posted on Oct, 27 2004 @ 07:34 PM
"So I'm sitting in my car, right?"
"And this total lame ugly guy comes up and is like, 'Hey Maria..."
"Yeah, right? And I'm like, 'Watch the car, dork,' right?"
"And he's like, 'Have you ever stopped to think about how little time you have?' And I'm like, 'Uhh...whatever."
"And he's like, 'It's too bad your 60 seconds is almost up. And I'm like, 'whatever weirdo.' And he's like, "Too bad you only exist in a 2
dimenional plane of unreality. And I'm like, 'What are you talking about?' "
"And he's like, it's too bad you only live in these words and through these lines. Too bad your 60 seconds is already gone and you won't exist
after this.' And I'm like 'what?' And he was like, 'like this-