posted on May, 31 2008 @ 04:42 PM
What's up everyone? I was on vacation for a while, just coming back to this thread. What a treat to see people continuing on as well as new people
interjecting with their experiences, awesome!
Cosmicstorm: I saw that you said you were doing research on Morgellon's......I actually ran into a case of it about 3 1/2 months ago and still have
small remnants of it. If you would like, you can U2U me and I can tell you more about it if you're interested in a personal account as well as my own
Two of the most unbelieveable experience of my life happened a week and a half ago.
I have lately been feeling the new energy shift that occured in the beginning of May in a very large manner. Everything seems out of place,
discomforting, and foreign. But the most amazing thing I've felt is the lightness of the air, my body, and my thoughts. I can feel vibration more so
than ever before.
One night, I was looking in the mirror at my aura. Sometimes when I do this, I also look at my face and can see it change into other people's
faces/souls/past existances. Anyways, as my face was continually changing shape, all of a sudden the shell of my body disappears in front of my eyes.
What was left was myself in a pure vibrational energy form. (I posted earlier about seeing blue, red, and purple dots my whole life. I was made of the
same dots) My face had a very feminine appearance to it. I had no bones, skin, organs, or anything. My hands were moving but I could only see energy.
When I looked back in the mirror, my eyes appeared as holograms and I was able to make out what I thought to be two of my chakras. After about six or
seven minutes, I came to and everything went back to normal.
Three nights later, I laid down to bed. After laying down for three minutes, the virbational feeling I speak of begins to come over my body. No big
deal as I feel this roughly 50 times a day. The thing was that it was numbing my body to the point where I couldn't move body parts. My dog was
sleeping next to me, I tried to pet him, but couldn't move my hand or arm. When the vibration was so intense that I couldn't move anything, I calmed
myself not worrying about the reprecussions.
What happened next was amazing. I ascended out of my body and began rising to the roof of my apartment. I looked at my hands and they were the same
energy as the experience prior. I looked down and could see my paralyzed body with my dog sleeping on top of it. All of a sudden there was an
extremely high pitched noise with a huge flash and bang. After that moment, I had arrived to what I understand to be the fourth dimension. It was
almost exactly what the fourth dimension has appeared to me as in my meditations except brighter.
There was no weight there. Everything was free flowing. I moved myself with my mind. There were no shapes, only existance. The feeling of oneness was
very present. It was very apparant that definitely is a place of instant manifestation. I've been reading The Flower of Life Vol. 2 by Drunvalo
Melchizedek (must read btw!), and earlier in the day had just read about the Egyptians preparing themselves for 24 years before they enacted a 2-3 day
ascension experience. They prepared so long because they must have completely rid fear out of their life before ascension because where they were
going was a place of instantaneous manifestation and a thought of fear could make them destruct.