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A physical miracle : Cell phone calls from UA 93

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posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 12:04 AM
reply to post by Swampfox46_1999

Total agreement in cell transmission distance at this altitude, with no reflection,attenuation, multipath or other obstacles to RF propagation, which in fact may be as much as 2-3x or more for being above ground, because of the line of site to a cell tower without interference. This is nothing like the transmission and reception quality you can get when on land.

There is no argument that these transmissions were not technically feasible and coherently valid; and for certain, the cell phone records billed to the recipients or originators are proof enough.

Simple RF facts, take it to a HAM operator if you have doubts.

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 06:09 AM
reply to post by TheOven

2 calls from near end of flight, Cee Cee Lyles (Flight attendent), Ed Felt calling from rear bathroom

Plane (according to Flight recorder) was at altitude of 7000-8000 ft at time of calls

That area of Pennsylvania is mountainous - the cell towers are on mountain tops at elevation of ~ 3000 ft
above sea level. Add in 300 ft for tower

Plus is rural area where towers are farther apart and consequently more powerful signals

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by DragonriderGal

No one claimed any of the 9-11 compensation money either.

Oh really? Out of the 40 victims on Flight 93, there were 25 claims filed with the Compensation Fund, paying out

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by DragonriderGal

so either enlist "Let's Roll!!" and go get those ##SNIP##, or be a unpatriotic coward... And the original transcript to that operator.. he never said "let's roll".

That is because he never said it to the operator. He had dropped the phone and was saying it to the other passengers and it was overheard by the operator, only the words said directly to the operator are in the transcript.
edit on Sat Sep 10 2011 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 07:07 PM
I actually fly through out the world on a monthly basis.
My Iphone 3GS loses reception about 30 seconds after take off and around 15,000 feet i start to get reception back. I know the altitude because of the displays in the cabins.

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 07:07 PM


posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by vipertech0596

Hey, thanks for sharing your opinion again, Viper!

And gee... how coincidental that no individuals are named.. just a chunk sum. Like that couldn't be faked. If they can pretend a whole airplane went into the ground, faking some money payouts shouldn't be at all difficult. And even better, they could just put that right into their pockets. Part of the deal, probably.

And yah, sure. He just didn't say it to the operator. Of course that explains it. *rolls eyes* But in later versions of the transcript, it does say he said that. My, how handy to shift stuff around to make it more manipulative.. er i mean more convincing.. er I mean, more accurate.. or however it's justified.

edit on 9-9-2011 by DragonriderGal because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 08:28 PM
Well anybody old enough can corrobate this. How was your cellphone reception around 2001? Mistery solved.

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by DragonriderGal

Ah yes, the inevitable...."EVERYONE was in on it" . I was waiting for that kind of a post from you. United was in on it, the families were in on it, the passengers were in on it, everyone in the military was in on it, the employees of GTE were in on it, the lawyers were in on it, the contracted employees who processed the claims were in on it, the pathologists who identified the remains of the passengers were in on it..........

Have you contacted the VA for your disability benefits yet?

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 11:45 PM

Originally posted by vipertech0596
reply to post by DragonriderGal

Ah yes, the inevitable...."EVERYONE was in on it" . I was waiting for that kind of a post from you. United was in on it, the families were in on it, the passengers were in on it, everyone in the military was in on it, the employees of GTE were in on it, the lawyers were in on it, the contracted employees who processed the claims were in on it, the pathologists who identified the remains of the passengers were in on it..........

Have you contacted the VA for your disability benefits yet?

Let's just consider 'hypothetically' for a moment that you are TPTB, and you have just committed the most heinous crimes against America ever. You thought you had all your bases covered, and with the CIA, half the FBI, most of the MSM, half the congress, the president, not to mention dozens, if not hundreds of dual citizenship flunkies in high government offices, plus most of the big businesses of the world under your direction, you believe you can do this and get away with it.

Just spin the american public with your well trained media and do a couple sad face song and dances, throw a little money at the actual victims families, and off you go... billions of dollars in gold in your pocket, all the falsifed securities destroyed (and all records of them destroyed in WTC 7's collapse) from the vaults beneath the WTC, you get a one day demolition of those troublesome buildings that would cost billions and take years if done via official channels; a good test of the actual security of the Pentagon from a missile strike in the section just remodeled to handle that very thing (since you intend that it will be YOUR pentagon soon and YOU are not in the least benevolent so missiles will probably be coming your way); and a wham-o-dyne plot for the best recruiting inducement ever with the 'heros of UA93' to trick people into enlisting and supporting your greed-driven war against the middle eastern countries. PLUS you can trick the scared sheeple into accepting the 'patriot act' which essentially strips them of their constitutional rights. It's just a total win-win!

But dang it, not every one is believing your OS and more and more start doubting it as those who are speaking the truth are bring up stuff that is very hard to refute! They keep pointing out flaws of huge magnitude, so you desperately push your flunkies to fix on-line copies of stuff (since no one has paper copies anymore) and plant information to try to correct for the problems as much as possible as more and more of these fatal flaws get revealed.

