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Americas 14,000mph secret transit system

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posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by Optix
I wonder what kind of tech is used to achieve that speed? magnets? Also where are all the sounds of sonic booms going?14,000 mph is way over the sound barrier.

Magneto-leviton in a vaccum.

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 08:35 PM
Lets see, accelerate at 1400 miles per minute until you reach 14,000mph then slow down at a rate of 1400 miles per minute and come to a safe stop.. The passengers would literally explode...75% water and that thing about no being able to compress water.

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by pavil
Sonic booms and the overall vibration of the system would be major problems. Also exactly how do you stop something traveling 14,000 MPH in a normal fashion. Where did the money for this come from and why was it built? I am not buying this.

Wow I'm surprised no one has heard of the TGV

Come on people, maglev has been around for a long time and it doesn't vibrate

TGV floating train

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by beholdblight

Surely you realize France's Grand Vitesse doesn't go the indicated 14,000 mph??? I imagine some people are inferring the difference in speed would create supplementary issues (because the difference is pretty significant) ... supplemental to anything we currently know of and recognize, generally, as valid and in operation on this planet.

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 10:22 PM

Originally posted by debris765nju
Lets see, accelerate at 1400 miles per minute until you reach 14,000mph then slow down at a rate of 1400 miles per minute and come to a safe stop.. The passengers would literally explode...75% water and that thing about no being able to compress water.

Consider a mag lev train inside a vacuum tube

"Upon reaching 17,500 mph (7.8 km/s), necessary for low Earth orbit, the main engines are shut down" - Wiki
Wiki Space Shuttle

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by debris765nju
Lets see, accelerate at 1400 miles per minute until you reach 14,000mph then slow down at a rate of 1400 miles per minute and come to a safe stop.. The passengers would literally explode...75% water and that thing about no being able to compress water.

Repeat after me....VACUUM.

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 11:07 PM
reply to post by captaintyinknots

Basically the same thing I said. Thanks for stealing my thunder lol

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by captaintyinknots
Can you l]hold your breath for twenty-one minutes? Can you show a ley line that stretches from N.Y. to L.A.? How about a three thousand mile vacuum tube? Just because something is underground does not make it a vacuum.

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by debris765nju

Study the subject a bit. Study how the tunnels are supposedly made. Study what a subterrain is and how it tunnels. Then, if you still dont get it, come ask me about it(not that I am an expert by any means, hell, I dont even know if they exist. but I HAVE at the least taken the time to study the subject instead of leaping to a "that's impossible" stance like you).

As for holding breath, there is such a thing as supplied oxygen, you know.

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by debris765nju
Can you l]hold your breath for twenty-one minutes? Can you show a ley line that stretches from N.Y. to L.A.? How about a three thousand mile vacuum tube? Just because something is underground does not make it a vacuum.

Ummm do they hold their breath on the space shuttle or the ISS? Are they not in a vacuum? Do airline passengers hold their breath at 35,000 feet? Ever hear of 'pressurized compartments"?


posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Do they have the full-body scanners, and enhanced pat-down procedures in place yet, for those who are lining up to board these mag-lev high-speed underground trains?

And, is there ample overhead space for the carry-ons??

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by debris765nju
How about a three thousand mile vacuum tube?

Map of the system 1972

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by zorgon

OH...I see.

Then, is it to be presumed, based on that presentation, that at the time of the map (1972) it represented a complete underground high-speed secret transit system already in place, as depicted? Every connection, between each city depicted?

NO way was that just a proposal, of what might be built, was it?

Please, clarify.....

PS: I certainly hope that ATS member (and OP) JKRog is able to see his thread, from the "beyond", and enjoy the humor. It is ALL in good fun, Roger!!

PPS: Wish you could send us a message, from the "great unknown". But, I suppose, we all get there is the 'ultimate destination', after all. SO, keep the beer lukewarm, wouldja!!

OR, a very, very good Red Zin, for me please!

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Are the space shuttle, ISS or aircraft accelerating through a stone tube at 14000 mph? Know what those three have in common? Space. Do you know the principle that makes a bicycle pump work? You do know about earthquakes, cave collapses and mining. Don't forget about all those underground aliens especially under the four corners region. On a more serious note, a train with only two stops isn't fiscally feasible. If there are more than those two stops then the speed drops proportionately. There can't be that many HUMAN passengers or there would be videos and photographs not to mention people on talk shows, et cetera, etc....

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
OH...I see.
Then, is it to be presumed, based on that presentation, that at the time of the map (1972) it represented a complete underground high-speed secret transit system already in place, as depicted? Every connection, between each city depicted?

Well that would be a good assumption... that they have come a long way in 30 plus years of playing Mole

NO way was that just a proposal, of what might be built, was it?
Please, clarify....

