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Everybody in Los Angeles is a DRUG FIEND

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posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 03:27 AM
The "civilized" world ain't so civilized, is it ? Poisoning your own water is not what an advanced civilization does.
Water treatment plants may help take the dirt out of the water but what about all the other chemicals that dissolve in it ? Not only drugs, I do not know for sure, but I wonder how they clear the water of all the chemicals we use to clean our clothes for example

posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 07:59 AM
Interesting the connection between the different populations of people, and the different things distributed into their specific city's drinking water....

Like San Francisco having a very huge population of "femmy-type" males... And female hormone in the drinking water. So I wonder, which came first?? Well, does it matter? That is just one example. Believe me, we have the same types where I am from.

...Which brings me to some interesting thoughts. I actually BUY a LOT of the chemicals being found in my city's water. I wonder if being exposed to small amounts of these over the counter 'pain drugs' can increase someone's tolerance to the things, and mean that they must take more of it, if they are to actually experience the relief they're wanting.. In this stressful world, I for one experience a LOT of headaches. So yeah, I keep IBprofen and Acetimenophen companies in business. Kind of disturbing to wonder if my city does also, by purchasing huge amounts for the water.

Now, to get over the jealousy for New Jersey, getting Codeine in THEIR water, and I can't even get a prescription of the stuff!!!

posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 08:37 AM
I was "cutoff" in mid sentence. As I said I'm an excreter. I take Phenytoin for my PTSD, Dilantin for Epilepsy, and Caffeine for my daily use of tea and coffea.

In this medicated society I'm not surprised. Some people NEED it for real issues but others don't. Some of these are OTC meds and I'd like to see a distinguishing study done on the difference.

I too heard about this on the broadcast news networks and wasn't shocked when I learned from them that its only 1% per Billion gallons. That is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay below the FDA standards for safe levels.

But I'd like to see them distinguish between OTC, Prescription, and Narcotic drugs in the water system before I label whole cities as full of drug fiends. Could anyone advise us on the levels of street meth, coke, heroin, and marijuana found?

Have a nice day.

posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by pai mei
The "civilized" world ain't so civilized, is it ? Poisoning your own water is not what an advanced civilization does.

Well said. It isn't very smart either, not very advanced to be poisoning ourselves, our environment, our wildlife and fisheries thru our water.

To answer your 2nd question, filtration won't clean all out of the water, but distillation would (mostly 100%). Distillation is the process that rain goes thru basically.

To qxlb52:

Originally posted by qxlb52
But I'd like to see them distinguish between OTC, Prescription, and Narcotic drugs in the water system before I label whole cities as full of drug fiends. Could anyone advise us on the levels of street meth, coke, heroin, and marijuana found?

Yes there are OTC drug, prescription drug and illicit drug categories. In my view, in the study the city of Philadelphia IS THE ONLY city that was comprehensive and upfront in the results posting, the findings for that city found 56 PHARMACEUTICALS in the water. That's what would be found in most major to medium sized cities, thats of course if tested for these compounds. The list of 56 drugs most likely were a mixture, a 'cocktail' of dozens of drugs, from OTC to prescription to illicit ones.

[edit on 6-4-2008 by battlestargalactica]

posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 10:02 AM
Dear OP, after losing faith in ATS after the "reptilian episode" as I refer to it you've successfully brought me back with this single post. you've done an amazing job and some quality research with most importantly facts and sources, which unfortunately many posts lack and I'm forced to give them no more credibility than pure speculation as a result keep up the good work and I hope to stay updated on the progress of this thread.
The information presented is very alarming and gives new meaning to the phrase "must be something in the water". Being a non US citizen though I'm curious as to what will be found in other countries water supplies?

posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by woady

Thank you, much appreciated!

From what I've read so far (though I've been focusing on the US) European water quality and standards seem to be, for the most part, to have stricter guidelines. From the 'what' to filter out and the 'how' to filter the water.

However, since Europe is comprised of different countries (similar but very different to the US states), water standards would vary from country to country. Some countries may use state of the art filtering and disinfection, whereas others may be using mainly standard filtering.

posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 05:15 PM
I also have to mention that Meprobamate is not used much anymore due to the newer Benzodiazipines(Xanax,Valium,Klonopin,Halcion)So I would figure that that drug prolly comes from the metabolization of Soma(Carisoprodol)Which quickly transforms into Mepbrobamate after ingestion.

***Soma is a widely used unschedualed(except for a few states) CNS acting muscle relaxant.It is widely use in combonation with Vicodin(IE:Lortab,Lorcet(Hydrocodone Bitartrate)for its synergizing(intensifying)effects.

posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by jkrog08
I also have to mention that Meprobamate is not used much anymore due to the newer Benzodiazipines(Xanax,Valium,Klonopin,Halcion)So I would figure that that drug prolly comes from the metabolization of Soma(Carisoprodol)Which quickly transforms into Mepbrobamate after ingestion.

***Soma is a widely used unschedualed(except for a few states) CNS acting muscle relaxant.It is widely use in combonation with Vicodin(IE:Lortab,Lorcet(Hydrocodone Bitartrate)for its synergizing(intensifying)effects.

Hey thanks for the info, Meprobamate not really used much? Do you know about the generics use of this compound, I'd be interested in your take on this. Also the metabolization of Soma to Meprobamate, is that a known fact about the compound, if so, what % is left over...?

Thanks much. Oh almost forgot to paste this chart I found:

posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by battlestargalactica

This is probably the thread of the month.

