whole three dimensional universe is going to be going through this at the same time. Other dimensions have
already gone through this. We're separated on purpose through the plan. Technology will go extinct and Spirit will take over. There will be no more
sickness, lack, hunger. Consciousness is already creating this. We will be experiencing this. During the Sixth Night, a 360 day period, we will be
experiencing BLISS, liberation, and be in a period of experimentation and getting ready for what is to come.
From 2006-2011 there will be a time of healing. It is a time of manifestation, of completion. During the Seventh Day, we won't necessarily be on the
planet. We will be able to travel anywhere. We will have entered the Universal cycle. The last 260 days of this 360 day period we are supposed to get
up to speed to experience all of infinity with our consciousness. This concept doesn't fit into our brain yet.
Would you like to be out of debt? There will be a different economy where there is only abundance. You will possess the confirmed knowledge that you
are Divine. You will be able to demonstrate that everything is possible. There will be the complete absolution of any limit. Currently technology is
our ladder to Consciousness. But the internet and television are soon going to be outpaced.
www.paulapeterson.com:80... ... endar.html
My View: If anyone has fear based on the Mayan Calendar's 2012 end date, then deep down inside you probably have that spirituality quest
within you. Otherwise, you might debunk the theory of the Long Count end date.
If we are to go to another stage of evolution where thought = manifestation, then there will be absolutely nothing to fear or to worry about.
Here's an example of how fear can equal Hell. Imagine the person who lives in fear of being shot, so he or she constantly carries a gun and is
constantly looking over his or her shoulder for someone who might be out to get them. Hypothetically, if thoughts = manifestations, then this
person's thoughts will become reality and EVERY time he turns around, there's always somebody trying to shoot him.