posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 03:01 AM
you do music too? aweomse! im in band, play bass. well, i used to be real into journalism, then somehow...bah! somehow..i know exactly how. i read
fahrenheit:451 and from then on i was a writing fanatic. i started out, like you, with just lyrics and such, but since about august ive been real into
fiction and poetry and spoekn word, etc, etc, etc. i think with your poetry you would be really great at spoken word. i also really like writing
little tidbits like those advice from beyond the necktie things. my how to make perfect toast thing is a novel im working on that is completely
nonfiction, actually. haha.
i hope to write until the day i die. actually, i really want to open a bookstore called Toast and Jams, selling crazy books, poetry, every night is
open mic night, friday night is movie night and saturday is reserved for bands. i dunno....just a place for kids who are way too cool to hang out at
starbucks.hahahha. but i really am hoping to open that up