You should non chalantly ask some NAVY Seals if they have ever ridden the tube... I also hear 'rumors' that there is a station deep under the Luxor in Las Vegas, which coincidentally is just across the street from the Janet Terminal

I think they just did some new tunneling recently as well. Seems they cut through some major power lines beneath the Belagio. Quite a mystery really. They needed to bring in a lot of cable to replace the damage. They still don't know the cause and this happened in 2004..

I guess the moles forgot to call before they dug

SO, keep the beer lukewarm, wouldja!!

OR, a very, very good Red Zin, for me please!

Okay now put down that bottle and step away from the counter

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 07:02 PM
reply to post by zorgon

I think they just did some new tunneling recently as well. Seems they cut through some major power lines beneath the Belagio. Quite a mystery really. They needed to bring in a lot of cable to replace the damage. They still don't know the cause and this happened in 2004..


I think it was "Ocean's Twelve"....OR, was it the next one, Ocean's Thirteen" ??

I think it was Thirteen....they had the big underground "drilling" machine, to simulate the "earthquake" to make actor Andy Garcia (playing his character as a spitty casino "mogul") "spit bricks" about the "EARTHQUAKE" under his "casino", ( a MAJOR aspect of the plot, in the case no one has seen the movie) and this, hilarity as the STING progresses ensues...

WHAT was your point, again? I got distracted, recalling the plot of that HOLLWOOD FILM and screenplay...something we ALL know are constantly fact-based, yes??

edit on 25 November 2010 by weedwhacker because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

I don't think I wanna see the "tube attendants" that spend their days on these things, the flight attendants that I see flying international look bad enough!!!!!!
edit on 25-11-2010 by habu71 because: correct punctuation

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by debris765nju
Are the space shuttle, ISS or aircraft accelerating through a stone tube at 14000 mph? Know what those three have in common? Space. Do you know the principle that makes a bicycle pump work? You do know about earthquakes, cave collapses and mining. Don't forget about all those underground aliens especially under the four corners region. On a more serious note, a train with only two stops isn't fiscally feasible. If there are more than those two stops then the speed drops proportionately. There can't be that many HUMAN passengers or there would be videos and photographs not to mention people on talk shows, et cetera, etc....

1) the 14,000 mph is a top speed. Read the Rand report and you will see slower times for the shorter runs. Newspapers always sensationalize the top number. I believe it was closer to 6,000 MPH on average

2) Earthquake shocks do very little damage within the earth itself, especially deep down. The shock waves become destructive when they reach the surface, like a Tsunami is at its worst just before landfall. The Bay of San Francisco has a BART subway train that runs under water right across the San Andreas fault. Seen any problems with that one?

3) Since the 'alledged' aliens at those underground bases have a contract with our secret government, how do you figure that they will be a problem?

4) Yes there are many stations and several smaller lines off the main lines... I hear that we can actually go to Australia but I can't confirm that one yet

5) The people that ride these 'tubes' are of the same character as fly on Janet Airlines daily to Area 51, Los Alamos, Tonopah and other places. THEY don't talk either, nor show pictures (though granted everyone knows about Janet Airlines

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 09:31 PM

Defense Technical Information Center
Accession Number: ADA032172
Citation Status: ACTIVE
Title: The Very High Speed Transit System,


Personal Author(s): Salter,R. M.
Report Date: AUG 1972
Media Count: 19 Pages(s)
Report Number(s): P-4874 (P4874)


*Magnetically levitated vehicles, *Tubetrains, *Very high speed transit systems

The Very High Speed Transit or 'VHST' concept was put forward some years ago in response to the search for a pollution-free transport method that could operate at speeds competitive with aircraft. The general principles are relatively straightforward: Electromagnetically levitated and propelled cars in an evacuated tunnel. The VHST's 'tubecraft' ride on, and are driven by, electromagnetic (EM) waves much as a surfboard rides the ocean's waves. The EM waves are generated by pulsed or by oscillating currents in electrical conductors that form the 'roadbed' structure in the evacuated 'tubeway.' Opposing magnetic fields in the vehicle are generated by means of a loop of superconducting cable carrying on the order of a million amperes of current. The system is highly conservative of energy. Economic, environmental and technical aspects are briefly considered.

Distribution Limitation(s): 01 - APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE
Source Code: 296600
Document Location: DTIC AND NTIS
Geopolitical Code: 0628
Supplementary Notes: Previously announced as N73-13990.
Citation Updated: 06 MAR 2002

Distribution Statement : APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE
Members of the public may purchase hardcopy documents from the National Technical Information Service.

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by zorgon
I am familiar with that 30 year old wish list and have seen the huge boring and paving machines that look like round locomotives. I know some tunnels were bored, i am not questioning that. I question the speed, 20 times faster then the "Bullet" trains speed of 300 mph. I have also read of submarines that have traveled underground to bases in Utah. That is a lot farther than a trip under the San Francisco Bay. Could you perhaps expand on the need for that kind of speed and a train as well as an airline? A few words about disposing of residual heat from that depth would also be appreciated.

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