posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 01:19 PM
those of us whom are smart enough to look past the nonsense are indeed the wisest ,as we are calmly sitting back and watching the folly of the fools.
in this way we are watching ,waiting,learning and bidding our time until it is our time to take the reins of power and madness away from those who
have defiled our mother THE EARTH. for with out her we have no destiny or future . we only have to look forward to our fate which is NOTHING.
the end of all life,and our time is now growing so very short now, as is our patience.
no one has really been dumded down,they in reality have put their minds to sleep ,so sick and tired of the madness and insanity that surrounds us
,that the only way they are able to cope with this madness is to sleep and dream, a dream of wisdom and knowledge and perfection where everything is
so right and perfect,this dream is locked within us all ,so how do we wake them up so that they can begin to make this dream a reality within the
world of mankind.
all the good books say sinners heal thyself -this cannot be accomplished until we heal our mother and undo the damage that we have done only then
can we have our so called salvation -because only then have we saved ourselves,our children our MOTHER -EARTH-from the mindless destruction caused by
us the human race.
we may be intelligent at times ,but then again we can be the dumbest stumps in the forest ,as we all have a bad habit of leaving up to someone
else,the worst thing is that we all contributed to the destruction of ourselves ,without a care in the world as someone else will take care of it or
so we thought .
look at the folly of our governments the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing,and everyone of the others in between are lost and
stumbling over one another in a forest which no longer exists as it is sitting in front of them as a table and nothing else matters to them except
their bonuses and paychecks and the rest of reality passes them blindly by.
it is not the people who have been dumbed down it is the so called leaders and their lackeys .for if i had a penny for everything they have done
right i would owe so much that i would never see the light of day,op`s i forgot i can`t see through the fog of pollution caused by their factories and
corporations ,that believe that the only thing in the world that matters is their greedy ,slimy little pockets full of gold.