posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 09:56 PM
Well, I just been trying my best to stay afloat here and pay my bills. Unfortunately my area is among the top ten hardest hit places in the United
States by this economical rescission. Its more like a depression than a recession where I'm at.
I think it has allot to do with the decline of the American Dollar around the world. The Euro is kicking our ass and its really not looking good for
the Dollar which is bad news for our economy. I'm praying that our economy bounces back soon if it ever does.
The worst part is when smaller countries and the general world population sees all the major countries losing faith, backing out and no longer
investing in the Dollar(which is whats happening) they could follow suit and do the same. This would spell a major disaster for the United States
economy and we could quickly tumble into a depression across the whole of the country.