You are fully aware that if the coverup fails, you are sooooooooo gonna hang in the wind, and a pissed off America is not who you want to face. If it was revealed what you had done, and who you had the help from, there would be an outcry like none heard since the American revolution. And since we citizens still have our guns, much to your annoyance and frustration, the likelihood of a mob militia spontaneously springing up is pretty likely. Sure, you've been trying to get the police forces to be para-miltary so they'll respond like soldiers versus civilians, but with the full horrible truth revealed, even they would probably turn on you and your traitorous flunkies. You'll be dragged from your 'castles' and be ripped from limb to limb, and rightly so.

So, no.. there isn't any reason someone would go to all the trouble to try to bury or refute (even if it's obviously illogical and against the laws of physics) information and push the lapdog media to lie thru their teeth by spreading false or misleading stories, shift information like, oh, no.. they were on the AIRFONES, not their cell phones even though at the outset, it was clearly stated 'cell phones' and then making anyone who spoke the truth seem like just those crazy conspiracy nuts. Nope, no reason at all that TPTB would want to keep the true 9-11 events hidden so they won't be revealed as the dasterdly and horrible crimes that they are, and done to us by TPTB and their flunkies buried in our government and media, and in all sorts of departments, like the Justice department, or the NIST, or the FBI, or CIA, to name a few. No reason what so ever... Right.

edit on 10-9-2011 by DragonriderGal because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 11:53 PM
reply to post by thedman

So honestly how many people in this thread have been on a plane and could get any cell signal?

I have flown a few times since 9/11 and I loose signal right after takeoff.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by TheOven
reply to post by thedman

So honestly how many people in this thread have been on a plane and could get any cell signal?

I have flown a few times since 9/11 and I loose signal right after takeoff.

Oh don't ya know.. they weren't on cell phones... They were really on Airfones.. yah that's it! Airfones!

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by vipertech0596
reply to post by DragonriderGal

Ah yes, the inevitable...."EVERYONE was in on it" . I was waiting for that kind of a post from you. United was in on it, the families were in on it, the passengers were in on it, everyone in the military was in on it, the employees of GTE were in on it, the lawyers were in on it, the contracted employees who processed the claims were in on it, the pathologists who identified the remains of the passengers were in on it..........

Have you contacted the VA for your disability benefits yet?

Ohh and I forgot to mention the 'hypothetical' PTB for sure wouldn't go to all the trouble to put paid dis-info agents to sites like this one to counter act any efforts made by those who question that highly questionable OS by making trouble, and disrupting any thread which might actually get people to thinking...

And really, in theory, it wouldn't take many of these dis-info agents types.. maybe 6 or 8 per website, even as it wouldn't take many to 'fix' the info and create stuff to go along with the faked OS for media publication. Not everyone in the agencies would need to be involved---just the top level management and some flunkies in the ranks.

Say like the 'hypothetical' flunkie who probably made up the call log for Flight 93. Who else in the company would every consider to look at that stuff, except the paid off bosses?? So, after the uproar of how people couldn't have been using cell phones on the hijacked planes, of course the 'records' would now show Airfone usage.. and really, how would they know if someone used their private cell phones??? I'm surprised if they have that level of spy technology, that they don't charge anybody who uses their cell phones instead of the Airfones when on their airplane, eh?

Anyway some of these 'hypthetical' dis-info agents would probably be very rigid and set on defending the OS, either by making up stuff, calling those who question the OS the equivalent of idiots, or pushing what are really wildly irrational ideas about physics all the while citing other dis-info agents who were paid to create a story that explained the OS which twists information all around to 'prove' it with some cheesy computer simulations that can't even be considered sufficient proof to be used in a court of law, or by pulling up info that's been fixed after those who question the OS saw the flaws and started questioning them.. They then would depend on the basic ignorance and brain washing of the average american to choose to believe the 'sanctioned talking head' OS version despite what seems to be quite illogical and fallacy filled information.

Then of course there would be 'hypothetical' others who would be starting topics with fringe ideas to make those who question look like they are part of a whole group of looney toon conspiracy nuts, which then of course those who are truly questioning would start wasting their time and energy trying to prove that kind of idea wouldn't be likely, keeping them from discussing the things that would be possible and sharing their insights and information as to why the OS isn't true.

Oh no.. those 'hypothetical' PTB would have absolutely NO reason what so ever to go to all that trouble... it's only their lives and entire plan for world domination hanging in the balance. Nothing important, really.
edit on 10-9-2011 by DragonriderGal because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 09:29 PM
Wow, it has been a long time since I have seen so much paranoia and so many falsehoods on one paragraph. Was waiting for the paid disinfo accusation to come out..

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by vipertech0596
Wow, it has been a long time since I have seen so much paranoia and so many falsehoods on one paragraph. Was waiting for the paid disinfo accusation to come out..

Of course you have to respond this way, Viper! I'd be quite surprised and disappointed if you didn't. So, as always, thanks for sharing your opinion.

It is of course 'hypothetical', eh? But hey, there are people out there who might enjoy such a well-rounded 'hypothesis'. Might get some other people to wondering... Always a good thing, to wonder---explore new ways of seeing things. I know you aren't going to to that, right now, but who knows.. maybe one day you'll feel freer to do so.

And one paragraph??? Wow. And you say my 'truther' math is terrible???? *lol*

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