posted on May, 17 2008 @ 07:55 PM
ok guess thanks to a member of ats pointing me in the right direction (paradox) ive found this thread and would love to share some things with you and
the poster!!
right i'll start from as far back as i can remeber, and for other reason start with something else,
when i was god now how old maybe 6-7 my grandad died and i remember, mum one night saying she had a dream she was in this garden and she spoke with
her old man, my grandad after he die of course and it was beautifull then when she was in a semi sleep stay she could here music playing and it
sounded as if it was coming from behind the walls, dont know wot that ment but anyways that wot she told me and it was one of thos dream that felt
very very real,
so with me remembering that....
about a few week no more after i was having a nighmere of wot i cant remember, but i remember being a wake but not in my body kinda feeling dont wana
sound nuts im just explain to the best i can i remember feeling coming back in my arms and thinking ok just open your eyes/eye lids so you can see, i
felt paralise and just numb when i went top force them open with my finger it just felt like a skull, "meesed up i know lol" but then i suddenly
woke up
and was scare stiff it was like electric running though my body, i felt all tingerly, i looked well i didnt look as in turn my head as i was laying on
my back and woke up looking forward, then i see a small man in a gray suit standing there looking directly at me, at the time i though he was big as i
was young but thinking over things of late, he can of been more than3ft-4ft, after about 1min he faded away into thin air i layed there for about
20mins after scared stiff so to speak i was in complet shock after the nightmare before hand aswell that was bad enuff, i woke all my brother up as we
all shared the same room, but i didnt tell them, WELL THATS ONE OF THEM!
this was more recent, id say when i was 16-18 i shared a room with my youngest brother, and as i was that age i had my girlfreind come over and sleep
so we just chill at night n watch dvds, i feel asleep one night it was summer if i remember right, my girl was laying next to me and my bro asleep in
the bed next to us i sort of remember going to sleep last and turning the tv of,
the dream, i was just walking around my street it was as if id feel asleep and went out walking around the street just seeing wot people was up to but
nobody could see me when i said hello, all of a sudden i herd screams and children saying run run so i started running but i wasnt running to fast it
was like slow motion i was panicing as the same rule didnt seem to aply to this huge black shadow that was coming after me i ran all the way back to
my house, but there was no one in it,
when i got upstaires into my room i woke up right infront of me was the black mist/shadow filling my entire bedroom door, i was trying to shout wake
up can you see that wake up wtf is that, but nothing was coming out my mouth, a rush of air come from behind me witch is strange as the window was
closed the door slowly the quickly slammed closed shacking the whole house, about then i could speak and i was shouting did you see that did you see
that, and looked around and my girlfreind & my brother was just laying there in shock looking towards the door of the room and my bro siad yeahhhhh,
jumped out of bed and run around the house looking to see if anybody was about my mum come out of her bedroom asking wot the hell that noise was,
thay have all forgot about that night, thay no wot happend but just shrug it of, where as me i still have the same things happening,
now i dont see things after these thing happen but i allways look about to see if i can see soemthing else like wot happend before, now wot happens is
i wake up but my body dont i feel heat on my back and a really high pitch noise getting louder & louder and feel like something is pushing me into the
bed, ive even herd the bed springs go, and my brother can here me sometime saying help in a really breathless effort, it can happen sometime up to 12
time i a row minites after etc, im 26 now and its still happening,
just thought id share this with you, as ive not really spoke to anybody about it other than freinds & fam,
anybody else have this sort of thing happen to them? id love to here it....
oh i forgot to say!!!! the reason i said about the thing with my mum at the start is because thats the thing that got me linking it at a young age to
ghosts etc but others relate it to ufos? i dont know and im not saying its either all i know is it was real and allways happend after SP or nightmeres
you guess is as good as mine, thanks foe reading!!!!!
[edit on 17-5-2008 by BRITWARRIOR]