But Im dying to find out how all this stuff gets into the water system in the first place. Anymore ideas on that?

posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

heh the most likely scenario, the one most of the scientists, govt or otherwise subscribe to (at least thats the impression i got when i first heard of this in 02) is pretty easily explained.

ask yourself the question you just asked next time youre going to the bathroom....most cities recycle their water to a degree.

posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by Damocles

oh I get certain cities consume certain drugs, they go into the system, only to be re-consumed again as drinking water. Yuck.

posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 05:58 PM

The elimination of the muscle relaxant drug, carisoprodol, was examined in 10 healthy volunteers after an oral dose of 700 mg. In nine subjects, carisoprodol was rapidly eliminated, with a mean half-life of 99 +/- 46 min, and extensively converted to meprobamate. Within 2.5 h after carisoprodol intake, meprobamate serum concentrations exceeded those of carisoprodol. Serum levels of meprobamate recorded (15-25 mumol/L) indicate that meprobamate might contribute to the effect(s) of carisoprodol. One subject eliminated carisoprodol with an overall half-life of 376 min, and only small amounts of meprobamate were recorded. This subject was found to be a poor metabolizer of mephenytoin. In spiked human sera, protein binding of carisoprodol was in the range of 41-67%, whereas meprobamate was bound to a lesser extent, 14-24%.

***This is the some info one the pharmokeniesis of Soma(r),which as I stated RAPIDLY metabolizes into Mepbrobamate(Equanil(r))Also I wouyld like to state that this shows A HUGE lapse in our recycling system,.............just think what terrorist think of this,they coud release alot of fatal chems. into our sytem,and many would die do the lack of PROPER FDA protocol.

posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 06:01 PM

Carisoprodol is a noncontrolled skeletal muscle relaxant whose active metabolite is meprobamate, a Schedule IV controlled substance. Although several case reports have shown that carisoprodol has abuse potential, it continues to be widely prescribed. The usage patterns of 40 patients who had taken carisoprodol for three or more months (20 of whom had no history of substance abuse and 20 of whom carried a diagnosis of substance abuse or dependence) were reviewed and compared and a survey was conducted to assess physician awareness of the abuse potential of the drug. Findings showed that some patients using carisoprodol for over three months may abuse the medication, especially those individuals with a history of substance abuse. A significant percentage of the physician population is unaware of the potential of carisoprodol for abuse and of its metabolism to meprobamate, a controlled substance. Physicians should exercise caution when prescribing carisoprodol, especially if the patient has a history of substance abuse.

posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by battlestargalactica

Do you know about the generics use of this compound, I'd be interested in your take on this.

Generic is Meprobamate,Brand name is Equanil or others.......generic is simply the chemical of action,whucl generic have a name(ie:Equanil)

posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 06:06 PM
I would like to point out that Nazi Germany in a times past use to add something to their waters for their prisioners to make them more susceptable to following commands. To fall in line instead out of line.

Population control.

I could see how the medical fields would have a major pay off along with straight jackets for everyone. Someone has got to be using the divide and conquer tactic for their own gain. Who would gain from this all around?

Programmed peoples targetted to carry out a order. Getting rid of Undesirables. Any people whos body is under command by a drug and is brought to an early death maybe a waste of time. Detectable liabilities in a future to come.

Maybe the Darwin Approach is usefull here only the strong survive, only those capable of withstanding certain beligerent chemical compounds and live have the world worth saving?

Just thoughts....

posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Yes, so one of the ideas is that these drugs come from people after incomplete metabolization of drugs that they ingest.

Some drugs are metabolized fairly completely 90% or higher, others not so much, say 20% or lower. These drugs get flushed, enter the sewer system (god knows what happens to them then) and go to treatment plants, get flushed as supposed 'clean' effluent to our nations watershed.

From there straight to a reservoir, to a treatment plant, and to our taps. So essentially we are ingesting other peoples drugs, all mixed up in a nice cocktail.

In addition to people meds, any animal meds are also being washed into our homes thru the tap. These meds are even scarier to think about because these are meant for ANIMALS and not people.

reply to post by menguard

Yes I didn't consider that possible, I have heard of the nazi's using drugs to tone down the population, in addition to feeding the concentration camp prisoners drugs to tame aggression and other meds.

Do you have any links in regards to that or even ATS threads I'm sure have been discussed here?

[edit on 6-4-2008 by battlestargalactica]

posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 06:19 PM
Also let me clarify that Meprobamate IS NOT a Benzodiazepine,it is an seditive-hypnotic.Alot of animal drugs are exactly what we take also,so that doesant worry me.What worries me is the ease that drugs are passing in detectable amounts into OUR WATER SUPPLY,folks WATER=LIFE.

posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by jkrog08

Hmm, you bring up some good points, like:

How to distinguish between animal meds and human ones?

I assume that certain drugs are only for animals and certain animal meds are also used in both animal and human.

For instance, are there any drugs o the list found that are only meant for animal ingestion?

posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 06:37 PM
This explains the nuttiness of California and especially Hollyweird.
This also explains the pussification of America.

posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 06:53 PM
ok ok....youve sucked me in... first let me start by saying that i used to work for a water treatment facility. That said, the reason there are prescription drugs in your water supply isnt because "the government is poisoning you" infact that idea is most assinine, those places have almost as good of a security system as some prisons ( most water treatment facilities are surrounded by ten foot fences with barbed wire, alarms, camaras, electronic card locks, buzz gates, and around twenty operators). The real reason that there are prescription drugs in the water system is because nearly every city re-introduses highly treated effluent water back into the cities water supply (in lamen terms: sewer water).
So after that long explanation< it seems the real culprits here are...You and Me

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