posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 04:44 PM
Mag lev trains...yep the idea of them has been talked about for a long time now. I think they are real, the speeds mentioned, maybe not that fast,
but fast enough. Sure makes you wonder!
As for the money, yeah the black budget thing is a possibility, but then when companies that already make gobs of money are offered contracts of this
nature, heck I am sure money can be printed by the usual sources without any backing on it. Work is done for the use of it by those who make it money deals are no problem in the black ops world.
As for undergrond installations that the general public know nothing to little about...oh they are very real. What is intersting about undergrond
stuff is, the are made only for those who have the right to know of them and use them. All else can go.... The point is, they are designed for some
to survive not the general public.
Just think, if you were offered access to the underground club for life, I think you wouldn' talk about it much either, so as to keep it secret they
sure will.